Svi znamo da kuća uvek pobeđuje. Moja negativna recenzija o Oshiju nije zato što sam izgubio mnogo novca, već zato što sam otkrio da vas dobiju tako što će obaviti verifikaciju za 5 minuta, čineći da se osećamo bezbedno i udobno, ali istini za volju, 2500$ u proseku ulog od 2$, nikad nisam dobio bonus runde. Bilo je neverovatno, zaista. I što je najgore, kada sam tražio pristojan bonus s obzirom da sam deponovao 2500$ u periodu od 3 dana, oni nude 30$ CAD. Bio sam toliko zgrožen da sam zatvorio nalog. Ovo je veoma jeftin kazino i nije mesto koje poštuje ili ceni izgradnju odnosa. Ne bih preporučio ovaj kazino ozbiljnim igračima. Ja im ne verujem - oni samo žele da uzmu i uzmu i uzmu. Pogledajte negde drugde, postoje kazina koji veoma dobro tretiraju svoje igrače. Oshi nije jedan od njih.
We all know that the house always wins. My negative review of Oshi isn't because I lost a lot of money, it is because I found that they get you by doing a verification in 5 minutes, making us feel safe and comfortable but truth be told, 2500$ at an average of a 2$ wager, I never got bonus rounds. It was incredible, really. And the worst part, when I asked for a decent bonus considering I deposited 2500$ in a 3 day period, they offer 30$ CAD. I was so disgusted I closed my account. This is a very cheap casino and not the kind of place that respects or values building relationships. I would not recommend this casino to serious players. I do not trust them - they just want to take and take and take. Look elsewhere, there are casinos that treat their players very well. Oshi is not one of them.