Mnogo energije se ulaže u marketing vlastite kriptovalute. Na poker platformi je u prosjeku 10 igrača, a turniri se rijetko održavaju jer se ne dostiže minimalni broj igrača (4-8 igrača).
A lot of energy is put into marketing your own crypto currency. There are an average of 10 players on the poker platform, and tournaments rarely take place because the minimum number of players (4-8 players) is not reached.
Es wird viel Energie in die Vermarktung der eigenen Cryptowährung gesteckt. Auf der Pokerplattform treiben sich durchschnittlich 10 Spieler herum, Turniere kommen in den seltensten Fällen zu Stande weil die Mindestspieleranzahl (4-8 Spieler) nicht erreicht wird.
nema igrača na platformi
no players on the platform
keine Spieler auf der Plattform
Ulaznice osvojene u Satelitima nisu rezervirane na račun, morate kontaktirati podršku za svaku od njih
Tickets won in Sattelites are not booked to the account, you have to contact support for each one
in Sattelites gewonnene Tickets werden nicht auf den Account gebucht, bei jedem einzelnen muss man den Support kontaktieren
garancije turnira su nakon kratkog vremena smanjene
the guarantees of the tournaments were reduced after a short time
die Garantien der Turniere wurden nach kurzer Zeit heruntergesetzt
Kao što smo detaljno objasnili u diskusiji, dajemo sve od sebe da dovedemo što više igrača na platformu. Možete vidjeti puno freeroll turnira na našem pokeru, također nudimo bonuse na depozit, bonuse bez depozita... sve što možemo da učinimo još atraktivnijim za nove igrače. Ali, kao što sam rekao u diskusiji, s pokerom je zaista teško, jer je poker poput društvene mreže. Platformu možete učiniti boljom od Facebooka, ali ljudi će i dalje koristiti Facebook, a ne vašu mrežu jer je mnogo njihovih prijatelja već na Facebooku. Ista stvar je i sa pokerom. Znamo da pošto je poker naš prvi proizvod, on postoji skoro 2 godine, i imao je periode sa sve većim i manjim prometom u to vreme. Sada smo promijenili strategiju, gradimo naš kazino i token, mislimo da će ovo dovesti Chipstars brend na viši nivo, a onda će biti lakše dovesti nove igrače na našu poker platformu. Morate razumjeti koliko je teško dobiti promet u pokeru za novu platformu. To je proces od nekoliko godina... Ne može se to uraditi za nekoliko dana ili mjeseci. Ljudi će jednostavno igrati na Pokerstarsu ili 888pokeru, čak i ako ponudimo nešto bolje od njih. Jer svi znaju Pokerstars i 888poker i oni imaju bazu od miliona igrača. Ali, kao što sam već pomenuo, mi u Chipstarsu volimo naš poker, i daćemo sve od sebe da dovedemo igrače u njega!
As we explained in the discussion thread in detail, we are giving our best to bring as many as possible players to the platform. You can see a lot of freeroll tournaments on our poker, we also offer deposit bonuses, no deposit bonuses... everything we can to make it more attractive for new players. But, as I said in the discussion, it's really tough with poker, because poker is like a social network. You can make the platform better than Facebook, but people will still use Facebook, rather than your network because a lot of their friends are already on Facebook. The same thing is with poker also. We know that because poker is our first product, it exists almost 2 years, and it had periods with higher and lower traffic at this time. Now, we changed the strategy, we build our casino and token, we think that this will bring Chipstars brand to the next level, and then it will be easier to get new players to our poker platform also. You need to understand how hard is to get traffic in poker for the new platform. This is the process of a few years... It can't be done in a few days or months. People will just play on Pokerstars or 888poker, even if we offer something better than they. Because everyone knows Pokerstars and 888poker and they have a base of millions of players. But, as I already mentioned, we at Chipstars love our poker, and we will give our best to bring players to it!
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