Ne verujte dobrim recenzijama o ovom kazinu jer nudi podsticaje za to. Pažljivo pročitajte moju recenziju jer bi vas to moglo spasiti u sličnoj situaciji. Kazino je registrovan u Santa Lusiji u suštini Scream a scam, čak se i kompanija koja njime upravlja zove Starscream, ali ostavimo po strani lošu lokaciju i hajde da pričamo o mom iskustvu. Napravio sam nekoliko depozita, ali je bilo manje od 100 USD tako da je u redu. Sesije su bile iste bez obzira na provajdera, ali danas je bilo van kontrole, bilo je previše sumnjivo tako da sam u suštini siguran da su ti prevaranti ne samo veštački snizili RTP, već su koristili i softver za smanjenje određenih pogodaka kao što je 5-of-a- ljubazni jer su bili odsutni u više od 300 puta dok sam vrteo slot. Već sam obrisao svoj nalog tako da, nažalost, ne mogu da pružim dokaz njihove RTP manipulacije, o, da, uspeo sam čak i dok sam se suočio sa njima. Za one koji ne znaju, kazina mogu i imaju mogućnost da smanje RTP, a Impressario je to učinio 100%. Možete proveriti trenutni procenat na većini slotova preko info dugmeta. Kazina koja prevara neko vreme obično to kriju tako da je ne vidite, a evo primera kako vas kriminalci opljačkaju i sakriju. Primer je iz slota Rise of Merlin, PainGo.
Linkovi su sa imgbb gde sam postavio snimke ekrana i naravno prvi je Impressariov. Kada ga otvorite, možete li mi reći da li možete da vidite gde je naveden procenat RTP-a? Nisi video? To je zato što kada snize RTP, informacije u slotu će se ažurirati u skladu sa tim, tako da je njihova jedina opcija da sakriju svoj zločin da sakriju kaznu.
Drugi snimak ekrana je iz pouzdanog legitimnog kazina i videćete navedeni RTP tačno u sredini koji prikazuje 94,51%
Zašto sam izabrao baš ovaj kazino to je zato što bi RTP ove igre trebao biti 96,58% što opet dokazuje činjenicu da ako ga smanje ne mogu sakriti činjenicu da su to uradili.
Don't trust the good reviews about this casino as it offers incentives for it. Read my review carefully as it might save you in a similar situation. The casino is registered in Santa Lucia basically Scream a scam, even the company that operates it is called Starscream but let's set aside the dodgy location and let's talk about my experience. I made several deposits but it was less than 100 USD so it is OK. The sessions were all the same no matter the provider but today was out of hand, it was too fishy so I'm basically sure those scammers not only artificially lowered the RTP but also used software to reduce certain hits like 5-of-a-kind as they were absent in the more than 300 times of me spinning the slot. I already deleted my account so, unfortunately, I cannot provide proof of their RTP manipulation, oh yeah I managed to do it even while confronting them. For those who don't know, casinos can and do have the ability to lower the RTP and Impressario did it 100%. You can check the current percentage on most slots via the info button. Casinos that scam for a while usually hide it so that you cannot see it and here is an example of how criminals rob you and hide it. The example is from the slot Rise of Merlin, PaynGo.
The links are from imgbb where I uploaded the screenshots and of course the first one is Impressario's. When you open it, can you tell me if you can see where is RTP percentage listed? You didn't see? It's because when they lower the RTP the information in the slot will be updated accordingly so their only option to hide their crime is to hide the sentence.
The second screenshot is from a trustworthy legitimate casino and you will see the listed RTP right in the middle showing 94.51%
Why I chose this casino in particular it's because the RTP of this game should be 96.58% again proving the fact that if they reduce it they cannot hide the fact that they did it.