Suština je "dobavljač koji se (još) ne bi trebao koristiti".
Postoje četiri razloga.
1. Evidencija depozita nije ispravno evidentirana Bilo da je u pitanju Astropay ili bankovni transfer, evidencija depozita nije ispravno evidentirana i sva istorija depozita je zabilježena kao "Nepoznato".
Iz tog razloga, kada pokušam da podignem novac, podrška mi kaže "Ne mogu da podignem novac jer nemam evidenciju depozita" i ne mogu da pomognem.
2. Mjesto za podnošenje KYC nije prikazano. Osoba za podršku kaže: "Postoji mjesto za podnošenje KYC-a negdje na stranici, pa ga preuzmite odatle." Onako kako je.
3. S obzirom da nema nikoga u chatu cijelo vrijeme, možete se praktično samo raspitati putem e-pošte.
Zaista moram komunicirati sa podrškom zbog grešaka kao što su 1 i 2, ali chat je uvijek prazan i uopće ne radi.
4. Čak i ako postavite upit putem e-maila, ostat će mjesec dana. Pošto chat ne radi, komunikacija sa podrškom je praktički jedan e-mail, ali ovaj e-mail ostaje otprilike mjesec dana.
U slučaju pristojnog prodavca, ako se raspitate e-mailom, izdaće vam se tiket da osoba za podršku neće preskočiti posao, ali toga nema, pa možete ostaviti kako jeste.
Čak i tako, ako čekate oko mjesec dana, dobićete odgovor, ali pošto je odgovor čudan, morate ponovo poslati e-mail.
I naravno, petlja je ostala dugo vremena.
Isplate su toliko zastrašujuće visoke (barem u ovoj fazi) da ne biste trebali ništa učiniti po tom pitanju.
The bottom line is "a vendor that shouldn't be used (yet)".
There are four reasons.
1. The deposit record is not recorded correctly Whether it is Astropay or bank transfer, the deposit record is not recorded correctly and all the deposit history is recorded as "Unknown".
For this reason, when I try to withdraw money, the support says "I can't withdraw money because I don't have a deposit record" and I can't help it.
2. The place to submit the KYC is not displayed. The support person says, "There is a place to submit the KYC somewhere on the site, so get it from there." The way it is.
3. Since there is no one in the chat all the time, you can virtually only make inquiries by email.
I really need to interact with support because of bugs like 1 and 2, but chat is always empty and not working at all.
4. Even if you make an inquiry by e-mail, it will be left for a month. Since the chat is not working, the communication with the support is practically one e-mail, but this e-mail is left for about a month.
In the case of a decent vendor, if you inquire by e-mail, a ticket will be issued so that the support person will not skip the job, but there is no such thing, so you can leave it as it is.
Even so, if you wait for about a month, you will receive a reply, but since it is a strange reply, you have to send an email again.
And of course, the loop left for a long time.
Withdrawals are so terrifyingly high (at least at this stage) that you shouldn't do anything about it.