Pa, nakon što sam pročitao neke negativne kritike o Intervetten-u, imao sam ozbiljne sumnje da li ću dobiti svojih 1800 evra profita. Moram da kažem da je trebalo nekoliko dana jer su bili praznici, ali korisnička služba, što je fantastično, mi je rekla da će moje povlačenje stići danas, i jeste, tako da sam imao dobro iskustvo sa njihove strane.
Well, after reading some negative reviews about Interwetten, I had serious doubts about whether I would get my 1800 Euro profit. I have to say that it took a few days because there were holidays, but the customer service, which is fantastic, told me that my withdrawal would arrive today, and it did, so I had a good experience on their part.
Bueno después de leer algunas reseñas negativas respecto a Interwetten tuve serias dudas si llegaría a cobrar 1800 euros de ganancia,he de decir que tardaron unos días ya que hubo días de fiesta,pero la atención al cliente que es fantástica me comunicaron que hoy llegaría mi retiro,y así ha sido,así que he tenido buena experiencia por su parte