Četiri pokušaja povlačenja, prva 2 su prošla dobro. Treći je uzeo toliko mnogo napred-nazad da sam obećao sebi da neću ponovo uplatiti novac. Jesam i odbili su moje povlačenje (Cripto USDT), želeli su KIC detalje.
Ne koristim kripto kazino da bi oni imali moje podatke. Nisam mogao više da se prepirem sa njima i samo sam ih zamolio da zatvore nalog, podrška nije htela ni to da uradi. Na kraju sam uprskao 100 dolara koje su odbili da povuku i našao sam u podešavanjima za zatvaranje naloga, što je izgleda uspelo. Zašto to nisu mogli da urade na ćaskanju podrške, ne znam. Klonite se, postoji mnogo drugih renomiranih kripto kazina.
Upravo sam video odgovor kazina, čak se nisam ni potrudio da pročitam izdanje kao i obično.
Sredstva uopšte nisu išla u moju banku, to je bila kripto isplata, više laži i izgovora
Four attempts at withdrawal, first 2 went ok. 3rd one took so much back and forth I promised myself I wouldn’t deposit again. I did and they rejected my withdrawal (Crypto USDT), they wanted KYC details.
I don’t use a Crypto casino for them to have my details. I couldn’t be bothered to argue with them any more and just asked them to close the account, the support wouldn’t even do that. Eventually I blew the $100 they refused to withdrawal and found in the preferences to close account, which seems to have worked. Why they couldn’t do that on the support chat I don’t know. Stay away there are plenty other reputable crypto casinos.
Just saw the casinos response, not even bothered to read the issue as per usual.
Funds were not going to my bank at all, it was a crypto payout, more lies and excuses