Prošlo je 13 dana kada sam napravio nalog u vbet10 od tada pokušavam da dođem do VhatsApp agenta koji mi je rekao da postoji bonus za registraciju od 1000, uzela je sve moje podatke i rekla da će biti dodat uskoro, ali od tada nikada odgovorio mi. I sada kada sam stigao do cs-a, traže od mene da pošaljem poruku agentu i nakon što sam više tražio, pronašao sam drugog agenta kada sam je zamolio da me zamoli da sačekam dok ne dobijem odgovor sa tog broja koji se sada prikazuje kao korisnik VhatsApp-a.
It is been 13 days I created account in vbet10 since from then I am trying to reach to WhatsApp agent who told me that there is 1000 signup bonus, she took all my details and said it will be added shortly, but since from then she never responded to me. And now when I reached cs they are asking me to text the agent and after searching more I found another agent when I asked her she asked me to wait until I receive reply from that number which is now showing as no longer WhatsApp user.