PAZITE. Ovaj kazino se neće isplatiti!! Pa nekako, deponovano je oko 300 USD i osvojilo otprilike 3K USD. Morao sam da napravim 3 odvojena povlačenja zbog ograničenja povlačenja i kazino valuta je u AUD.
Jedno od mojih isplata je obrađeno za 4 radna dana i isplaćeno sledećeg radnog dana! Sjajno ALI druga DVA su još u fazi obrade, 17 radnih dana i odbrojava se!!! Podrška će reagovati tako što će reći „čim bude mogla" svaki put kada zatraži vremensku liniju. Nisam prekršio nijedno TOS pravila jer sam ih uvek pažljivo čitao. I dalje mi duguju otprilike 1700 USD.
AŽURIRANjE: Ponovo sam kontaktirao podršku. Odgovor koji sam dobio je bio „trenutno imaju veliki broj pobednika u ovom trenutku", odnosno nemaju novca da isplate!!
BEWARE. This casino will not payout!! Well kinda, deposited roughly 300USD and won roughly 3K USD. Had to make 3 seperate withdrawals because of the withdrawal limits and the casino currency is in AUD.
One of my withdrawals was processed in 4 business days and payed out the next business day! Great BUT The other TWO are still in the processing phase, 17 business days and counting!!! Support will respond by saying "as soon as they can" every single time when asking for a timeline. Didn’t break any TOS rules as I always read them throughly. They still owe me roughly 1700 USD.
UPDATE: I contacted support again. The response I got was "they are currently experiencing a high volume of winners at the moment" aka they don’t have the money to pay out!!