Librabet mi je zatvorio račun bez razloga i ukrao skoro sav novac. Račun je zatvoren bez razloga i nije me briga zašto, ali novac mora biti vraćen kupcu a ne ukraden. Ne žele da se više igram sa njima.. ok, ali novac se isplaćuje, a ne krade. Imao sam skoro 1.000 PLN na računu i posle mesec dana mučenja sa mejlovima samo povuku... 60 PLN (!!!).
Librabet closed my account for no reason and stole almost all the money. Account have been closed for no reason and I don't care why but the money must be returned to the customer not stolen. They don't want me to play with them anymore.. ok, but money is paid out, not stolen. I had almost PLN 1,000 in my account and after a month of tormenting them with e-mails, they only withdraw... PLN 60 (!!!).