Zdravo. Imao sam nalog u Robi kazinu, i zbog svoje zavisnosti, tražim zatvaranje naloga prošle godine, a 6. 4. 2024. dobijam e-poruku od kazino podrške koja potvrđuje zatvaranje naloga.
Danas, 27.1.2025, dobijam e-poštu od robicasina, sa besplatnim okretima i bonus depozitom, i uspeo sam da se prijavim sa istim mejlom sa istog naloga koji je zatvoren, izgubio kontrolu i potrošio 205 evra depozita.
Želim da tražim povraćaj sredstava za te depozite, jer ne bih trebalo da dobijam promotivne e-poruke, niti da mogu da uplatim na isti račun koji sam zatvorio pre nekoliko meseci.
Kazino nije, poštovao zalaganje za odgovornu igru, i smatram da moje depozite treba vratiti i jednom zauvek staviti moje ime na crnu listu, po uzoru na druge kazina.
Nadam se da mi možete pomoći da rešim tu situaciju.
Srdačan pozdrav
Vitor ****
Hi. I had an account with Roby casino, and because of my addiction, I request the closure of the account last year,and in 4 /6/2024, I receive an email from the casino support ,confirming my account closure.
Today,27 /1/2025, I receive an email from robycasino, with free spins and bonus deposit, and I was able to login with the same email from the same account that was closed,lost control and spent 205 euros deposits.
I want to ask for a refund for that deposits, because I shouldn't receive any promotional emails and neither be able to deposit in the same account that I closed a few months ago.
The casino didn't, respect the commitment of responsible game ,and I think that my deposits should be returned and once for all,put my name in black list, following the example from other casinos.
Hope that you can help me to solve that situation.
Best regards
Vitor ****
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