Igrač iz Njemačke poništio je povlačenje zbog kršenja pravila o bonusu koja smatramo nepravednim. Na kraju smo zaključili žalbu kao neriješenu jer dobitak igrača nije u potpunosti isplaćen.
The player from Germany had his withdrawal voided due to breaching bonus rules that we find unfair. We ended up closing the complaint as unresolved because the player's winnings weren't paid in full.
Igrač iz Njemačke poništio je povlačenje zbog kršenja pravila o bonusu koja smatramo nepravednim. Na kraju smo zaključili žalbu kao neriješenu jer dobitak igrača nije u potpunosti isplaćen.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Dragi fowi30,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu i proslijedili sve relevantne snimke zaslona. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema. Provjerio sam odredbe i uvjete i evo što sam pronašao https://savaronacasino.com/en/static-texts/bonus_terms :
„9.6. Ako igrač ili grupa igrača zloupotrebljavaju kazino bonuse, Savarona ima pravo oduzeti bilo koju dobitak i zatvoriti račune igrača. Nasilno ponašanje prema bonusima i / ili zloupotrebi bonusa znači:
i) Igrač stavlja opklade i / ili opklade koje iznose maksimalno dozvoljene po bonus uslovima kako bi povećao odstupanje kako bi povećao saldo
ii) Igrač smanjuje opkladu i / ili veličinu opklade nakon velike pobjede i mijenja igru u onu s nižom volatilnošću
iii) Igrač daje depozite da bi ograničio iznos bonusa, ali ne više. Primjenjivo na bonuse od 50% i više
Nakon što je račun označen kao zloupotreba bonusa, zabranjeno je koristiti bilo koje druge bonuse i / ili učestvovati u promocijama u Savaroni. "
Možete li proslijediti bilo koju drugu relevantnu komunikaciju koja bi mogla podržati ovaj slučaj prije nego što kontaktiramo kasino i zatražimo njihovo stajalište? Moja adresa e-pošte je petronela.k@casino.guru .
Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da što prije riješite ovaj problem. Unaprijed se zahvaljujem na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear fowi30,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and forwarding all the relevant screenshots. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. I have checked terms and conditions, and this is what I found https://savaronacasino.com/en/static-texts/bonus_terms:
„ 9.6. If a player or a group of players are abusing casino bonuses Savarona has the right to confiscate any wins thereof and to close the players account(s). Abusive behaviour towards bonuses and/or bonus abuse means:
i) A Player places bets and/or wagers amounting to the maximum allowed per bonus terms to raise the variance in order increase the balance
ii) Player lowers the bet and/or wager size after a big win and changes the game to one with a lower volatility
iii) Player makes deposits to cap out the bonus amount but not more. Applicable to match bonuses of 50% and above
After the account has been flagged as bonus abusing it is forbidden to use any other bonuses and/or participate in promotions at Savarona."
Could you please forward any other relevant communication that could support this case before we’ll contact the casino and ask for their standpoint? My email address is petronela.k@casino.guru.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
slučaj je očito da kazino traži razlog da se ne isplati.
Pitam vas kako mi kazino može omogućiti da stalno uplaćujem bonus, iako nemam šanse za dobitak. U slučaju da izgubim bonus, kasino je u redu i dopuštaju mi da iz tjedna u sedmicu ponovo uplatim bonus i čim prije osvojite nešto, pozovite se na ovaj bonusni rok tako da ne morate isplatiti. Ni u jednom trenutku nisam imao priliku da bilo šta osvojim.
Čak i ako mi se ne isplati dobitak, imam pravo vratiti sve depozite od preko 1300 eura, jer nikada nisam imao priliku bilo što osvojiti.
Kazino bi također trebao biti odgovoran da prestane nuditi igračima bonuse ako nisu kvalificirani za njih ili se varam?
9.6.iii) Nakon što je račun označen kao zloupotreba bonusa, zabranjeno je koristiti druge bonuse i / ili učestvovati u promocijama u Savaroni.
šta je sa ovim bonus terminom? Nikad nisam označen kao zloupotrebitelj bonusa, tako da moram pretpostaviti da sam kvalifikovan za bonuse i da će i oni biti isplaćeni.
the case is clearly the casino is looking for a reason not to pay off.
I ask you how can the casino allow me to deposit all the time with a bonus even though I have no chance of winning. In the event that I lose the bonus, the casino is ok and they let me deposit again week after week with the bonus and as soon as possible you win something refer to this bonus term so that you don't have to pay out. At no time did I have a chance to win anything.
Even if I don't get my winnings paid out, I have the right to get all my deposits of over 1300 euros back because I never had a chance to win anything.
It should also be the responsibility of the casino to stop offering players bonuses if they are not qualified for them or am I wrong?
9.6.iii) After the account has been marked as bonus abuse, it is prohibited to use other bonuses and or to participate in promotions at Savarona.
what about this bonus term? I was never flagged as a bonus abuser so I have to assume that I am qualified for bonuses and that these will also be paid out.
der fall ist ja wohl eindeutig das casino sucht nach einen grund nicht auszuzahlen.
ich frage sie wie kann das casino es zulassen das ich die ganze zeit einzahlen kann mit bonus obwohl ich keine gewinnchanche habe.im falle das ich den bonus verliere ist es für das casino ok und sie lassen mich woche für woche neu einzahlen mit bonus und sobald man etwas gewinnt beziehen sie sich auf diesen bonus term um nicht auszahlen zu müssen.ich hatte zu keiner zeit auch nur eine chanche etwas zu gewinnen.
selbst wenn ich meinen gewinn nicht ausbezahlt kriege habe ich ein recht darauf meine kompletten einzahlungen von über 1300 euro zurück zu erhalten da ich zu keinen zeitpunkt eine chanche hatte etwas zu gewinnen.
es sollte doch auch die verantwortung des casinos sein den spieler keine boni mehr anzubieten wenn er dafür nicht qualifiziert ist oder sehe ich das falsch?
9.6.iii)Nachdem das Konto als Bonusmissbrauch gekennzeichnet wurde, ist es verboten, andere Boni zu verwenden und oder an Werbeaktionen bei Savarona teilzunehmen.
was ist mit diesen bonus term? ich wurde zu keinen zeitpunkt als bonus abuser geflagged so das ich davon ausgehen muss das ich für bonusse qualifiziert bin und diese auch ausgezahlt werden.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Puno vam hvala, fowi30, što ste pružili sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Petera koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, fowi30, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo fowi30,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i razumijem situaciju. Kontaktirat ću kasino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Želio bih pozvati kasino Savarona na razgovor kako bih sudjelovao u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi fowi30,
I looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite Savarona Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dragi tim fowi30 i Casino Guru tima,
Obavještavamo vas da su sredstva odbijena s računa igrača zbog kršenja kl. 9.6 i kl. 9.11b naših Bonus uslova i odredbi https://savaronacasino.com/en/static-texts/bonus_terms. Igrač je izvršio 12 depozita i primio 12 depozitnih bonusa i to se može smatrati zloupotrebom bonusa. Prema kl. 9.11b https://savaronacasino.com/en/static-texts/bonus_terms imamo pravo zabraniti igraču primanje bonusa ako je igrač više puta dao depozite za igranje u našem kasinu isključivo za upotrebu bonusa „Ponovo učitaj bonus od 55% na depozit petkom "bez davanja depozita i ne klađenja bez aktivnog bonusa. Prema točki 9.6. Ako je omjer bonusa primljenih bonusa prema njegovim depozitima veći od 50%, imamo pravo oduzeti dobitak i zatvoriti račun igrača. Za ovog igrača je bilo 58,3%. Ove bonuse aktivirao je sam igrač. Budući da su dobici dobiveni bonusom koji je aktivirao sam igrač i zbog kršenja naših pravila, sredstva su oduzimana sa igraćeg računa.
Također, pružili smo sve informacije u vezi s ovim problemom na e-adresu Casino Guru tima i nadamo se poštenom rješenju ove situacije.
Topli pozdravi,
Kazino tim Savarone
Dear fowi30 and Casino Guru team,
We would like to inform you that the funds were deducted from player's account due to violation of cl. 9.6 and cl. 9.11b of our Bonus Terms and Conditions https://savaronacasino.com/en/static-texts/bonus_terms. The player has made 12 deposits and received 12 deposit bonuses and this can be considered as bonus abusing. According to cl. 9.11b https://savaronacasino.com/en/static-texts/bonus_terms we have the right to restrict the player from receiving bonuses if the player repeatedly made deposits to play in our casino for the sole use of the bonus "Reload bonus of 55% on the Deposit on Fridays" without making deposits and not making bets without the bonus active. According to cl. 9.6 if bonus ratio of received bonuses to his deposits is more than 50% we have the right to confiscate winnings and to close the player's account. For this player it was 58.3 % These bonuses were activated by the player himself. Since winnings were obtained with the bonus that was activated by the player himself and due to violation of our rules funds were deducted from the gaming account.
Also, we have provided all the information regarding this issue to Casino Guru team email and we hope for a fair solution to this situation.
Warm regards,
Savarona casino team
9.6.iii) Nakon što je račun označen kao zloupotreba bonusa, zabranjeno je koristiti bilo koje druge bonuse i / ili učestvovati u promocijama u Savaroni.
Nikad nisam označen kao zloupotrebitelj bonusa, tako da moram pretpostaviti da sam kvalifikovan za bonus.
vaša je odgovornost da mi zabranite bonuse ako za njih nisam kvalificiran.
Pored toga, nema nigdje informacija o tome koliki je trenutni omjer bonusa. Kako igrač treba znati može li iskoristiti bonus?
dan prije moje pobjede, vaš vip menadžer mi piše za bonus od 100 eura (koji nisam iskoristio), iako je moj omjer bonusa već previsok i nisam kvalificiran ni za bonuse.
umjesto bonusa od mog vip menadžera, jedan dan kasnije koristio sam bonus za ponovno učitavanje petkom gdje je nastao veliki dobitak od 4000 eura. Tako da sam morao biti u mogućnosti pretpostaviti da sam kvalifikovan.
Želio bih ponovo reći kako je došlo do velike pobjede
Vrlo brzo sam imao sreće sa voćnim osnovama i postigao sam visoku zaradu od uloga od 5 eura, a stanje mi je bilo 1.800 eura.
Budući da sam već imao problema u jednom od njihovih sestrinskih kazina pokies2go koji ima potpuno iste bonus uslove kao i savaronacasino i objavio slučaj kod casino gurua (https://de.casino.guru/pokies2go-casino-gewinne-aus-dem -bonusspiel- jer sam promijenio slot:
2. ii) Igrač smanjuje ulog i / ili veličinu uloga nakon velike pobjede i mijenja igru u igru s manje volatilnosti. "
Odlučio sam ostati s warp voćem i riskirao sam da ponovo izgubim sve dobitke, ali imao sam sreće i opet pobijedio, a nakon klađenja imao sam 4000 eura.
ono što želim reći u to vrijeme je da sam promijenio mjesto, optužili bi me za to i ne bi mi isplatili
2. ii) Igrač smanjuje ulog i / ili veličinu uloga nakon velike pobjede i mijenja igru u igru s manje volatilnosti. "
Ali ako i dalje igrate rizik i ostanete na slotu gdje ste bili prije i osvojite još više, možete koristiti ovaj bonus paragraf da ne biste morali isplatiti:
iii) Igrač daje depozite da ograniči iznos bonusa, ali ne više. Odnosi se na bonuse od 50%
bez obzira kako to na kraju napravili, promijenili slot ili ostali u njemu, uvijek ćete pronaći bonus odlomak kako biste izbjegli isplatu
9.6.iii) After the account has been flagged as bonus abusing it is forbidden to use any other bonuses and / or participate in promotions at Savarona.
I was never flagged as a bonus abuser so I have to assume that I am qualified for a bonus.
it is your responsibility to ban me from bonuses if i am not qualified for them.
In addition, there is nowhere information about how high the current bonus ratio is. How should the player know whether he can use the bonus?
the day before my win, your vip manager writes me for a 100 euro bonus (which I did not use) although my bonus ratio is already too high and I am not even qualified for bonuses.
instead of the bonus from my vip manager, one day later i used the friday reload bonus where the big win of 4000 euros arose. So I had to be able to assume that I was qualified.
I would like to say again how the big win came about
i got lucky with fruit warp very quickly and came up with a high profit on 5 euros stake and my balance was 1,800 euros.
Since I have already had problems in one of their sister casinos pokies2go that has exactly the same bonus conditions as the savaronacasino and published a case at casino guru (https://de.casino.guru/pokies2go-casino-gewinne-aus-dem-bonusspiel- because I changed the slot:
2. ii) The player lowers the stake and / or stake size after a large win and changes the game to a game with less volatility. "
i decided to stay with fruit warp and risked losing all the winnings again but i was lucky and won again and after wagering i had 4000 euro.
what i want to say at that time is if i had changed the slot they would have accused me of that and would not have paid out
2. ii) The player lowers the stake and / or stake size after a large win and changes the game to a game with less volatility. "
But if you continue to play risk and stay with the slot where you were before and win even more, you can use this bonus paragraph in order not to have to pay out:
iii) The player makes deposits to limit the bonus amount, but no more. Applies to bonuses from 50%
no matter how you do it in the end, change the slot or stay in it, you will always find a bonus paragraph to avoid having to pay out
9.6.iii)After the account has been flagged as bonus abusing it is forbidden to use any other bonuses and/or participate in promotions at Savarona.
ich war zu keinen zeitpunkt als bonus abuser geflaggt deshalb muss ich davon ausgehen können das ich für bonus qualifiziert bin.
es liegt in ihrer verantwortung mich für bonusse zu sperren wenn ich nicht dafür qualifiziert bin.
auserdem gibt es nirgends informationen dazu wie hoch die aktuelle bonus ratio ist woher soll der spieler wissen ob er den bonus nutzen darf?
ein tag vor meinen gewinn schreibt mich ihr vip manager an für ein 100 euro bonus (den ich nicht genutzt habe) obwohl meine bonusratio bereits zu hoch ist und ich gar nicht für bonusse qualifiziert bin.
statt dem bonus von meinen vip manager habe ich dann einen tag später den freitag reload bonus genutzt wo der grosse gewinn von 4000 euro entstand. ich musste also davon ausgehen können das ich qualifiziert bin.
ich möchte noch einmal sagen wie es zu dem grossen gewinn kam
ich hatte bei fruit warp recht schnell glück und kam auf 5 euro einsatz zu einen hohen gewinn und meine balance war bei 1800 euro.
da ich schon einmal in einen ihrer schwestercasinos pokies2go das genau die selben bonusbedingungen hat wie das savaronacasino probleme hatte und einen fall bei casino guru veröffentlichte(https://de.casino.guru/pokies2go-casino-gewinne-aus-dem-bonusspiel-wurden) weil ich den slot wechselte:
2. ii) Der Spieler senkt die Einsatz- und / oder Einsatzgröße nach einem großen Gewinn und ändert das Spiel in ein Spiel mit geringerer Volatilität. "
entschied ich mich dazu bei fruit warp zu bleiben und riskierte alle gewinne bei der umsetzung wieder zu verlieren aber ich hatte glück und gewann nochmals und hatte nach wagerumsetzung 4000 euro.
was ich damt sagen will ist wenn ich den slot gewechselt hätte hätten sie mir das vorgeworfen und nicht ausgezahlt
2. ii) Der Spieler senkt die Einsatz- und / oder Einsatzgröße nach einem großen Gewinn und ändert das Spiel in ein Spiel mit geringerer Volatilität. "
wenn man aber weiter risiko spielt und bei dem slot bleibt wo man vorher war und noch mehr gewinnt wendet man diesen bonusparagraphen an um nicht auszahlen zu müssen:
iii) Der Spieler macht Einzahlungen, um den Bonusbetrag zu begrenzen, aber nicht mehr. Gilt für Boni ab 50%
egal wie man es letztendlich macht den slot wechselt oder drin bleibt sie finden immer einen bonusparagraphen um nicht auszahlen zu müssen
Dragi tim Casina Savarona,
Na žalost, ne vidimo razlog zašto igrač ne bi dobio cjelovitu plaću. 1. kako igrač zna koliki je njegov omjer depozita i bonusa? 2. I dalje dopuštate igračima da uzimaju bonuse iako nemaju pravo na njih. 3. Kako igrač treba znati da ne ispunjava uslove za bonuse kad ga vaš VIP menadžer kontaktira i ponudi mu više bonusa? S naše točke gledišta, ako dozvolite igračima da uzimaju bonuse, trebali biste im isplatiti njihov dobitak. Ako želite isključiti igrače iz uzimanja bonusa, nemojte im dopustiti da ih aktiviraju. To je vrlo jednostavno rješenje. Nijedan igrač nikada neće izračunati svoj omjer depozita i bonusa.
Dear Savarona Casino team,
Unfortunately, we see no reason why the player shouldn't get paid in full. 1. how does a player know what his deposit-bonus ratio is? 2. You still let the players take bonuses even though they are not eligible for them. 3. How should a player know that they are not eligible for bonuses when your VIP manager contacts them and offers them more bonuses? From our point of view, if you let players take bonuses, you should pay them their winnings. If you want to exclude players from taking bonuses, don't let them activate any. It's a very simple fix. No player will ever calculate their deposit-bonus ratio.
Dragi tim fowi30 i Casino Guru tima,
Objasnimo zašto je odbijanje sredstava bilo ispravno i prema našim pravilima.
Prije svega nudimo depozit za naše igrače sve dok ne pređu granicu i uzimamo ih za svaki depozit kao što je to učinio igrač. Dao je 12 depozita i primio 12 depozitnih bonusa. Igrač je čekao svakog tjedna od petka do nedjelje kako bi uplatio depozit i primio bonus. Aktivirao je ne 2 ili 5 bonusa već 11 istih bonusa. To nazivamo zloupotrebom bonusa.
Drugo, igrač ne može računati svoj omjer bonusa, ali kada se registrirao na našoj web stranici, pristao je na naše Uslove i odredbe i prema cl 9.6 https://savaronacasino.com/en/static-texts/bonus_terms ako omjer bonusa (iznos primio bonuse na njegove depozite) je više od 50% imamo pravo oduzeti dobitak primljen od ovog bonusa. Još jednom podsjetimo da je dobio bonus na svoj prvi depozit i 11 (!) Istih depozitnih bonusa, koje je igrač aktivirao svake sedmice, dok je izvršio 12 depozita. To je čisto zloupotreba bonusa. Igrač je izvršio 12 depozita i aktivirao 12 depozitnih bonusa, njegov omjer bonusa je 58,3%.
Treće, igrač je dobio povrat novca od VIP menadžera, što nije isto što i bonus na depozit, to je kompenzacija za njegove gubitke. Iako je nakon toga ponovo izvršio novi depozit i aktivirao bonus na depozit. Nakon toga mu je blokirano primanje bonusa.
Ljubazno vas molimo da preispitate svoja razmišljanja o ovom slučaju. Nadam se vašem razumijevanju.
Topli pozdravi,
Kazino tim Savarone
Dear fowi30 and Casino Guru team,
Let us explain why deduction of funds was correct and as per our rules.
First of all we do offer deposit for our players for as long as they don't cross the line and take them on every deposit as this player did. He made 12 deposits and received 12 deposit bonuses. The player was waiting every week from Friday to Sunday in order to make a deposit and receive a bonus. He activated not 2 or 5 bonuses but 11 the same bonuses. That's what we call bonus abuse.
Secondly, player may not count his bonus ratio but when he registered on our web site he agreed to our Terms and Conditions and according to cl 9.6 https://savaronacasino.com/en/static-texts/bonus_terms if bonus ratio (amount of received bonuses to his deposits) is more then 50% we have the right to confiscate winnings received from this bonus. Once again let us remind that he received bonus on his first deposit and 11(!) the same deposit bonuses, that player activated every week, while he made 12 deposits. That is purely bonus abusing. The player made 12 deposits and activated 12 deposit bonuses, his bonus ratio is 58.3%.
Thirdly, the player received cashback from VIP manager, which is not the same as a deposit bonus, it is compensation for his losses. Even though after this he made again a new deposit and activated the deposit bonus. After that he was blocked from receiving bonuses.
We are kindly asking you to reconsider your thoughts on this case. Hope for your understanding.
Warm regards,
Savarona casino team
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Pozdrav fowi30 i Casino timu Savarona,
Hvala na odgovorima.
Dragi tim Savarone,
Razumijem vaše gledište. Međutim, to zapravo ništa ne mijenja. Da vam postavim pitanje. Kakvu je nepravednu prednost igrač dobio? Koliko novca je zaradio od bonusa prije ovog? Ispravite me ako griješim, ali vjerujem da je svaki put izgubio. Zašto ga niste kontaktirali i rekli, žao nam je, moramo vam vratiti novac jer ste aktivirali previše bonusa i to je protivno našim pravilima? Nisi, jer je gubio. I u tome je problem. Dok igrač gubi, niko s tim nema problema. Međutim, u drugoj pobjedi, protivno je uvjetima i odredbama. To se naziva dvostrukim standardom. Dozvoljavate igraču da aktivira bonus, uprkos činjenici da nije imao pravo na njega, te bi stoga trebao biti plaćen. Ne bismo imali prigovora da samo zabranite igraču sve bonuse. Bojim se da je naša odluka konačna.
Hi fowi30 and Savarona Casino team,
Thanks for your replies.
Dear Savarona Team,
I understand your point of view. However, it doesn't really change anything. Let me ask you a question. What unfair advantage did the player get? How much money did he earn from the bonuses before this one? Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe he lost every time. Why didn't you contact him and said, we are sorry, we have to give your money back because you activated too many bonuses and that is against our rules? You didn't because he was losing. And that is the problem. While the player loses, nobody has a problem with it. However, the second he wins, it's against the terms and conditions. This is called a double standard. You let the player activate the bonus despite the fact that he was not eligible for it and therefore he should get paid. We would have no objection if you just banned the player from all bonuses. I'm afraid our decision is final.
Kazino mi je poslao e-mail s ponudom da vratim sve depozite od 1260 eura. Malo sam zbunjen, nemam pravo na puni prijem svojih dobitaka od preko 4000 eura
Dragi tim za žalbe casino gurua
Otvorio sam ovaj slučaj ovdje s ciljem da dobijem svoju legitimnu dobit od preko 4000 eura, ali naravno da ne želim završiti s 0 eura ako kazino odbije isplatiti puni dobitak, a vi prihvatite pogoršanje vaše reputacije .
Trenutno ne znam šta da radim.
The casino sent me an email with the offer to refund all deposits of 1260 euros. I'm a little confused, I am not entitled to the full receipt of my winnings of over 4000 euros
Dear casino guru complaint team
I opened this case here with the aim of receiving my legitimate profit of over 4000 euros but of course I don't want to end up with 0 euros if the casino refuses to pay out the full winnings and instead you accept a deterioration in your reputation .
I don't know what to do right now.
das casino hat mir eine email gesendet mit dem angebot mir alle einzahlungen in höhe von 1260 euro zurück zu erstatten.ich bin etwas verwirrt habe ich nicht einen anspruch auf den vollen erhalt meines gewinnes von über 4000 euro
liebes casino guru complaint team
ich habe diesen fall hier eröffnet mit dem ziel meinen rechtmäßigen gewinn in höhe von über 4000 euro zu erhalten aber natürlich möchte ich am ende auch nicht mit 0 euro da stehen falls sich das casino weigert den vollen gewinn auszuzahlen und sie stattdessen eine verschlechterung ihrer reputation hinnehmen.
ich weiss jetzt gerade nicht was ich machen soll.
Zdravo fowi30,
Razgovarali smo o situaciji sa našim rukovodstvom i poslao sam poruku u kasino Skypeom. Uskoro bi trebao biti odgovor sa konačnom odlukom kasina.
Hi fowi30,
We discussed the situation with our management and I sent a message to the casino by Skype. There should be a reply with the casino's final decision soon.
kazino me je e-poštom obavijestio o konačnoj odluci da ne isplatim puni profit od 4000 eura.
spremni ste samo vratiti depozite.
Budući da nemam drugog izbora, pristao sam na ovo i sada čekam isplatu depozita od 1260 eura + 100 eura koji su trenutno na mom računu za igre, ukupno 1360 eura.
the casino informed me by email of the final decision not to pay out the full profit of 4000 euros.
you are only willing to refund the deposits.
Since I have no other choice, I have agreed to this and am now waiting for the payment of the deposits of 1260 euros + 100 euros that are currently on my game account, a total of 1360 euros.
das casino hat mir per mail die endgültige entscheidung mitgeteilt den vollen gewinn über 4000 euro nicht auszuzahlen.
sie sind lediglich dazu bereit die einzahlungen zurück zu erstatten.
da ich keine andere wahl habe, habe ich dies zugestimmt und warte nun auf die auszahlung der einzahlungen von 1260 euro + 100 euro die sich derzeit auf mein spielaccount befinden insgesamt also 1360 euro.
Dragi tim fowi30 i Casino Guru tima,
Uskoro se vraćamo s odgovorom u vezi s ovim slučajem.
Nadam se vašem razumijevanju.
Topli pozdravi,
Kazino tim Savarone
Dear fowi30 and Casino Guru team,
We will be back soon with an answer regarding this case.
Hope for your understanding.
Warm regards,
Savarona casino team
To nije potpuno tačno. Ovih 1260 eura plaćate samo pod uslovom da odustanem od žalbe kako bih izbjegao lošu reputaciju.
Kazino me o tome obavijestio e-poštom.
Međutim, odbijam. To je poput ucjene ako ne odustanete od žalbe, vraćate depozite od 1260 eura, ako ne dobijete ništa.
Nismo u turskoj čaršiji ili poželimo želju u šta casino vjeruje.
Nije stvar samo u novcu, važno mi je i da su drugi igrači upozoreni kada igraju u ovom kasinu.
That is not completely right. You only pay these 1260 euros on the condition that I drop the complaint in order to avoid the bad reputation.
The casino informed me of this by email.
I refuse, however. It's like blackmail if you don't drop the complaint you get the deposits of 1260 euros back, if not you get nothing.
We are not in the Turkish bazaar or make a wish what the casino seems to believe.
It's not just about the money, it's also important to me that other players are warned when they play at this casino.
Das ist nicht ganz richtig. Sie zahlen diese 1260 Euro nur unter der Voraussetzung aus wenn ich die Beschwerde fallen lasse um die schlechte Reputation zu umgehen.
Dies hat mir das Casino per Mail mitgeteilt.
Ich lehne das allerdings ab.das ist ja wie eine Erpressung wenn sie die Beschwerde nicht fallen lassen kriegen sie die Einzahlungen von 1260 euro zurück,wenn nicht kriegen sie gar nix.
Wir sind hier nicht auf dem türkischen Basar oder bei wünsch dir was wie es das Casino zu glauben scheint.
es geht mir nicht nur um das Geld es ist mir auch wichtig das andere Spieler gewarnt sind wenn sie in diesen Casino spielen.
Dragi tim fowi30 i Casino Guru,
Obavještavamo vas da su sredstva u iznosu od 1260 EUR uspješno vraćena na igraće stanje na dan 01.06. Igrač je obaviješten poštom.
Kao što je već spomenuto, nažalost, nismo u mogućnosti vratiti dobitak od bonusa igraču, odnosno 4096,50 EUR, jer se strogo pridržavamo naših pravila i ne možemo zanemariti pravila stranice. Štaviše, igrač se složio s našim uvjetima i odredbama prilikom registracije na web mjestu. Zbog toga je naša konačna odluka bila da vratimo puni iznos depozita koje je igrač dao da bi dobio bonuse u našem kasinu.
Također želimo naglasiti da igrač nije ucijenjen i nije spomenuto da mu novac neće biti vraćen ako ne zatvori žalbu. Učtivo je zamoljen da duplicira svoj odgovor na forumu koji nam je rekao poštom.
Radujemo se što ćemo čuti o rješenju za ovaj slučaj.
S poštovanjem,
Kazino tim Savarone
Dear fowi30 and Casino Guru team,
We would like to inform you that the funds in the amount of 1260 EUR were successfully returned to the player's gaming balance on 01.06. The player was notified by mail.
As previously mentioned, unfortunately, we are unable to return the winnings from the bonus to the player, namely 4096.50 EUR, since we strictly follow our policies and can not ignore the rules of the site. Moreover, the player has agreed to our terms and conditions when registering on the site. That is why our final decision was to return the full amount of deposits that the player made to receive bonuses in our casino.
We also want to emphasize that the player was not blackmailed and there was no mention that the money will not be returned to him if he does not close the complaint. He was politely asked to duplicate his reply on the forum that he told us by mail.
We are looking forward to hearing about the solution for this case.
Savarona casino team
Pozdrav svima, hvala na odgovorima.
Dragi tim Savarone,
Vidio sam e-mail koji ste poslali igraču i zato razumijem njegovu reakciju.
Dragi fowi30,
Obavijestite me kad primite sredstva.
Hi all, thank you for your replies.
Dear Savarona team,
I saw the email you sent to the player and that's why I understand his reaction.
Dear fowi30,
Please let me know when you receive your funds.
Hvala fowi30 na ažuriranju. Drago mi je čuti da ste primili depozite.
Kao što je gore nekoliko puta spomenuto, uvjereni smo da bi igrač trebao biti u potpunosti plaćen. Budući da je kasino odlučio vratiti samo depozite igrača, odbit ćemo taj iznos od spornog iznosa ove žalbe (bit će manje crnih točaka), ali ćemo i dalje zaključiti slučaj kao neriješen. Ako se odluka kasina promijeni, žalba se može ponovo otvoriti u bilo kojem trenutku.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you fowi30 for the update. I'm glad to hear that you received your deposits.
As mentioned several times above, we are convinced that the player should get paid in full. Since the casino decided to only refund the player's deposits, we will deduct that amount from the disputed amount of this complaint (there will be fewer black points) but we will still close the case as unresolved. If the casino's decision changes, the complaint can be reopened at any time.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
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