Prvo da bolje razumem zašto sam odlučio da uložim žalbu.
Folkeriket sa comeon i mobilebet je imao kampanju pod nazivom "Evolution 500.000". Ova kampanja kaže da: svaki put kada se kladite na najmanje 250 NOK na kvalifikacione igre u kazinu uživo, dobijate deo nagradnog fonda. Ova kampanja je podeljena u dva kruga, tako da je ukupan iznos u nagradnom fondu bio 1 milion NOK. Maksimalna količina komada je regulisana na 200 komada svakog dana.
Prvo kolo je bilo između 1. i 14. decembra, a novac bi igračima trebalo da bude podeljen do 20. decembra.
Drugo kolo je bilo od 15. do 31. decembra, a novac će igračima biti dodeljen u roku od 5. januara.
Uz to, igrao sam za 67.581 NOK u kvalifikacionim igrama koje su mi dale 270 deonica nagradnog fonda.
Drugo kolo sam igrao za 304.826 NOk što bi trebalo da bude 1277 deonica.
Sada pređimo na problem:
Stupio sam u kontakt sa timom za podršku i čekao odgovor. Tada su mi rekli da treba da dobijem 250 NOK za učešće u prvom kolu. Zatim sam pitao tim za lojalnost, jer sam dobio osećaj da je to pogrešan iznos. 250 NOK, zar nisam ni dobio
Odgovor iz tima lojalnosti je bio da je u ovom slučaju to bilo 80 NOK po akciji, a pošto sam igrao samo za 112 evra, trebalo bi da dobijem samo jednu deonicu nagradnog fonda (80NOK). Nikada nisam dobio ni ovih 80 NOK.
Da shvate odavde, da nemaju pojma šta da rade, za svakih 25 evra za koje igrate, to je jedan komad. Kako onda 112 evra može biti samo jedan komad?
Tada sam dobio poruku da je ovo kampanja sa nagradnom igrom i nije bila podeljena pot.
Zatim im dam dokaz o svom istorijskom igranju, sa onim što je zapravo rekla kampanja. Dobio sam odgovor da je slučaj zatvoren.
Prateći slučaj i uslove za kazino, možete uložiti žalbu kazinu, a §1.4 navodi da kazino ima sedam radnih dana da da odgovor.
Na formalnu žalbu poslatu kazinu, još uvek nisam dobio nikakav odgovor (16.01) i sada je prošao krajnji rok za odgovor.
U uslovima kampanje kažu: „Folkeriket zadržava pravo da ne isplati nagradu gde su dobici zbog očigledne greške ili tehničke greške (uključujući netačne isplate igara)"
U mojoj istoriji igranja, nisam uradio ništa loše i igrao sam pošteno. Ni ja to ne mogu da vidim kao "očiglednu grešku", kako zato što kazina često imaju takvu kampanju, pa čak i kada je stanje teksta podebljano (i u uslovima i na naslovnoj strani).
Sa svim mejlovima između mene i lojalnosti/podrške promenili su celu kampanju 05.01.2023. Ovo je dugo nakon što je kampanja završena, i to vidim kao prevaru da ne mogu da vratim igračima koji su učestvovali u ovoj kampanji.
Uz sve to i sve: dobio sam 1547 deonica u ovoj kampanji, a pošto je njihov e-mail rekao da svaki komad vredi 80 NOK, ja vidim da nedostaje 123.760 NOK.
Uz sve dokaze da su promenili kampanju nakon završetka, šta su rekli i šta je stvarna kampanja rekla u vreme kampanje, ja ovo vidim kao prevaru i nadam se da će mi Casino.Guru pomoći da dobijem ono što imam igrao za.
Ako vam treba još neki dokaz ili bolje objašnjenje, daću ga.
First to give a better understanding, why I did decide to do a complaint.
Folkeriket with comeon and mobilebet had a campaign called "Evolution 500.000". This campaign said that: every time you bet at least NOK 250 on qualifying games in the live casino, you get a share of the prize pool. This campaign was seperated into two round, so the total amount in the prize pool was 1 million NOK. The maximum amount of pieces was regulated to 200 pieces each day.
The first round was between 1st - 14th of december, and the money should be given to the players within 20th of december.
The second round was 15-31th december, and the money will be given to the players within 5th of January.
With that said, I played for 67.581 NOK on qualifying games that gave me 270 shares of the prize pool.
Second round I did play for 304.826 NOk wich should be 1277 share.
Now over to the problem:
I did get in touch with the support team, and waited for reply. They then told me that I should get 250 NOK for my participation in round one. I then asked the loyalty team, because I did get a feeling that this was a wrong amount. The 250 NOK, did i never recieve either
The respond from loyalty team was that in this case it was 80 NOK per share, and since I only had played for 112 Euros, I only should get one share of the prize pot (80NOK). This 80 NOK did i never recieve either.
To understand from here, that they haven't a clue what to do, is for each 25 Euros you play for, it is one piece. How can 112 euros then only be one piece?
I then got the message about this was a campaign with raffle and it was not shared pot.
With then giving them proof of my playing historic, with what the actually campaign said. The respond I got was that the case was closed.
Following the case and the terms for the casino, you can give a complaint to the casino, and §1.4 state that the casino have seven working days to give a respond.
With the formal complaint sent to the casino, I have still not recieved any respond (16.01) and it have now gone over the deadilne for respond.
In the terms of the campaign, they say: "Folkeriket reserves the right not to pay out a prize where the winnings are due to an obvious error or technical error (including incorrect payouts of games)"
At my playing historic says, i haven't done anything wrong, and played fairly. I can't either see that as a "obvious error", both since casinos often have campaign like that, and even when the state of text is in bold text (both in the terms and front page).
With all of the mails between me and loyalty/support they changed the whole campaign on 05.01.2023. This is long after the campaign was done, and i see that as fraud to not be able to give back to the players who have been participated in this campaign.
With all that being said and everything: I did get 1547 share pieces in this campaign, and as the E-mail from them said that each piece is worth 80 NOK, i see this as 123.760 NOK missing.
With all proof of them changing the campaign after the ending, what they have said, and what the actual campaign said in the time of the campaign, I see this as a SCAM, and hope that Casino.Guru can help me get what i have played for.
If you need some more proof or better explanation, I will give it.
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