Od prvog dana imam samo veliku podršku i stav ako treba da ih kontaktiram. Igre su sjajne i imao sam toliko velikih povlačenja u prošlosti samo od deponovanja veoma malih iznosa. Sajt je izuzetno jednostavan za korišćenje, a verifikacija je takođe bila laka.
Volim da odem direktno do svog VIP menadžera jer postoji tehnički problem i Dana ga odmah rešava. Toplo preporučujem National Casino!
From day 1 i have nothing but great support and attitude if needing to contact them. The games are awesome and i have had so many massive withdrawals in the past just from depositing very small amounts. The site is extremely easy to use and verification was a breeze aswell.
I like to go directly to my VIP manager is there is a technical issue and Dana fixes it straight away Highly recommend National Casino!