Dragi kazino guru,
Dana 16.07.24. otvorio sam svoj Reloadbet račun, napravio depozit od ukupno 4100 PLN (oko 960 EUR) i postavio opklade uživo koje su mi dale dobitak od 2730 PLN (oko 640 EUR).
Nakon toga su mi suspendovali nalog i tražili dokumenta: slike lične karte, sliku na kojoj držim ličnu kartu i papir sa ispisanim korisničkim imenom, izvod iz banke i sliku kartice koju sam koristio za depozit.
17.07.24. poslao sam im sva dokumenta, oni su ih verifikovali, otključali moj račun i savetovali me da podignem sredstva jer će mi trajno zatvoriti račun.
Nakon što sam se prijavio da to uradim, primetio sam da je moj dobitak oduzet sa mog stanja. Proverio sam svoju istoriju klađenja i opklade su još uvek rešene kao dobijene, ali su sredstva nedostajala na mom računu. Tada je stanje bilo jednako mojim ukupnim depozitima, što je značilo da su mi oduzeli dobitak ne ostavljajući nikakav trag u istoriji mog računa.
Pitao sam o tome putem ćaskanja uživo i tamo sam obavešten da sam po njihovom mišljenju prekršio
tačka 1.2.4 Odredbe i uslova:
Nalog igrača mora biti registrovan u njegovom/njenom tačnom, imenu i ličnim podacima i biće izdat samo jednom za Igrača i neće biti dupliran preko bilo koje druge osobe, porodice, domaćinstva, adrese (poštanske ili IP), adrese e-pošte, ili bilo koje okruženje u kome se dele računari (npr. radna mesta, javne biblioteke itd.), računar (ili drugi pristupni uređaj) i/ili nalog u vezi sa Uslugama.
Odgovorio sam mejlom da nisam počinio nijedan od tih prekršaja koji su tamo pomenuti.
Registrovao sam svoj nalog na svoje ime i lične podatke koje su potvrdili nakon što sam poslao traženu dokumentaciju. Registrovao sam nalog koristeći svoj pametni telefon čiji sam jedini korisnik.
Nisam registrovao nijedan drugi nalog na Reloadbet. Račun broj 4625831 je moj jedini račun, međutim nisu promenili svoju odluku.
Nadam se da mi možete pomoći u sporu.
Dear Casino Guru,
On 16/07/24 I opened my Reloadbet account, made deposit of 4100 PLN in total (about 960 EUR) and placed live bets which gave me the winnings of 2730 PLN (about 640 EUR).
After that, they suspended my account and requested for documents: pictures of my ID, picture of me holding my ID and a paper with my username written on it, my bank statement and a picture of my card which I used for deposit.
On 17/07/24 I sent them all the documents, they verified them, unlocked my account and adviced me to withdraw funds as they were going to close my account permanently.
After I logged in to do it I noticed that my winnings had been deducted from my balance. I checked my betting history and the bets were stilll settled as won but the funds were missing in my account. That time, the balance was equal to my total deposits which meant that they deducted my winnings not leaving any trace in my account history.
I asked about that by the live chat and there I was informed that in their opinion I violated
point 1.2.4 of the T&C:
The Player’s Account must be registered in his/her own, correct, name and personal details and it shall only be issued once for the Player and not duplicated through any other person, family, household, address (postal or IP), email address, or any environment where computers are shared (e.g. workplaces, public libraries etc), computer (or other access device), and/or account in respect of the Services.
I responded by the e-mail that I didn't commit any of those violotions mentioned there.
I did registered my account in my own name and personal details which they confirmed after I sent the required documents. I registered the account using my smartphone which I am the only user of.
I didn't registered any other account at Reloadbet. The account No. 4625831 is my only account, however they didn't change they decision.
I hope you can help me in the dispute.
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