Trebalo bi da bude kazino bez zvezde. Iikes 1 Doživeo sam nešto što nikada ranije nisam doživeo u bilo kom drugom kazinu koji sam koristio. Vaši uslovi i usluge su smešni, kako bi tačno izgledale opklade na uslove i usluge koji poštuju goste?
Najgori kazino ikada, što je ironično jer sam mislio da sam već dao taj komad torte! Ustao sam i završio sam zbog mnogih ovih ljudi. Razočaravajuće je jer ako ste ovde, a čitajući ovo verovatno ste već bili tamo.
.... Pročitajte uslove i usluge... jer će oni uvek zaštititi kazino... bilo šta u vezi sa gostima... očigledno je u redu da zarobite svoj kazino. Uslovi i usluge treba da štite gosta koliko i kazino. Ozbiljno, ako ne možete da uzmete novac od ppls-a, a da niste pošteni... u pogrešnom ste poslu.
Tvrdite da je vaš bonus za zabavu, a kada novac nestane i svetlo se upali, a gost ostane da se češe po glavi pitajući se zašto izgleda kao da se nisu zabavili?
Volim da se kockam ponekad velike opklade, drugi put male opklade. Da li se kladim, jer ideja o pobedi izgleda lepo, da. Da li sam jadan jer sam izgubio? Ni najmanje.
Trebalo mi je samo 50 dolara da vidim koliko nisko neka kazina mogu pasti. Od ovog trenutka pa nadalje neću koristiti drugi kazino bez da odmah pročitam uslove i usluge. Ne samo naglo ili retrospektivno.
Cuz iikes.
Za one koji su pobedili, BEČI. Ne mogu a da ne osećam da je kazino taj koji se kocka; klađenje na činjenicu da niste pročitali tri termina i usluge. Tamo zavisnik od pohlepe. Nekako je odvratno.
Should be a no star's casino. Yikes 1 I experienced something I've never experienced prior at any other casino I've used. Your terms and services are ridiculous, what exactly would the bets of terms and services abiding guest look like?
Worst casino ever, which is ironic cause I thought I'd already dealt that piece of cake! I'm up and end over for the lot of these folks. It's disappointing cuz if your here, and reading this odds are ya've already been there.
.... Read the terms and service...cuz they'll always protect the any about the guest... apparently it's okay to booby trapt your casino. Terms and services should protect the guest as much as the casino. Seriously if ya'll can't take ppls money without being fair.... your in the wrong business.
You claim that your bonus are for entertainment, and when the money's all gone and the light get turned on and the guest is left scratching their head wondering why it seems like they didn't have fun?
I love to gamble sometime big bets other times lil bets. Do I bet cuz the idea of winning seems nice, yup. Am I miserable because I lost? Not in the slightest.
Only took me 50 dollars to see just how low some casinos might go. From this moment forward I will not use another casino without reading the terms and services immediately. Not just glibly or retrospectively.
Cuz yikes.
To those who have won, RUN. I can't help but feel it's the casino who's gambling; their betting on the fact you didn't read three terms and services. There addicted to greed. It's kind of disgusting.