Ćao svima.
Dobili smo izveštaj sa platforme za igre da ovaj klijent koristi strategiju brojanja kartica da bi stekao prednost u Evolution-ovim BlackJack igrama. Ova strategija je dobro poznata metoda koju koriste lažne grupe za profit, što nas je navelo da započnemo video verifikaciju klijenta kako bismo potvrdili identitet stvarnog igrača.
Tokom verifikacije identiteta, klijent je mogao bez napora da odgovori na pitanja o svojim ličnim podacima, načinu depozita i iznosu. Međutim, kada su ga pitali o pravilima blackjacka, klijent je odgovorio sa „ne sećam se", navodeći jezičku barijeru. Ovo se smatra valjanim razlogom, jer objašnjavanje pravila igre na jeziku koji nije maternji zaista može predstavljati izazov. Zbog toga su postavljana jednostavnija pitanja na maternjem jeziku klijenta (jermenski, sa slikama) na koja su bili potrebni direktni i nedvosmisleni odgovori.
1. Pitanje: Kolika je vrednost "kraljice" karte u blekdžeku?
Klijent je samouvereno odgovorio "3." Ovo je netačno, pošto dama, kao i džak i kralj, računa kao 10 poena.
2. Pitanje: Kolika je vrednost karte "kec" u blackjack-u? 1, 5 ili 10?
Odgovor klijenta je bio "10." Izgleda da je klijent pokušavao da pogodi najlogičniji odgovor. Međutim, ovo je takođe netačno, jer as može računati ili kao 1 ili 11, u zavisnosti od toga šta rezultira povoljnijom kombinacijom.
S obzirom na to da su ova pitanja osnovna za svakoga ko je igrao blekdžek, a s obzirom na to da je platforma za igre posebno prijavila ovog klijenta, to ukazuje da bi on trebalo da bude iskusan igrač. Klijent je takođe potvrdio da je igrao blek džek sam bez ikakve pomoći. Dakle, očigledno je da je profesionalac igrao koristeći i šemu i identitet ove osobe. Iz ovih razloga klijentu je blokiran račun, a stanje mu je oduzeto.
Razgovarali smo o pitanju vraćanja poslednjeg depozita pošto je postojao jasan pokušaj da se kazino obmane. Zaključili smo da bi njegovo vraćanje verovatno dovelo do toga da profesionalac registruje novi identitet i ponovo pokuša istu šemu, ovog puta pripremljenu za pitanja za video verifikaciju. Zbog toga smo odlučili da ne vraćamo depozit klijentu.
Nadamo se da će ovo objašnjenje pomoći.
Hey, all.
We received a report from the gaming platform that this client was employing a card-counting strategy to gain an advantage in Evolution's BlackJack games. This strategy is a well-known method used by fraudulent groups to profit, which led us to initiate a video verification of the client to confirm the identity of the actual player.
During the identity verification, the client was able to effortlessly answer questions about his personal information, his deposit method, and the amount. However, when asked about the rules of blackjack, the client responded with "don't remember," citing a language barrier. This is considered a valid reason, as explaining game rules in a non-native language can indeed pose a challenge. Therefore, simpler questions were asked in the client's native language (Armenian, with picture cards) that required straightforward and unequivocal answers.
1. Question: What is the value of the "queen" card in blackjack?
The client confidently answered "3." This is incorrect, as the queen, like the jack and king, counts as 10 points.
2. Question: What is the value of the "ace" card in blackjack? 1, 5, or 10?
The client's response was "10." It appears that the client was trying to guess the most logically correct answer. However, this is also incorrect, as the ace can count as either 1 or 11, depending on which results in a more favorable combination.
Given that these questions are basic for anyone who has played blackjack, and considering that the gaming platform specifically reported this client, it indicates that he should be an experienced player. The client also confirmed that he played blackjack alone without any assistance. Thus, it is evident that a professional was playing using both a scheme and the identity of this person. For these reasons, the client's account was blocked, and his balance was confiscated.
We discussed the issue of refunding the last deposit since there was a clear attempt to deceive the casino. We concluded that returning it would likely lead to the professional registering a new identity and attempting the same scheme again, this time prepared for the video verification questions. Therefore, we decided not to return the deposit to the client.
We hope this explanation helps.
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