Počeo sam da igram pre nekoliko nedelja i imao sam sreće, osvojio sam 1500 evra. Hteo sam da podignem svoj dobitak i prošlo je nedelju dana. Dobio sam potvrdu 3 dana nakon mog pokušaja da je potvrđeno. Ipak, sada je bieing obrađen. Više puta sam kontaktirao korisničku podršku i oni kažu različite stvari. Samo želim svoj dobitak. Ne čini mi se dobro kad vidim kako stalno menjaju priču kada ih kontaktiram.
I started playing a few weeks ago and got lucky, won 1500 euros. I wanted to withdraw my winnings and it has been a week now. I did get a confirmation 3 days after my attempt that it was confirmed. Yet now it is bieing processed. I contacted customer support numerous times and they say different things. I just want my winnings. It does not strike my well seeing how they keep changing the story when i contact them.