Imao sam lični problem sa svojim nalogom i u početku je jokabet imao veliko razumevanje i ponudio mi je da pomogne i pomogne u mojoj situaciji na čemu sam bio veoma zahvalan i impresioniran. Međutim, čini se da je razgovor jeftin i tu je problem za mene. Veoma sporo odgovaraju na bilo šta smisleno putem e-pošte, osim „tim se bavi vašim zahtevom" koji izgleda da traje danima. Od mene je zatraženo da pošaljem toliko informacija (podaci o banci, podaci o kartici, izvod itd.), ali uprkos tome što sam uradio sve što je obećano (potvrđeno u e-poruci od njih) se zapravo nije dogodilo.
*ažuriranje 6. avgusta jokabet radi svoju uobičajenu stvar da odgovara ovde kako bi izgledalo kao da su istinski zainteresovani za rešavanje vašeg problema (učinili su isto na pilot pilot-u), međutim, kada im pošaljete e-poštu na zahtev, nikada zapravo ne dobijete odgovor!
I had a personal issue with my account and initially jokabet was very understanding and offered to help out and assist in my situation which I was very grateful for and impressed by. However, talk appears to be cheap and this is where the problem for me is. They are very slow to respond with anything meaningful on email, apart from the 'the team are dealing with your request' which seems to go on and on for days. I have been asked to send in so much information (bank details, card details, statement etc etc) and yet despite having done all that the promised action (confirmed on an email from them) has not actually happend.
*update 6th August jokabet are doing their usual thing of responding on here to make it seem like they are genuinely interested in resolving your issue (did the same on trust pilot) however when you email them as requested you never actually get a response!