BS i najgori kazino. Sporo povlačenje i najgora usluga za korisnike. Zatražio sam povlačenje i oni imaju problem na svom sistemu, ali ga neće brže popraviti. Samo su govorili sačekajte. Prošlo je već 3 dana, ali nema napretka u povlačenju!!!!! Kladim se da NEMAM NIKAKVE IGRAČE KOJI IH DRŽE ZAUZETNIM, ALI NE MOGU BRZO DA DELUJU ZBOG GREŠKA NA SVOM SISTEMU! Ne bih preporučio ljudima da igraju ovde!
BS and worst casino. Slow withdrawal and worst customer service. I requested for withdrawal and they have problem on their system but they wont fix it faster. They just kept on saying wait. It has been 3days already but ni progress of the withdrawal!!!!! I BET DONT HAVE ANY PLAYERS TO KEEP THEM BUSY BUT THEY CANT ACT FAST FOR ERRORS ON THEIR SYSTEM! Would not recommend to for people to play here!