Igraču iz Njemačke je poništen dobitak zbog kršenja nepravednog pravila. Igraču je ponuđena djelimična kompenzacija i da bi dobio barem nešto, prihvatio je ponudu.
The player from Germany had his winnings cancelled due to violation of an unfair rule. The player was offered a partial compensation and in order to get paid at least something, he accepted the offer.
Igraču iz Njemačke je poništen dobitak zbog kršenja nepravednog pravila. Igraču je ponuđena djelimična kompenzacija i da bi dobio barem nešto, prihvatio je ponudu.
Dobar dan,
Upravo sam vidio da mi je stanje na računu samo 50 eura.
Nestala je i moja uplata od 400 eura.
Možete li mi dati više informacija o tome zašto je to slučaj?
Prije nekoliko dana napisali ste mi e-mail da sam prekršio vaše uslove i odredbe.
Ovo nije slučaj jer sam kupio samo besplatne okrete sa maksimalnim ograničenjem klađenja od 40 centi.
Stoga je pogrešno što sam prekršio maksimalnu opkladu od 30% uplaćenog depozita.
Napisali ste mi u e-poruci ako sam još uvijek aktivan u vašem kazinu da to ignoriram. Iako njihov razlog nije u redu.
Veoma sam zadovoljan sa vama do sada i nadam se da ćete brzo riješiti ovaj problem.
Želio bih da uložim nezvanične žalbe putem askgamblera ili casinogurua.
Uvjerite se da je moj kredit vraćen i da je moja isplata pravilno prihvaćena i obrađena.
Marcel Bahlau
Good day,
I just saw that my account balance is only 50 euros.
My payment of 400 euros has also disappeared.
Can you give me more information about why this is the case?
A few days ago you wrote me an email that I had violated your terms and conditions.
This is not the case because I only bought free spins with a maximum wagering limit of 40 cents.
Therefore it is wrong that I violated the 30% max bet of the deposit made.
You wrote to me in the email if I am still active in your casino to ignore it. Although their reason is not in order.
I am very satisfied with you so far and I hope that you can resolve this problem quickly.
I would like to file non-official complaints via askgamblers or casinoguru.
Please ensure that my credit is transferred back and that my payout is properly accepted and processed.
Marcel Bahlau
Guten Tag,
Ich habe soeben gesehen, dass mein Kontostand nurnoch 50 Euro aufweißt.
Ebenfalls ist meine Auszahlung von 400 Euro verschwunden.
Können Sie mir weitere Informationen geben, wieso das der Fall ist ?
Sie haben mir vor einigen Tagen, eine Email geschrieben, dass ich gegen Ihre AGBs verstoßen hätte.
Dies ist nicht der Fall da ich mir lediglich freispiele erkauft habe mit einen einsatzlimit maximal 40cent.
Daher ist dies verkehrt, dass ich gegen die 30% Max Einsatz von der getätigten Einzahlung verstoßen habe.
Desertieren haben Sie mir in der Email geschrieben, wenn ich weiter in Ihrem Casino aktiv bin, darüber hinwegzusehen. Obwohl ihr Grund nicht Inordnung ist.
Ich bin bisher sehr zufrieden mit Ihnen und hoffe, dass sie dass Problem schnell aus der Welt schaffen.
Ich möchte mich nicht offizielle Beschwerden via askgamblers oder casinoguru einreichen.
Bitte sorgen Sie dafür, dass mein Guthaben zurücktransferiert wird und meine Auszahlung ordnungsgemäß akzeptiert und durchgeführt wird.
Marcel Bahlau
Dragi Marcel,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Jako mi je žao čuti za vaše negativno iskustvo. Da li je sljedeće pravilo korišteno za poništavanje vaših dobitaka ( ovdje )?
"Pravila klađenja
10.3. Zabranjeno je stavljanje ukupnih opklada jednakih ili većih od 30% vrijednosti depozita koji je trenutno u igri. Nabavka funkcije kupovine u igri za pokretanje besplatnih okretaja za cijenu buy-ina jednaku ili preko granice maksimalne opklade od 30% smatra se neregularnom igrom.
10.4. Kada igrač primi bonus, povraćaj novca ili iskoristi Comp Points, primjenjuje se maksimalno ograničenje opklade. Ovaj limit opklade ne smije biti jednak ili veći od 30% vrijednosti bonusa ili povrata novca ili komp poena koji su trenutno u igri. Ako je u igri više bonusa, limit će se izračunati prema najmanjem bonusu. Ovo ograničenje također uključuje stjecanje ili kupovinu bonus funkcije u igri."
Možete li potvrditi da niste aktivirali nikakav bonus prilikom uplate sredstava na svoj račun i da nam kažete koliko je bio vaš zadnji depozit?
Hvala unaprijed na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Marcel,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your negative experience. Was the following rule used to cancel your winnings (here)?
"Betting Rules
10.3. Placing total bets equal to or greater than 30% of the value of the deposit currently in play is prohibited. Acquiring an in-game Buy Feature to trigger free spins for a buy-in cost equal to or over the 30% max bet limit is considered as irregular play.
10.4. When a player receives a bonus, a cashback or redeemed the Comp Points, a maximum bet limit applies. This bet limit shall not be equal or exceeding 30% of the value of the bonus or cashback or Comp Points currently in play. If multiple bonuses are in play, the limit will be calculated against the smallest bonus. This limit also includes acquiring or purchasing an in-game bonus feature."
Could you please confirm that you haven’t activated any bonus when depositing funds into your account and advise how much was your last deposit?
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dobar dan,
tačno sam igrao bez ikakvog bonusa.
Uplatio sam više od 200 dolara, a moj posljednji depozit je bio 50 dolara.
Sada ste poništili moj dobitak i na računu mi je ostalo samo 50 eura.
Upravo ovo pravilo 10.3 primjenjivali su na mene.
Molim te pomozi mi.
ako sam dobro shvatio ovo pravilo, cjelokupna "obaveza" je odlučujuća za 10.3.
Drugim riječima, udio u "besplatnoj kupovini" je takođe 20 centi po 20 eura i 40 centi po 40 eura. Nadam se da ćeš me pratiti.
Good day,
exactly I played with no bonus whatsoever.
I deposited more than $ 200 and my last deposit was $ 50.
Now you have canceled my winnings and I only have 50 euros left in my account.
Exactly this rule 10.3 they applied to me.
Please help me.
if I understand this rule correctly, the entire "commitment" is decisive for 10.3.
In other words, the stake in "free play purchase" is also 20 cents at 20 euros and 40 cents at 40 euros. I hope you can follow me.
Guten Tag,
genau ich habe ohne jeglichen Bonus gespielt.
Ich habe mehr als 200 Euro eingezahlt und meine letzte Einzahlung betrug 50 Euro.
Nun haben Sie mir meine Gewinne gestrichen und ich besitze Nurnoch 50 Euro auf meinem Konto.
Genau diese Regel 10.3 haben sie bei mir angewendet.
Bitte helfen Sie mir.
wenn ich diese Regel richtig verstehe, ist der gesamt „Einsatz" ausschlaggebend für 10.3.
Sprich der Einsatz beträgt beim „freispielkauf" ebenfalls 20cent bei 20 Euro und 40cent bei 40 Euro. Ich hoffe Sie können mir folgen.
Puno vam hvala, Marcel, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Petru koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Marcel, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
zdravo Marcel,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i shvatio sam situaciju. Ja ću kontaktirati kazino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Pozivam Reeltastic Casino na razgovor da učestvujem u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Marcel,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite Reeltastic Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dragi svi,
Hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.
Razumijemo da je Bahlau uložio žalbu na odluku koju je donio Casino i Bahlauove poništene dobitke zbog nepravilne igre.
Imajte na umu da Kazino očekuje od svih potencijalnih igrača da pročitaju sve odredbe i uslove. Bahlauov dobitak je poništen zbog kršenja pravila od 30%.
"Pravila klađenja
10.1. Kazino očekuje da se pridržavate pravila svake igre dok igrate u kazinu. Zadržavamo pravo da obustavimo bilo kakva povlačenja i/ili konfiskujemo dobitke i bonuse zbog kršenja Pravila klađenja.
10.2. Ako igrač pokuša steći nepravednu prednost u odnosu na kazino korištenjem strategija igre kao što su 'Martingale, dupliranje, klađenje na jedan broj', a to je razumno očigledno, tada će kazino poduzeti mjere uključujući konfiskaciju dobitaka i bonusa.
10.3. Zabranjeno je stavljanje ukupnih opklada jednakih ili većih od 30% vrijednosti depozita koji je trenutno u igri. Pribavljanje funkcije kupovine u igri za pokretanje besplatnih okretaja po cijeni koja je jednaka ili preko granice maksimalne opklade od 30% smatra se neregularnom igrom."
U Bahlauovom slučaju, depozit u igri je depozit ID 2586769 od 50 eura. Stoga, prema Uslovima i odredbama Kazina, ne možete se kladiti više od ili jednako 15 eura.
Prema Bahlauovoj igrici, on je napravio oko 100 over-betova koje su se kretale između 20 eura i 40 eura na igre: "Treasure Wild™" i "Sweet Bonanza" - to je razlog zašto je Bahlauov dobitak poništen.
Imajte na umu da smatramo da je "pretjerano klađenje" kršenje usluge koju pružamo i nastojanje da se prema nama nepravedno ponašamo. Ako igrač to pokuša, dobitak će biti zaplijenjen. Naravno, Bahlau može tvrditi da je bio pogrešno informisan i da nije mislio ništa loše. Uvijek smo oprezni da vratimo na saldo depozit iz kojeg su konfiskovani dobici pripisani na saldo, stoga je Bahlauova investicija od 50 eura vraćena na njegov bilans.
Kazino razumije Bahlauovu frustraciju, ali svi igrači su imali priliku provjeriti odredbe i uvjete kako bi se uvjerili da se uklapaju u njihov način igre prije nego što se prijave u kazinu.
Nadamo se da će ovo razjasniti vašu zabrinutost, ako imate dodatnih pitanja, ne oklijevajte da nas kontaktirate.
Reeltastic Casino
Dear All,
Thank you for contacting us.
We understand that Bahlau has made a complaint regarding the decision made by the Casino and Bahlau's voided winnings owing to irregular play.
Please be aware that the Casino expects all potential players to read all the terms and conditions. Bahlau's winnings were voided for breaking the 30% Rule.
"Betting Rules
10.1. The casino expects you to follow the rules of each game while playing at the casino. We reserve the right to withhold any withdrawals and/or confiscate the winnings and bonuses for violation of the Betting Rules.
10.2. If a player attempts to gain an unfair advantage over the casino by using gaming strategies such as ‘Martingale, double-up, one number betting, ’ and it is reasonably evident, then the casino will take action including the confiscation of winnings and bonuses.
10.3. Placing total bets equal to or greater than 30% of the value of the deposit currently in play is prohibited. Acquiring an in-game Buy Feature to trigger free spins for a buy-in cost equal to or over the 30% max bet limit is considered as irregular play."
In Bahlau’s case, the deposit in play is deposit ID 2586769 of 50 Euros. Therefore, according to the Terms and Conditions of the Casino you are unable to bet more than or equal to 15 Euros.
According to Bahlau's game-play, he made about 100 over-bets that were ranging between 20 Euros and 40 Euros on the games: "Treasure Wild™" and "Sweet Bonanza"- this is the reason why Bahlau's winnings were voided.
Please be aware that we consider "over-betting" to be a breach of the service we provide and an effort to treat us unjustly. If a player tries to do so, the winnings will be confiscated. Of course, Bahlau may argue that he was misinformed and meant no harm. We are always cautious to return to the balance the deposit from whence the confiscated wins were accrued to the balance, therefore Bahlau's investment of 50 euro has been returned to his balance.
The Casino understands Bahlau’s frustration, but all players have had the opportunity to check the terms and conditions to ensure that it fits their gameplay before signing up at the casino.
We hope this clarifies your concerns, should you have any further questions don’t hesitate to contact us.
Reeltastic Casino
Zašto se poništavaju samo moji dobici, a čini se da zadržavate moje gubitke u kojima sam po vašem mišljenju prekršio odredbe i uslove?
Why are only my winnings being canceled, and you seem to be keeping my losses in which I have violated the terms and conditions in your opinion?
Wieso werden denn nur meine Gewinne storniert, meine Verluste in denen ich ihrer Meinung gegen die AGBs verstoßen habe, behalten Sie anscheinend ein?
Dragi Bahlau,
Hvala na odgovoru.
Kao što je navedeno u našem prethodnom odgovoru, razumijemo vaše frustracije, međutim, svi igrači su imali mogućnost da prouče odredbe i uslove kako bi potvrdili da ispunjava njihovu igru prije nego što se pridruže u kazinu.
Imajte na umu da vaš depozit od 50 eura nije poništen i dostupan je na vašem računu. Možete odlučiti da nastavite da se igrate s tim, ovaj put slijedeći Uvjete i odredbe kako biste imali uspješno povlačenje, ali možete odabrati da zatražite povrat vašeg posljednjeg depozita.
Reeltastic Casino
Dear Bahlau,
Thanks for your reply.
As stated in our previous response, we understand your frustrations, however, all players have had the option to examine the terms and conditions to verify that it meets their gaming before joining up at the casino.
Please keep in mind that your deposit of 50 Euro has not been voided and it is available on your account. You may choose to keep playing with it, this time following the T&C in order to have a successful withdrawal, alternatively, you may choose to request a refund of your last deposit.
Reeltastic Casino
oni sami govore o limitu opklade.
"Nabavka funkcije kupovine u igri za pokretanje besplatnih okretaja za buy-in troškove od najmanje 30% maksimalnog limita klađenja smatra se neregularnom igrom."
udio u troškovima kupovine je također bio 20 centi ili 40 centi.
dakle, prema njihovim uslovima, nisam učinio ništa loše.
Dalje, napravio sam depozite u vrijednosti od preko 200 eura, u kojima sam, po vama, trebao igrati protiv vaših pravila, zašto i ovaj novac ne dobijem nazad?
i samo 50 eura kada sam jednom pobijedio?
they speak of the bet limit themselves.
"The acquisition of an in-game buy function to trigger free spins for buy-in costs of at least 30% of the maximum wagering limit is considered irregular play."
the stake at buy in costs was also 20 cents or 40 cents.
therefore, according to their terms and conditions, I did not do anything wrong.
Furthermore, I made deposits worth more than 200 euros, in which, according to you, I should have played against your rules, why don't I get this money back either?
and only the 50 euros when I won for once?
sie selber sprechen von Einsatzlimit.
„Der Erwerb einer Kauffunktion im Spiel, um Freispiele für Buy-In-Kosten von mindestens 30 % des maximalen Einsatzlimits auszulösen, wird als unregelmäßiges Spiel betrachtet"
der Einsatz betrug bei Buy in Kosten ebenfalls 20cent Bzw 40 Cent.
daher habe ich laut ihren AGBs nichts falsch gemacht.
weiterhin habe ich Einzahlungen im Wert von über 200 Euro getätigt, in den ich ihrer Aussage nach gegen ihre Regeln gespielt haben soll, wieso bekomme ich dieses Geld dann ebenfalls nicht zurück?
und nur die 50 Euro als ich ausnahmsweise mal gewonnen habe ?
Zdravo Bahlau,
Hvala vam na odgovoru,
Imajte na umu da je isključiva odgovornost igrača da igra u skladu sa Uslovima i odredbama kazina.
Kazino se ne može smatrati odgovornim za depozite koje ste izgubili dok ste igrali sa nama.
U našem prvom odgovoru smo objasnili da ste prekršili maksimalna pravila klađenja do 100 puta kada ste dali opklade u rasponu od 20 do 40 eura.
U nastavku pronađite nekoliko primjera neregularnih opklada postavljenih 28.11.2021.:
vrijeme - ime_igra - opklada - pobjeda
28.11.2021 23:16:50 - Slatka bonanca - 20 - 222,2
2021/11/28 23:15:07 - Slatka Bonanza - 20 - 1
28.11.2021 23:14:44 - Slatka bonanca - 20 - 20,62
vrijeme - ime_igra - opklada - pobjeda -
29.11.2021 13:51:49 - Slatka bonanca - 40 - 337,98
29.11.2021 13:49:46 - Slatka bonanca - 40 - 17.42
29.11.2021 13:48:59 - Slatka bonanca - 40 - 30,64
vrijeme - ime_igra - opklada - pobjeda
2021/12/01 08:13:37 - Treasure Wild™ - 30 - 42,65
2021/12/01 08:12:33 - Treasure Wild™ - 26 - 159,74
2021/12/01 08:11:21 - Treasure Wild™ - 30 - 58,6
Istorija igara je dostupna i na vašoj strani u slučaju da želite da pregledate svoju igru.
Za vašu informaciju, kazino nije u obavezi da vrati bilo koji depozit koji je potrošen tokom vaše igre. Vaš posljednji depozit od 50 eura je jedini depozit koji nije izgubljen i koji se vraća.
Nadamo se da je sve jasno.
Reeltastic Casino
Hello Bahlau,
Thank you for your response,
Please be advised that it is the sole responsibility of the player to play in accordance with the Casino’s Terms and Conditions.
The casino cannot be held responsible for the deposits you have lost during your time playing with us.
We have explained in our initial reply that you have violated the maximum betting rules up to 100 times where you have made bets that are ranging from 20 to 40 euros.
Below please find several examples of the irregular bets placed on 28-Nov-2021:
time - game_name - bet - win
2021/11/28 23:16:50 - Sweet Bonanza - 20 - 222.2
2021/11/28 23:15:07 - Sweet Bonanza - 20 - 1
2021/11/28 23:14:44 - Sweet Bonanza - 20 - 20.62
time - game_name - bet - win -
2021/11/29 13:51:49 - Sweet Bonanza - 40 - 337.98
2021/11/29 13:49:46 - Sweet Bonanza - 40 - 17.42
2021/11/29 13:48:59 - Sweet Bonanza - 40 - 30.64
time - game_name - bet - win
2021/12/01 08:13:37 - Treasure Wild™ - 30 - 42.65
2021/12/01 08:12:33 - Treasure Wild™ - 26 - 159.74
2021/12/01 08:11:21 - Treasure Wild™ - 30 - 58.6
The game history is available on your side as well in case you wish to review your gameplay.
For your information, the casino is under no obligation to refund any deposit that has been depleted through the course of your game-play. Your last deposit of 50 Euros is the only deposit that has not been lost and from which is reimbursed.
We hope it's all clear.
Reeltastic Casino
Ne razumete na šta mislim, zar ne?
Ispod su neki primjeri neregularnih opklada postavljenih 28. novembra 2021.:
Vrijeme - naziv igre - opklada - pobjeda
28.11.2021. 23:16:50 - Sweet Bonanza - 20 - 222,2
28.11.2021 23:15:07 - Sweet Bonanza - 20 - 1
28.11.2021. 23:14:44 - Sweet Bonanza - 20-20.62
Vrijeme - naziv igre - opklada - pobjeda -
29.11.2021. 13:51:49 - Sweet Bonanza - 40 - 337,98
29.11.2021. 13:49:46 - Sweet Bonanza - 40 - 17:42
29.11.2021. 13:48:59 - Sweet Bonanza - 40 - 30,64
Vrijeme - naziv igre - opklada - pobjeda
01.12.2021. 8:13:37 - Treasure Wild™ - 30 - 42,65
01.12.2021. 8:12:33 - Treasure Wild™ - 26 - 159,74
01.12.2021. 8:11:21 - Treasure Wild™ - 30 - 58,6
ono što oni zovu ukupna opklada nije maksimalni ulog.
ulog koji se odnosi na opklade je 0,20 centi 0,26 itd.
Na primjer, kupujem besplatne okrete u vrijednosti od 20 eura sa vrijednošću uloga od 20 centi!
tako da je maksimalna opklada 20 centi na ovu opkladu.
a u svojim općim uvjetima govorite o „vrijednosti investicije".
Osim ako ovo pravilo nije fer.
Nadam se da ćete reagovati na ono što pokušavam da vam objasnim.
You do not understand what I am referring to, can that be?
Below are some examples of irregular bets placed on November 28, 2021:
Time - game name - bet - win
11/28/2021 11:16:50 PM - Sweet Bonanza - 20 - 222.2
11/28/2021 11:15:07 p.m. - Sweet Bonanza - 20 - 1
11/28/2021 11:14:44 PM - Sweet Bonanza - 20-20.62
Time - game name - bet - win -
11/29/2021 1:51:49 PM - Sweet Bonanza - 40 - 337.98
11/29/2021 1:49:46 PM - Sweet Bonanza - 40 - 17:42
11/29/2021 1:48:59 PM - Sweet Bonanza - 40 - 30.64
Time - game name - bet - win
12/01/2021 8:13:37 AM - Treasure Wild ™ - 30 - 42.65
12/01/2021 8:12:33 AM - Treasure Wild ™ - 26 - 159.74
12/01/2021 8:11:21 AM - Treasure Wild ™ - 30 - 58.6
what they call the total bet is not the maximum bet.
the stake related to the bets is 0.20 cents 0.26 etc.
For example, I buy free spins worth 20 euros with a stake value of 20 cents!
so the max bet is 20 cents on this bet.
and in your general terms and conditions you speak of the "value of the investment".
Unless this rule is unfair.
I hope you react to what I'm trying to explain to you.
Sie verstehen nicht worauf ich mich beziehe, kann das sein ?
Nachfolgend finden Sie einige Beispiele für unregelmäßige Wetten, die am 28. November 2021 platziert wurden:
Zeit - Spielname - Wette - Gewinn
28.11.2021 23:16:50 - Süße Bonanza - 20 - 222.2
28.11.2021 23:15:07 - Süße Bonanza - 20 - 1
28.11.2021 23:14:44 - Süße Bonanza - 20 - 20.62
Zeit - Spielname - Wette - Gewinn -
29.11.2021 13:51:49 - Süße Bonanza - 40 - 337.98
29.11.2021 13:49:46 - Süße Bonanza - 40 - 17.42
29.11.2021 13:48:59 - Süße Bonanza - 40 - 30.64
Zeit - Spielname - Wette - Gewinn
01.12.2021 08:13:37 - Treasure Wild™ - 30 - 42.65
01.12.2021 08:12:33 - Treasure Wild™ - 26 - 159.74
01.12.2021 08:11:21 - Treasure Wild™ - 30 - 58,6
das was sie als Gesamtwette bezeichnen, ist nicht der maximale Einsatz.
der Einsatz bezieht bei den Wetten ist 0,20 Cent 0,26 usw.
Ich kaufe beispielsweise freispiele im Wert von 20 Euro mit einem Einsatzwert 20 Cent !
also entspricht der Max Einsatz 20 Cent bei dieser Wette.
und in ihren AGBs sprechen Sie von dem „einsatzwert".
unf das alles abgesehen von der Unfairness dieser Regel.
Ich hoffe sie reagieren auf das was ich ihnen versuche zu erklären.
Zdravo svima,
Hvala vam na odgovorima.
Dragi Reeltastic Casino tim,
Razumijemo da je vaša odluka u skladu sa Uvjetima i odredbama kazina. Međutim, smatramo da je samo pravilo (maksimalna opklada za igru sa pravim novcem) nepošteno i grabežljivo. Igrači koji igraju sa svojim pravim novcem ne bi trebalo da budu ograničeni na ovaj način i stoga igrač treba da bude plaćen u potpunosti. Kazino možda ima svoje standarde, ali cijela industrija se razvija, pa tako i pravila. Takvo pravilo nećete naći u vrhunskim kockarnicama.
Hi all,
Thank you for your replies.
Dear Reeltastic Casino team,
We understand that your decision is in accordance with the casino's T&Cs. However, we consider the rule itself (max bet for real money play) to be unfair and predatory. The players playing with their own real money shouldn't be limited this way and therefore the player should get paid in full. The casino may have its standards, but the whole industry is evolving, and so do the rules. You won't find such a rule in the top casinos.
Dragi svi,
Hvala vam na komentarima.
Imperativ je razumjeti, pravilo o maksimalnom klađenju na Reeltastic kazino je eksplicitno reklamirano u Uvjetima i odredbama kazina. Štaviše, naša podrška za chat uživo je uvijek dostupna da pomogne igračima ako imaju bilo kakva pitanja u vezi s pravilima klađenja.
Iako poštujemo vaše mišljenje, vjerujemo da je prosudba o pravednosti pravila o maksimalnoj opkladi, ili bilo kojeg pravila po tom pitanju, prilično subjektivna i nepravedna bez uzimanja u obzir drugih faktora kao što su Casino bonusi, igre, struktura podrške igračima, itd.
Iako biste možda radije igrali bez ograničenja maksimalnog klađenja, drugi igrač može vidjeti veći cashback, bolju kolekciju igara, mogućnost igranja bonusa na određenim igrama itd. uz maksimalnu opkladu fer kompromis.
Zaključno, u ovom slučaju, kazino je postupio u skladu sa dogovorenim uslovima i poništio dobitke.
Nadalje, kazino uvijek pazi da vrati na saldo depozit iz kojeg su prikupljeni zaplijenjeni dobici.
S obzirom na to, uprava kazina je spremna da ponudi 200 eura kao gest dobre volje za rješavanje prigovora.
Javite nam svoje povratne informacije @Bahlau.
Dear All,
Thank you for your comments.
It's imperative to understand, the maximum betting rule on Reeltastic casino is explicitly advertised in the casino's Terms & Conditions. Moreover, our live-chat support is always available to assist the players should they have any questions regarding the betting rules.
While we respect your opinion, we believe that the judgment about the fairness of the maximum bet rule, or any rule for that matter is rather subjective and unfair without accounting for other factors like the Casino Bonuses, Games, Player Support Structure, etc.
While you might prefer to play with no maximum betting limit, another player can see higher cashback, better collection of games, ability to play bonus on certain games and etc. with the maximum bet a fair trade-off.
In conclusion, in this case, the casino acted with respect to the agreed terms and voided the winnings.
Furthermore, The casino is always careful to return to the balance the deposit from which the confiscated winnings were accrued.
Having said that, the casino management is ready to offer 200 Euros as a goodwill gesture in order to resolve the complaint.
Please let us know your feedback @Bahlau.
U redu, dobro sam s tim.
Barem sam sretan zbog koncesije, da je to ranije saopšteno preko korisničkog servisa, reklamacija bi se mogla izbjeći.
Hvala, čim dobijem novac potvrdiću da je reklamacija riješena.
Okay, I'm fine with that.
I am at least happy about a concession, if this had been communicated earlier via customer service, the complaint could have been avoided.
Thanks, as soon as I have received the money I will confirm the complaint has been resolved.
Inordnung, damit bin ich einverstanden.
Freue mich zumindest über ein Entgegenkommen, wäre das vielleicht früher über den Kundendienst kommuniziert worden, hätte man der Beschwerde vielleicht aus dem Weg gehen können.
Danke, sobald ich das Geld erhalten habe, werde ich die Beschwerde als gelöst bestätigen.
Zdravo svima, hvala vam na odgovorima.
Dragi Marcel,
Iako biste trebali biti plaćeni u cijelosti, čini se da je ovo jedini način da dobijete barem dio svog dobitka. Preporučujem da odaberete drugi kazino na osnovu recenzija za buduću igru. Ako želite da reklamaciju označim kao "riješenu", to će biti urađeno. Obavijestite me kada primite sredstva (peter.m@casino.guru). Hvala vam što koristite centar za rješavanje žalbi Casino Guru. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme u budućnosti.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi all, thank you for your replies.
Dear Marcel,
Even though you should get paid in full, this seems to be the only way to get at least a part of your winnings. I recommend choosing a different casino based on reviews for future play. If you want me to mark the complaint "resolved", it will be done. Let me know when you receive the funds (peter.m@casino.guru). Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues in the future.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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