Ako želite da igrate brzo i povlačite sredstva, niste ovde. Odmah nakon prvog zahteva za povlačenje od samo 423 $, račun je pao pod neku čudnu proveru, koja traje nedelju i po dana i može da potraje više od 3 nedelje. I ovo je po pravilima! A ovo je depozit bez bonusa. Izuzetno loša kancelarija. Nije vredno rizika
If you want to play quickly and withdraw funds, you are not here. Immediately after the first request for withdrawal of only 423 $, the account fell under some strange check, which is going on for a week and a half and can take more than 3 weeks. And this is according to the rules! And this is a deposit without bonuses. Extremely poor office. Not worth the risk