Generalno, veoma je dobro da se ljudi sa niskim budžetom malo zabave.
Međutim, klađenje na ovom sajtu je veoma rizično, jer često poništavaju listiće za klađenje „Prema provajderu", obično kada je listić dobitan. Nikada me zapravo ne poništavaju kada je to bio gubitak..
Dalje, desilo mi se 2 puta da položim opkladu koja nije prihvaćena (Oklada odbijena) i nakon toga mi se novac skida sa računa. Odgovor od
Podrška je bila da je opklada ispravno rešena. Između svega toga, agenti za podršku su kao roboti, daju nula rešenja i samo „chat gpt" odgovore, što obično ima smisla.
Što se kazina tiče, slotovi su uzbudljivi, ali RTP izgleda veoma nizak. Interfejs je lep i brz, lako je pronaći igre i veoma se brzo učitavaju. Držite ga niskim, jer je STVARNI procenat povratka igrača daleko ispod proseka.
In general it’s very good for low budget people to have some fun.
Betting in this site is very risky though, cause quite often they void betslips "As per the provider" usually when the betslip is winning. They never void me actually when it was a loss..
Further more it happened to me 2 times to place a bet that was not accepted (Bet rejected) and afterwards, the money is deducted from my account. The answer from
The support was that the bet was settled correctly. Between all these , the support agents are like robots, giving zero solutions and only "chat gpt" answers, that usually makes bo sense.
Regarding the casino, slots are exciting but the RTP seems really low. The interface is nice and fast, it’s easy to find games and they load really fast. Keep it low, as the REAL return to player percentage is a long way down below the average.