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Royal Reels Casino - Dobici igrača se zadržavaju.
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Slučaj je zatvoren : 13/06/2024
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The player from Australia had used her partner's card and bank account for deposits and withdrawals. After her partner mistakenly disputed a transaction, which was subsequently canceled, Royal Reels refused to pay out her $9000 winnings. She insisted she had not engaged in any wrongdoing and had deposited significantly more than her winnings. We determined that the player had breached the casino's T&Cs by using a third-party payment method, leading to the rejection of her complaint.
Igračica iz Australije je koristila partnerovu karticu i bankovni račun za depozite i isplate. Nakon što je njen partner greškom osporio transakciju, koja je kasnije otkazana, Roial Reels je odbio da isplati njen dobitak od 9000 dolara. Insistirala je da se nije umešala u bilo kakvu nepravdu i da je položila znatno više od svog dobitka. Utvrdili smo da je igračica prekršila Uslove i uslove kazina korišćenjem metoda plaćanja treće strane, što je dovelo do odbijanja njene žalbe.
nikada mi nisu rekli ništa o tome da je moj nalog zabranjen ili lažan.
ne postoji mogućnost da je lažna. Koristim svoju partnersku karticu za depozit i nikada nisam imao problema. Takođe sam koristio podatke o bankovnom računu svog partnera za povlačenje! Pošto ne mogu to da uradim sa svojim jer je to poslovni račun. I moje izjave moraju biti čiste od kockanja itd! Ako je to problem, povući ću novac na račun sa svojim imenom. Tada ime ili prošlost mog partnera više nisu problem.
deponovao sam hiljade i hiljade. Nikada mi nisu poslali poruku da radim bilo šta pogrešno! I nisam ništa uradio.
Nikada nisam dobio povrat novca od njih ili od moje banke zbog depozita.
stvar ovoga je da je moj partner slučajno osporio transakciju svojoj banci jer nije znao da je to moja transakcija. Onda se ovo dogodilo. Odmah sam kontaktirao svog partnera i rekao sam mu da poništi taj spor sa njegovom bankom jer je to bila moja transakcija. On je to otkazao i rekao svojoj banci da je nedostajalo razumevanja i oni su otkazali spor i ništa se više nije dogodilo. Bez povratka novca. Nema problem!
pa sada Kraljevski koluti. Neće mi platiti mojih 9000 dolara koje sam osvojio
oni samo uzmu uzmi i onda urade ovo kada ja zaista dobijem pobedu.
tako nepošteno.
ja zaslužujem svoju pobedu.
Nisam im pravio probleme. A 9000 dolara nije mnogo u poređenju sa iznosom koji sam deponovao u kazino.
bude fer
they have never once stated anything towards me about my account being banned or fraudulent.
theres no possibility that it’s fraudulent. I use my partners card to deposit and I’ve never had any issue. I also used my partners bank account details to withdraw too! As I can’t do it with mine because it’s a business account. And my statements need to be clean from gambling etc! If that’s the issue I will withdraw the money to an account with my name. Then my partners name or past isn’t any longer a problem.
ive deposited thousands and thousands. They have never messaged me saying I’m doing any wrong doing! And I haven’t done anything.
ive never received a refund from them or from my bank due to deposits.
matter of this is my partner accidentally disputed a transaction with his bank as he didn’t know it was my transaction. Then this has happened. I immediately contacted my partner and I told him to cancel that dispute with his bank as it was my transaction. He did cancel it and told his bank the miss understanding and they cancel the dispute and nothing else happened. No refund. No issue!
so now Royal reels. Won’t pay me my $9000 I won
they just take take take and then do this the one time I actually get a win.
so unfair.
i deserve my winning’s.
I haven’t caused them any problems. And $9000 isn’t much compared to the amount I’ve deposited into there casino.
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Proverio sam uslove i uslove i evo šta sam našao:
18. Kada se uplate/isplate vrše elektronskim načinima plaćanja (npr. elektronski novčanik), klijent je dužan da koristi svoj lični račun za elektronsko plaćanje. U slučaju da se koriste računi za elektronsko plaćanje trećih strana, onda se svi dobici ostvareni nakon depozita na ovom računu za elektronsko plaćanje poništavaju i depoziti se vraćaju na račun za elektronsko plaćanje treće strane nakon odbitka svih troškova. Naša kompanija takođe zadržava pravo da deaktivira nalog klijenta ukoliko dođe do kršenja ovog pravila.
Za depozite i isplate treba da koristite samo bankovne račune i kreditne kartice koje se drže na vaše ime. Ako to ne uradite, možete upasti u nevolje kada pokušavate da izvršite povlačenje. Ovo pravilo je uglavnom na snazi kako bi se sprečila zloupotreba kreditnih kartica, kao i zbog međunarodnih propisa protiv pranja novca.
Imajte na umu da je ovo pravilo prekršeno. Kazina mogu dozvoliti neke izuzetke kada deponuju ili povlače sredstva koristeći zajedničku karticu ili se ova mogućnost unapred saopšti. Tehnički je veoma teško proveriti ko je vlasnik načina plaćanja u fazi deponovanja. Ovo se može proveriti samo tokom verifikacije naloga, što se obično radi kada se traži povlačenje. Stoga je odgovornost igrača da koristi samo dozvoljene načine plaćanja.
Ako niste u mogućnosti da dokažete da ste legitimni vlasnik načina plaćanja i niste dobili odobrenje od kazina koje vam dozvoljava da koristite metod plaćanja treće strane, bojim se da ne možemo mnogo da uradimo za ti.
Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru i razumevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Ange24,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. I have checked the T&Cs, and this is what I found:
18.Where deposits/withdrawals are made by electronic payment methods (eg electronic wallet), the customer is required to use his personal electronic payment account. In the event that third-party electronic payment accounts are used, then all winnings made after the deposit with this electronic payment account are canceled and the deposits are refunded to the third-party electronic payment account after deducting any costs. Our company also reserves the right to deactivate the client's account if there is an infringement of this rule.
For deposits and withdrawals, you should only use bank accounts and credit cards held in your own name. If you don't do this, you might get into trouble when trying to make a withdrawal. This rule is mostly in place to prevent credit card misuse and also because of international anti-money-laundering regulations.
Please understand that this rule has been breached. Some exceptions might be allowed by casinos when depositing or withdrawing funds using a joint card or this possibility is communicated beforehand. Technically it is very difficult to check who’s the owner of the payment method at the depositing stage. This can be checked only during account verification, which is usually done when a withdrawal is requested. Therefore, it is a player’s responsibility to use allowed payment methods only.
If you’re not able to prove that you are a legitimate owner of the payment method and you haven’t received approval from the casino allowing you to use a third-party payment method, I’m afraid there’s not much we can do for you.
Thank you very much in advance for your reply and understanding.
problem nije u mojim načinima plaćanja. Nisu izjavili ništa loše o ovome.
poslednji mejl koji su mi poslali odnosio se na spornu transakciju.
ako je bilo problema sa mojim načinom plaćanja i izdajte mi karticu mog dečka. Zašto su onda prihvatali svaku transakciju?
Čak sam morao da čekam na depozit od 200 dolara koji je nedostajao 3 nedelje.
Bio sam u komunikaciji sa tamošnjim timom za ćaskanje i podršku svaki dan dok konačno nisu pronašli 200 dolara i kreditirali moj nalog.
ni jednom nije bilo reči o problemima u vezi sa mojim metodom depozita.
bili su veoma srećni sa mnom da budem iskren i ovo je moja bitka koju sada vodim jer ako ne mogu da isplate moj dobitak i koriste ovo kao izgovor. Da odbije da mi plati.
zašto su tako sposobni da uzimaju svaki depozit svaki dan svake nedelje.
hiljade i hiljade.
moja poenta je da postoji problem sa tim. Ranije bi poništili račun. Umesto toga, napravili su ovo problem samo da ne bi morali da isplaćuju moj dobitak.
upravo ono što se ovde dogodilo.
jer ni jednom nije bilo govora o tome da su moje metode protiv pravila. Preko 100 depozitnih transakcija u ukupnom iznosu od više od 15 hiljada dolara i prvi put od otvaranja naloga, zatražio sam da podignem svoj dobitak.
oni ovo rade.
sigurno vidite da su me upravo prevarili, uzeli moj novac i onda greše što mi ne plate?
tako je lako videti ovo!
Thanks for replying.
the issue isn’t about my payment methods. They haven’t stated anything wrong about this.
there last email they sent me was to do with a disputed transaction.
if there were a problem with my payment method and issue me using my boyfriends card. Then why did they accept every transaction?
I even had to wait for a $200 deposit I did that was missing for 3 weeks.
i was in communication with there chat and support team everyday until they finally found the $200 and credited my account.
not once was there any mention of problems to do with my deposit method.
they were very happy with me to be honest and this is my battle I’m fighting now because if they can’t pay my winnings and use this as an excuse. To refuse paying me.
why are they so capable of taking every deposit everyday every week.
thousands and thoudands.
my point being if there was a problem with it. They would have canceled the account sooner. Instead they have made this a problem just so they don’t have to pay my winnings.
exactly what’s happened here.
because not once has there been any talk of my methods being against the rules. Over 100 deposit transaction totalling more than $15k and the first time since opening the acccount, I requested to withdraw my winnings.
they do this.
surely you can see they have just scammed me, taken my money and then are doing wrong to not pay me?
znaju da sam koristio račun svog partnera i karticu za svaki depozit
jer sam morao da im pošaljem njegove bankovne izvode da potvrdim da depozit koji sam dao nije uplaćen na moj račun.
uradio sam ovo više puta.
pročitali su i pregledali njegove bankovne izvode mnogo puta nedeljama pre nego što se to dogodilo
i oni su odobrili i kreditirali svaki depozit nakon toga!
tako da su znali njegovo ime i sve iz izjava iz get go.
pa šta su uradili ovde ako me samo iskoristite i iskoristite moje depozite. Ali neću platiti moje povlačenje na iste bankovne podatke kao što su bili na izvodima koje su primili ranije za ova pitanja!
kako mogu ovo da urade? Ne slaže se.
treba mi i zaslužujem svojih 9000 dolara koje sam osvojio
And this being said.
they know I’ve used my partners account and card to do every deposit
because I’ve had to send them his bank statements to confirm that the deposit I did didn’t credit in my account.
ive done this multiple times.
they have read and gone through his bank statements many times weeks before this has happened
and they have approved and credited every deposit after doing so!
so they knew his name and everything off the statements from get go.
so what they have done here if just use me and take advantage of me depositing. But won’t pay my withdrawal to the same bank details as were on the statements they received in past time for these issues!
Hvala na odgovoru, Ange24. Izvinjavam se, ali mi ne pomažemo u povraćaju depozita trećoj strani. Prekršili ste Opšte uslove i uslove korišćenjem tuđeg načina plaćanja, stoga ne možemo mnogo da uradimo za vas.
Iz gore navedenih razloga, ova žalba će sada biti odbijena. Hvala vam na razumevanju, žao mi je što ovom prilikom nismo mogli više pomoći. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom.
Thank you for your reply, Ange24. I apologize, but we do not assist with deposit refunds to a 3rd party. You breached the General T&Cs by using someone else's payment method, therefore, there is not much we can do for you.
Due to the aforementioned reasons, this complaint will now be rejected. Thank you for your understanding, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
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