Registrovan 5. februara 2025., deponovan preko 1300 CAD istog dana, dobio je bonus „Dobrodošli u Rollero 100" od VIP-a na Rollero 6. februara 2025. putem e-pošte koji je otkrio uslove koji je bio, bonus je imao uslov za klađenje 40k (mora se igrati 4000 CAD) i bonus je bio dostupan samo 4000 CAD. U bonusu „Dobrodošli u Rollero 100" nije bilo pravila maksimalnog dobitka koje je uprava dodala na moj račun u kazinu i koja je bila deo kazino bonusa dobrodošlice (kasnije mi je rekao agent za podršku).
U istom danu sam ispunio uslov klađenja od 40k i nastavio da igram i ubrzo nakon što sam ispunio uslov za klađenje osvojio sam 20.000 CAD u jednom okretu. Na kraju sam napravio dva odvojena depozita od 100 CAD da bih ubrzao proces verifikacije i zatražio višestruka povlačenja od po 3000 CAD.
Prošlo je skoro 24 sata, a moji V/D zahtevi su još uvek „na čekanju", tako da postajem nestrpljiv i počinjem da otkazujem svaki zahtev jedan po jedan 7. februara 2025. Nakon što sam otkazao svoj poslednji zahtev, tokom igranja igre ponovo sam imao sreće i na kraju sam osvojio više puta u bonus rundama na drugom slot-u koji je iznosio oko 21,000 CAD, a moj zahtev je počeo sa više od 21.000 CAD od 21.000 CAD. svaki, ostavljajući 10.000 CAD na mom kazino nalogu... Prošlo je 24 sata i oni su "na čekanju", kontaktiram podršku i rečeno mi je da nema šta da brinem, finansijski tim je pretrpan dobicima u kazinu pa budite strpljivi. Sati prolaze i 10. februara 2025. prijavljujem se na svoj nalog i vidim da je moj bilans samo 1000 CAD i da su svi zahtevi za V/D koji sam dao odbijen. Kontaktiram podršku i rečeno mi je da sam prekršio njihove uslove, agent podrške je rekao „Kada pobedite sa bonusom, pobedili ste i dostigli maksimalni dobitak od 1000 CAD. Trebalo je da naredite povlačenje u iznosu od 1000 CAD, ali ste nastavili da igrate. Ovo nije ozbiljan prekršaj, ali ste ipak nastavili da poštujete pravila igre." U najmanju ruku, bio sam prilično uništen i odlučio sam da istražim sebe pre nego što odlučim šta dalje.
Zatražio sam sve svoje podatke i dobio tri fajla „samo za čitanje". Primetio sam da su u 2 od 3 fajla delovi podataka izmenjeni ili ostavljeni prazni. Odeljak pod nazivom „bonus" u datoteci „bonus problemi" je bio prazan, a u datoteci „bets", odeljak iz koga sam osvojio 21.000 dolara po drugi put je izmenjen da bi podaci izgledali kao da se moj balans smanjuje, a ne povećava. Od tada sam postavio zahtev i nisam čuo apsolutno ništa od Rollera, a ako kontaktiram podršku, oni jednostavno na kraju zatvore ćaskanje „zbog izgubljene veze" i onda ne mogu ponovo da pokreću ćaskanje. Tako da nisam siguran šta uopšte treba da radim u ovom trenutku. Osećam da je Rolero pogrešio u vezi sa prekršajem. Da sam znao za pravilo 10k maksimalne pobede sa bonusom, ne bih aktivirao bonus. Rečeno da pravila o bonusima nisu navedena u uslovima bonusa govori sve. Iskreno, osećam se kao da mi se Rollero neće javljati uskoro. Užasno iskustvo u najmanju ruku.
Agent za podršku je rekao sledeće: „Vidim da ga je izdao menadžer. Dobili ste ga 2025-02-06, 08:45 (po UTC vremenskoj zoni)
Nalazi se u našoj grupi bonusa dobrodošlice: uslov za klađenje je uobičajenih 40k, ali maksimalni iznos dobitka nije 50€, kao kod bonusa bez depozita, već 10k. Oni nisu direktno predstavljeni u našim uslovima bonusa, ali pogledajte tačke 1.7 i 1.8.
Da, svi podaci povezani sa vašim nalogom biće vam ponuđeni"
Drugi je rekao sledeće: „Bonus je uključivao 100 besplatnih spinova koji su dodeljeni
Prekršaj se dogodio u vezi sa besplatnim okretima koje je dodeljivala uprava. Agent sa kojim ste prethodno razgovarali je takođe dao pregled uslova"
Drugi je rekao sledeće: „Želeo bih da kontaktiram finansijsko odeljenje. Možete li da se vratite na ćaskanje za 30 minuta? Zamolite bilo kog agenta da me pošalje kod vas (ja sam Benjamin
Hvala vam! Proverio sam vaš zahtev. Trenutno je vaš zahtev u završnoj fazi. Ne mogu da vam kažem tačan vremenski okvir, ali pretpostavljam da će to biti u narednih nekoliko dana"
Od tada je prošlo više od par dana. Upomoć! Pošto sam zatražio preostala sredstva i još uvek je na čekanju od 2. marta nakon podnošenja zahteva 21. februara 2025. Smešno...
Registered Feb. 5th, 2025, deposited over $1300 CAD same day, received a "Welcome to Rollero 100" bonus from VIP at Rollero on Feb. 6, 2025 via email that disclosed the terms which was, the bonus had a 40x wagering requirement (must play 4000 CAD) and the bonus was only available for 48 hours. There was no max win rule disclosed within the bonus "Welcome to Rollero 100" that was added to my Casino account by management, and was apart of the Casino's Welcome Bonuses (i was later told by a support agent).
Within same day I completed the 40x wagering requirement and continued playing and shortly after completing the wagering requirement I had won $20,000 CAD in one spin. I end up making two separate deposits of 100 CAD to speed up the verification process and requested multiple withdrawals of 3000 CAD each.
Almost 24 hours go by and my W/D requests are still "pending", so I get impatient and begin to cancel each request one by one Feb 7th, 2025. After cancelling my last request, during my gameplay I got lucky again and ended up winning multiple times on bonus rounds on another slot which totalled about $21,000 CAD and instantly began my multiple W/D requests of 3000 CAD each, leaving 10,000 CAD in my Casino account... 24 hours go by and they are "pending", i contact support and am told nothing to worry about, financial team are overwhelmed with casino winnings so to please be patient. Hours go by and on Feb 10, 2025 I log in to my account and see that my balance is only $1000 CAD and every W/D request I had made were all rejected. I contact support and am told that I had violated their terms, a support agent said "When you win with the bonus, you have won and reached the maximum winnings of 1000 CAD. You were supposed to order a withdrawal in the amount of 1000 CAD, but you continued to play. This is not a serious violation, but you still disobeyed the rules and continued the game." I was pretty devastated to say the least, and decided to investigate myself before I decided on what to do next.
I requested all of my data, and received three "read only" files. I noticed within the 2 of the 3 files, parts of the data were altered or left blank. The section titled "bonus" within the "bonus issues" file was blank, and within the "bets" file, the section from when I had won the $21,000 a second time was altered to make the data appear as though my balance was decreasing, rather than increasing. Since then I have put in a request and have heard absolutely nothing from Rollero, and if I contact support, they just end up closing the chat "due to lost connection" and am then unable to restart the chat. So I am unsure of what I should even do at this point. I feel that Rollero has been in the wrong about the violation. If i had known of a 10x max win rule with the bonus , I would not have activated the bonus. Being told that the bonuses rules are not stated within the bonus terms & conditions says it all. I honestly feel like I wont be hearing back from Rollero anytime soon. Horrible experience to say the least.
Support agent said the following, "I see that it was issued by a manager. You received it on 2025-02-06, 08:45 (per the UTC time zone)
It is in our welcome bonuses group: the wagering requirement is the usual 40x, but the maximum win amount is not 50€, like for no-deposit bonuses, but 10x. They are not directly presented in our Bonus terms, but please see points 1.7 and 1.8.
Yes, all the data associated with your account will be offered to you"
Another said the following, "The bonus included 100 complimentary spins that were awarded
The violation occurred in relation to the free spins that were awarded by the management. The agent you previously spoke with also provided an overview of the terms"
Another said the following "I would like to contact the finance department. Can you come back to the chat in 30 minutes? Please ask any agent to send me to you (my name is Benjamin
Thank you! I have checked your request. At the moment, your request is in the final stage. I cannot tell you the exact time frame, but I can assume it will be in the next couple of days"
It has been well more than a couple days since then. Help! Since I had requested remaining funds and it is still pending as of March 2 after making the request on Feb 21, 2025. Ridiculous...
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