Zdravo, stavio sam 1 zvezdicu od 5. Zašto? Deponovao sam 4 puta u ovom kazinu. Posle 4 depozita imao sam veliku sreću i osvojio sam 2500 usd. Sada pokušavam da se povučem i šta se dešava. Račun je zaključan i koja dokumenta treba da pošaljem: Poštovani Andrejs,
Da bismo verifikovali Vaš nalog, molimo Vas da nam pošaljete sledeća dokumenta:
1) Dokaz o adresi. Ne sme biti stariji od 90 dana i odražavati:
-tvoje ime
-adresa, navedena u profilu
-datum izdavanja dokumenta
Primeri: račun za komunalne usluge, izvod iz banke.
2) Snimak ekrana Skrill naloga koji se koristi za depozite sa vidljivim vašim imenom i e-poštom
3) Selfi sa ličnom kartom gde će se dokument jasno videti i gde možemo da se uverimo da upravo vi držite svoj dokument. Možda, pokažite lakat i rame ruke kojom držite dokument.
Takođe, za dodatnu verifikaciju vašeg naloga, molimo vas da nam dostavite sledeća dokumenta:
- dokument (ili više dokumenata), koji pokazuje vaš prihod za poslednjih šest meseci. Na primer, platne liste, dokaz o vlasništvu preduzeća, prodaja imovine, uplata nasledstva, nagodba za razvod, itd.
- detaljan pdf izvod iz banke sa listom svih transakcija koje pokazuju da su ovaj prihod (poreklo sredstava) pripisan na vaš bankovni račun za poslednjih 6 meseci.
Nadamo se vašem strpljenju i razumevanju!
Srdačan pozdrav,
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Ako mislite da je u redu, igrajte ovaj kazino. Imaju dobar bonus program (ali sa opkladom k60) :)
Nakon što pošaljem sva dokumenta, sa selfijem, adresom, izvorom sredstava. primio sam ažuriranje od njih:
Molimo da nam dostavite još jedan selfi sa ličnom kartom na kome će se dokument jasno videti. Ne zaboravite da pokažete lakat i rame ruke kojom držite dokument.
Takođe bismo vas zamolili da nam dostavite sledeći dokument:
- dokument (ili više dokumenata), koji pokazuje vaš prihod za poslednjih šest meseci. Na primer, platne liste, dokaz o vlasništvu preduzeća, prodaja imovine, uplata nasledstva, nagodba za razvod, itd.
Možete da navedete isti tip dokumenta koji imate za potvrdu adrese u svojoj prvoj e-pošti za svih 6 meseci.
epski sajt, ne deponujte ovde, dobijate = imate mnogo problema
20 09 više od 10 sati u ćaskanju. Objašnjavam sve što je moguće. Da razume situaciju. učitavam punu izvod iz banke gde možete videti sve transakcije. ali onda kazino traži posebno poslatu svaku platu od poslednjih 6 meseci :)
Hello, i put 1 star from 5. Why? I deposited 4 times in this casino. After 4 deposit i had big luck and won 2500 usd. Now i try to withdraw and what happens. Account is locked and what documents i need to send: Dear Andrejs,
In order to verify your account, we would like to ask you to send us the following documents:
1)Proof of address. It must be no older than 90 days and reflect:
-your name
-address, stated in the profile
-issuance date of the document
Examples: utility bill, bank statement.
2)Screenshot of the Skrill account used for deposits with your Name and E-mail visible
3)Selfie with your ID where the document will be clearly seen and where we can make sure that is exactly you holding your document. Perhaps, show the elbow and shoulder of the hand with which one you're holding a document.
Also, for additional verification of your account, we would ask you to provide us with the following documents, please:
- a document (or a number of documents), showing your income for the last six months. For example payslips, proof of business ownership, selling a property, an inheritance payment, a divorce settlement, etc.
- a detailed pdf bank statement with the list of all transactions showing this income (the origin of funds) being credited to your bank account for the last 6 months.
Hope for your patience and understanding!
Best regards,
Jackpoty Casino Support Team
If you think, that it is okay, then play this casino. They have good bonus program ( but with wager x60) :)
UPDATE 16.09
After i send all documents, with selfie, adress , source of funds. i recevied update from them:
Kindly provide us with another selfie with your ID where the document will be clearly seen. Do not forget to show the elbow and shoulder of the hand with which you're holding a document.
We would also like to ask you to provide us with the following document, please:
- a document (or a number of documents), showing your income for the last six months. For example payslips, proof of business ownership, selling a property, an inheritance payment, a divorce settlement, etc.
You can provide the same type of document as you have for address proof in your first e-mail for all 6 months.
epic site, do not deposit here, you win = you have a lot of problems
20 09 more that 10 hours in chat. I explainall waht possible. To understand situation. i upload my bank full statment where you can see all transaction. but then casino ask for separately sent every salary from last 6 months :)