Kazino je apsolutni kockar. Moj nalog je blokiran bez razloga, iako sam verifikovan i odobren. Igrao sam u različitim kockarnicama oko 10 godina, ali vundervins top sav novac koji sam osvojio je nestao.
Ne dobijam odgovor na moju e-poštu
sa ovom e-poštom
Draga Marotta,
Nadamo se da će vas ovaj imejl dobro pronaći.
Kontaktiramo vas da bismo vas obavestili da smo prestali da nudimo naše usluge zbog diskrecione odluke menadžmenta.
Iako nas to rastužuje, zahvalni smo što ste bili deo naše baze igrača i hvala vam što ste nas izabrali i što ste nam ukazali poverenje tokom ovog vremena.
Želimo vam sve najbolje u vašim budućim nastojanjima i podsećamo vas da ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili nedoumica, možete nas kontaktirati u bilo kom trenutku putem našeg ćaskanja uživo ili e-pošte.
The casino is an absolute gambler. My account was blocked for no reason, although I've been verified and approved. I've been playing in different casinos for about 10 years, but wunderwins top all the money I won is gone.
Receive no reply to my email
with this email
Dear Marotta,
We hope this email finds you well.
We are contacting you to inform you that we have stopped offering our services due to a management's discretionary decision.
Although it saddens us, we are grateful to have had you as part of our player base and thank you for your choosing and trusting us during this time.
We wish you the best in your future endeavors and remind you shall you have further questions or concerns, you can contact us at any time through our live chat or email.
Das Casino ist eine absoluter ab Zocker Ohne Grund wurde meine Konto gesperrt ob wohl ich mich verifiziert habe und genehmigt wurde ich spiele seit etwa 10 Jahre in verschiedenen Casino aber wunderwins top alle das gewonnen geld ist weg.
Bekomme Kein Antwort auf meine Email
mit diese Email
Dear Marotta,
We hope this email finds you well.
We are contacting you to inform you that we have stopped offering our services due to a management’s discretionary decision.
Although it saddens us, we are grateful to have had you as part of our player base and thank you for your choosing and trusting us during this time.
We wish you the best in your future endeavors and remind you shall you have further questions or concerns, you can contact us at any time through our live chat or email.