Igranje kazina uživo u celini nije ono što me zapravo brine, oni su platili kada su rekli da hoće itd, brine me da postoje još 2 kazina povezana sa njima.. pa njima upravlja isto telo ili imam licencu na, a moj problem je da igre koje sam igrao tamo, a zatim igrao u drugom od pomenutih kazina.. džekpot kazino i spinza kazino je to što ja izgleda počinjem tamo gde sam otišao u jednoj igri i kada igram u spinza kazinu počinjem tamo gde sam otišao u toj kazino igrici koja nije kako bi trebalo da bude, čak i nakon što su pitali podršku da li rade na istom serveru kao i taj kazino, rekli su da nemaju filijalu sa tim kazinom, ali to nije tačno pošto sam ostavio određenu igru na tom nivou ili iznosu samo da bih otišao u drugi kazino i počeo sa istim nivoom i ukupnim iznosom i to mi je samo dokaz da rade na istom serveru pod različitim upravljanjem ili istim ali jasno tamo tu nije transparentnost i to ne može biti samo slučajnost, pa bih savetovao igračima da ovo pažljivo pogledaju jer igrači prave diverzifikaciju između kazina, ali ova 3 kazina po mom mišljenju izgledaju kao da su međusobno povezana i ovo nije samo iz 1 igre, ja sam ovo testirao na brojnim igrama mi je veoma očigledno šta se dešava. Čak i određene igre koje su skinute su takođe skinute iz druga dva kazina, tako da to samo po sebi mnogo govori
Play live casino as a whole is not what I'm actually concerned about, they have payed out when they said they would etc, my concern is that there is 2 more casinos associated with them ..well they are governed by the same body or have a licence at, and what my issue is is that games that i have played there and then played at another of the mentioned casinos..jackpot casino and spinza casino is that i seem to start off where i left of on one game and when i play at spinza casino i start where i left of at that casino game which is not how it should be,even after asking support if they run on the same server as that casino they said they have no affiliate with that casino but that's not true as i left a certain game on that level or amount only to go to another casino and start off with that same level and total and that is only proof to me that they are running on the same server under different management or the same but clearly there is not transparency there and it cannot be just coincidence so i would advise players to look at this carefully as player do diversify between casinos but these 3 casinos in my opinion seem to be linked sever wise and this is not just from 1game i have tested this on numerous games an its very obvious to me what's going on. Even certain games that's been taken off has also been taken of from the other two casinos so that in itself says a lot