Iako ne uplaćujem redovno na PlaiOJO, on je na mojoj listi obeleživača otkako sam počeo da se bavim kockanjem. Sporadično ću polagati ovde bez posebne svrhe, uglavnom samo da bih bio u toku sa raznovrsnošću igara koje nude.
Doduše, moja doživotna potrošnja na ovoj veb stranici je veoma, veoma mala, međutim, vreme koje sam proveo dok sam ovde igrao bilo je uglavnom pozitivno. Interfejs je svetao i jednostavan za korišćenje. Deponovanje je ravnopravno sa bilo kojim drugim provajderom. Nisam imao potrebu da koristim korisničku podršku iz bilo kog razloga, nisam siguran da li je to pozitivno ili negativno.
While I don't deposit regularly at PlayOJO, it has been in my bookmarks list since I started onling gambling. I will sporadically deposit here for no particular purpose, mainly just to keep up on the variety of games they offer.
Admittedly, my lifetime spend on this website is very, very low, however, of the time that I did spend while gaming here was generally positive. The interface is bright and easy to use. Depositing is on par with any other provider. I haven't had need to use customer service for any reason, not sure whether that's a positive or a negative.