Jedino što mogu reći je: Pobrinite se za ovaj kazino i igrajte u ozbiljnim kazinima. Na svom računu imao sam 1500 eura. Na početku su mi rekli da imaju problema s plaćanjem. Nakon 4 mjeseca zatvorili su moj račun bez uplate novca.
Pitam se zašto imaju ocjenu veću od 8. Casino guru bi trebao upozoriti druge igrače. Takođe sam počeo sa 5 plusbet-a jer su ovdje imali dobar plasman. Sad sam zaista razočaran.
Razlog zašto je moj račun zatvoren je taj što živim u Njemačkoj i kažu da je ilegalno igrati iz Njemačke.
1. To zapravo nije nezakonito. Prihvaćeno je. Inače, nijedan drugi kazino ne može ponuditi oklade u Njemačkoj. Od 1. srpnja bit će nezakonita dozvola za rad. Ali prije toga nema razloga za zatvaranje računa.
2. Kada sam igrao u kazinu, mogao sam se prijaviti, položiti depozite i kladiti se. Kazinu bi to bilo lako izbjeći da nije dozvoljeno. Na casinu guruu Njemačka je navedena kao dozvoljena zemlja bez ograničenja
The only thing that i can say is: Take care of this casino and play at serious casinos. I had 1500 Euros on my account. At the beginning they told me that they habe payment problems. After 4 month they closed my account without paying my money.
I wonder why they have a rating over 8. Casino guru should warn other players. I also started at 5 plusbet because they had a good ranking here. Now I am really disappointed.
The reason why my account was closed is that i live in Germany and they say it is illegal to play from Germany.
1. It is not really illegal. It is accepted. Otherwise no other casino could offer bets in Germany. From 1st july on it will be illegal wirhout licence. But before that there is no reason to close an account.
2. When i played at the casino i was able log in, to make deposits and to place bets. It would have been easy for the casino to avoid that if it was not allowed. On casino guru germany was listed as allowed country without restrictions