888Casino je za mene do sada bio prijatno i pošteno iskustvo. RTP je odličan, ima mnogo igara i provajdera igara. Njihova aplikacija je dobro optimizovana i veoma sam iznenađen pomešanim recenzijama, jer iskreno, nivo ovog kazina je gore sa Bet365 (što je najveći kazino na koji sam se ikada registrovao)
888casino za mene je na drugom mestu. Sviđa mi se njihova korisnička podrška koja je verifikovala moj nalog na licu mesta i bio sam veoma iznenađen brzim KIC procesom.
Nakon toga, povlačenja su skoro trenutna. Za mene to traje manje od 20 minuta.
Veoma sam iznenađen ocenom 7.4 i mešanim recenzijama na ovoj stranici.
888Casino has been a pleasant and fair experience for me so far. RTP is excellent, has many games & game providers. Their app is well optimised and I am very surprised by the mixed reviews, as honestly the level of this casino is up there with Bet365 (which is the greatest casino I had ever registered to)
888casino for me comes in second place. I like their customer support which verified my account on the spot and I was very surprised by the quick KYC process.
After that, withdrawals are almost instant. For me it takes less than 20 minutes.
I am very surprised by the 7.4 Rating & mixed reviews on this page.