Igrač iz Austrija je zatražio isplatu manje od dve nedelje pre nego je poslao prigovo. Isplata još nije procesuirana.
Dragi Guru timu, pišem vam u nadi da ću na ovaj način nekako doći do svojih dobitaka. Mogli ste da mi pomognete u sličnom slučaju u prošlosti - tako da imam veliko poverenje u vašu kompetentnost. Imao sam isplatu od 500 evra u Scatterhall kazinu od 3.4.23. (zbog maksimalnog iznosa - još 500 na kazino računu). KIC je takođe završen od 3.4 - kada me kontaktirate putem ćaskanja, uvek dobijam gotove odgovore koji sugerišu da ne želim/ne mogu da platim ovde? Uložio sam nešto novca u ovaj kazino zbog veoma dobrih ocena na vašem sajtu - i zaista mislim da je velika zbrka što ovaj kazino ovako reaguje kada je u pitanju isplata 😕. Obično bih čekao još duže pre nego što vas kontaktiram - međutim, brine me veliki broj izveštaja na vašem sajtu o kazinu + pošto nema šanse za uspeh, ovog puta vam se javljam nešto ranije - u nadi da mi možete pomoći u ovoj situaciji! Hvala ti Tomas
Dear Guru Team, I am writing to you in the hope that I will somehow get my winnings in this way. You were able to help me with a similar case in the past - so I have great confidence in your competence. I've had a payout of 500 euros in the Scatterhall Casino since 4/3/23 (due to the maximum amount - another 500 in the casino account). KYC has also been completed since 3.4 - when contacting me via the chat, I always get ready-made answers that suggest that I don't want to/can't pay out here? I deposited some money into this casino because of the very good ratings on your site - and I really think it's a big mess that this casino reacts like this when it comes to a payout 😕. Normally I would wait even longer before I contact you - however, I am worried about the large number of reports on your site about the casino + since there is no chance of success, I am contacting you a little earlier this time - in the hope that you can help me in this situation! Thank you Thomas
Liebes Guru Team, ich schreibe euch in der Hoffnung, dass ich auf diese Weise doch irgendwie an meine Gewinne komme. Ihr konntet mir in der Vergangenheit schon einmal bei einem ähnlichen Fall helfen - daher hab ich großes Vertrauen in eure Kompetenz. Ich habe im Scatterhall Casino seit 3.4.23 eine Auszahlung über 500 Euro laufen (aufgrund des Maximalbetrages - weitere 500 im Casino Konto). KYC ist ebenfalls seit 3.4 abgeschlossen - bei Kontaktaufnahme über den Chat bekomme ich stets vorgefertigte Antworten, die darauf schließen lassen, dass hier nicht ausgezahlt werden möchte/kann? Ich habe aufgrund der doch sehr guten Bewertungen auf eurer Seite einiges an Geld in dieses Casino eingezahlt - und finde es echt eine große Schweinerei, dass dieses Casino jetzt so reagiert, wenn es mal an eine Auszahlung geht 😕. Normalerweise würde ich auch noch länger warten, bevor ich mich an euch wende - allerdings beunruhigen mich die Vielzahl an Meldungen auf eurer Seite zu dem Casino + da es keinerlei Aussicht auf Erfolg gibt, wende ich mich diesmal schon etwas eher an euch - in der Hoffnung, dass ihr mir in diese Situation helfen könnts! lg thomas
Dear MJ306,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. We are sorry to hear about the issue with your withdrawal and understand your concern. However, please bear in mind that it’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. This delay may be caused by unfinished KYC verification or a high volume of withdrawal requests.
That’s why we advise players to be patient, cooperate fully with casino, and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before submitting a complaint.
If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Best regards,
Complaints Resolution Center
Draga Kristina,
Hvala za povratne informacije! Da, svestan sam toga, ali status moje isplate još uvek nije promenjen u „Status isplate", ali je i dalje u „Statusu na čekanju" – tj. mogao bih da je otkažem u bilo kom trenutku! Dakle, ova isplata definitivno neće biti na mom nalogu nakon 14 dana nakon zahteva za isplatu (3.4.23). Ali rado ću vam se javiti kada istekne 14 dana! Hvala unapred na podršci!
Dear Kristina,
Thanks for the feedback! Yes, I am aware of that, but the status of my payout has not yet changed to "Payout status", but is still in "Pending status" - i.e. I could cancel it at any time! Therefore, this payout will definitely not be in my account after 14 days after the payout request (3.4.23). But I'll be happy to get back to you when the 14 days are up! Thanks in advance for your support!
Liebe Kristina,
danke für die Rückmeldung! Ja das ist mir bewusst, allerdings ist der Status meiner Auszahlung noch gar nicht in den"Auszahlungsstatus" gegangen, sondern ist nach wie vor im "Pendingstatus" - sprich ich könnte es jederzeit noch abbrechen! Daher wird diese Auszahlung definitiv nicht nach 14 Tagen nach Auszahlungsanfrage (3.4.23) auf meinem Konto sein. Aber ich melde mich gerne wieder wenn die 14 Tage abgelaufen sind! Danke schon mal für ihre Unterstützung!
Draga Kristina, nažalost ne kako se očekivalo! Trenutno imam na čekanju isplatu od 500 evra i još 500 evra na kazino računu (koje mogu da podignem tek nakon što prođe prvih 500). Potrebna dokumenta su prihvaćena više od 14 dana...od tada je isplata na čekanju. Nadam se da mi možete pomoći!
Dear Kristina, unfortunately not as expected! I currently have a withdrawal of 500 euros pending and another 500 euros in the casino account (which I can only withdraw after the first 500 have gone through). The required documents have been accepted for over 14 days...since then the payout has been pending. I hope you can help me!
Liebe Kristina, wie erwartet leider nicht! Ich habe aktuell eine Auszahlung über 500 Euro Pending und weitere 500 Euro im Kasino Konto (die ich erst abheben kann, nachdem die ersten 500 durch sind). Die erforderlichen Dokumente sind bereits seit über 14 Tagen akzeptiert worden...seit dem hängt die Auszahlung nun in der Luft. Ich hoffe sie können mir helfen!
Hvala vam na odgovoru, MJ306. Nažalost, primili smo mnogo pritužbi na odloženo povlačenje sredstava iz ove kockarske ustanove. Uprkos našim naporima da pregovaramo i rešimo ova pitanja, kazino je polako odlučio da usvoji „politiku bez reagovanja" na sve žalbe.
Ipak, sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Pavelu ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti na usluzi. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you for your reply, MJ306. Unfortunately, we have received many complaints about delayed withdrawals from this particular gambling establishment. Despite our efforts to negotiate and resolve these issues, the casino has slowly chosen to adopt a "No Reaction Policy" towards all complaints.
Nonetheless, I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Pavel (pavel.k@casino.guru) who will be at your service. I wish you the best of luck and hope the problem will be resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo, MJ306!
Hvala na strpljenju. Sada ću se pobrinuti za vašu žalbu i nadam se da ćemo zajedno rešiti problem.
Želeo bih da pozovem kazino da im pruži priliku da objasne svoju stranu situacije.
Hvala vam!
Hello, MJ306!
Thank you for your patience. Now I will be taking care of your complaint and I hope that together we will resolve the problem.
I would like to invite the casino to give them a chance to explain their side of the situation.
Thank you!
To je strašno ljubazno od vas i hvala vam unapred na trudu. Nažalost, nisam baš optimista da ću ovde nekako doći do pobede 😕
That's terribly kind of you and thank you in advance for your efforts. Unfortunately, I'm not very optimistic that I'll somehow get my win here 😕
das ist furchtbar lieb von Ihnen und danke schon mal für die Mühen. Leider bin ich wenig optimistisch, dass ich hier noch irgendwie an meinen Gewinn komme 😕
Nažalost, ne izgleda da kazino čak daje nikakav odgovor. Mogu li još nešto da uradim? Angažovati advokata? Ima li to uopšte smisla?
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the casino is even giving any response. Is there anything else I could do? Engage a lawyer? Does that make any sense at all?
es sieht leider nicht so aus, dass das Casino auch nur irgendeine Antwort von sich gibt. Gibt es denn sonst noch etwas was ich tun könnte? Einen Anwalt einschalten? Macht sowas überhaupt Sinn?
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
ok ali inače nema više rešenja ili? Da li onda pomaže da se cela stvar preda advokatu, ili postoji neki drugi način da dobijem svoj profit? Sigurno ono što oni rade ne može biti legalno? Zar nemaju licencu koju moraju da se pridržavaju?
ok but otherwise there is no more solution or? Does it then help to hand over the whole thing to a lawyer, or is there any other way of getting my profit? Surely what they're doing can't be legal? Don't they have a license they have to adhere to?
ok aber sonst gibt es keine Lösung mehr oder? Hilft es dann das Ganze einem Anwalt zu übergeben, oder gibt es sonst irgendeine Möglichkeit doch noch an meinen Gewinn zu kommen? Kann doch nicht legal sein, was die tun? Haben die nicht eine Lizenz an die sie sich halten müssen?
MJ306, ne mogu da te sprečim da pokušaš, ali, gledajući prošle slučajeve sa ovim kazinom, teško je reći da bi se mogao postići pozitivan ishod. takođe, postoji mogućnost da pokušate da otvorite žalbu kod njihovog regulatora licence - Curacao Antilephone, ali je verovatno da oni uopšte nemaju licencu i samo tvrde da je imaju. E-mail adrese za takve slučajeve su: KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk i KSKSKSKSKS2@email.kkkkk .
MJ306, I cannot stop you from trying, but, looking on the past cases with this casino, it is hard to tell that the positive outcome may be reached. also, there is a possibility to try to open a complaint with their license regulator - Curacao Antillephone, but it is probable that they are not licensed at all and are only claiming to have it. E-mail addresses for such cases are: info@gaminglicences.com and complaints@gaminglicences.com.
Drugim rečima, ako vam se kazino ne javi u navedenom roku, mogu pretpostaviti da više neću dobiti svoj novac, zar ne? Mogu li još nešto da uradim? Ne može biti da ovaj kazino radi šta hoće, zar ne?
In other words, if the casino doesn't get back to you within the specified time, I can assume that I won't receive my money anymore, right? Is there anything else I can possibly do? It can't be that this casino does what it wants, can it?
Sprich wenn sich das Casino in der angegeben Zeit nicht meldet, kann ich davon ausgehen, dass ich mein Geld nicht mehr erhalten werde,oder? Gibt es sonst noch etwas das ich eventuell tun kann? Es kann doch nicht sein, dass dieses Casino tut was es will oder?
MJ306, nažalost, ne može se mnogo učiniti protiv predatorskih kazina, a kamoli ovih koji uopšte ne komuniciraju. Obično bi pomogla žalba kod regulatora dozvola, ali sumnjam da će to biti slučaj. Možda će jednog dana kazino odlučiti da se vrati na sve ove žalbe i pokuša da ih reši, ali niko ne može sa sigurnošću da kaže.
MJ306, sadly, there is not much one can do against predatory casinos, let alone these, that are not communicating at all. Usually, a complaint with the license regulator would help, but I doubt that this will be the case. Maybe, one day, casino will decide to go back to all these complaints and try to resolve them, but no one cannot say for sure.
Više puta sam pokušavao da kontaktiram kazino, ali nisam imao uspeha. Bojim se da se ne može mnogo postići bez saradnje sa njegove strane. Žalbu ću zatvoriti kao „nerešenu" što će smanjiti rejting kazina. Razumem da ovo nije zadovoljavajuće rešenje za vaš problem. Međutim, promena u rejtingu uzrokovana nerešenim žalbama može pomoći da se promeni pristup kazina. Ako kazino odluči da reaguje, ponovo ćemo otvoriti žalbu i bićete obavešteni putem e-pošte.
Nismo u mogućnosti da proverimo da li kazino radi sa licencom. Prema podacima na veb stranici, čini se da je Scatterhall Casino u prošlosti imao Antilefonsku licencu, ali je moguće da je više nemaju. Ipak, možete pokušati da kontaktirate Antilephone Gaming Authoriti na "> " rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"> ili "> " rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"> .
Obavestite me ako vam treba pomoć oko bilo čega u vezi sa slučajem ili će kazino pokušati da vas kontaktira ( pavel.k@casino.guru ). Žao mi je što nisam mogao više pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Pavel K
Casino Guru tim
I have tried to contact the casino repeatedly but had no success. I’m afraid there is not much that can be achieved without cooperation from its side. I will close the complaint as "unresolved" which will decrease the casino rating. I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the change in the rating caused by unresolved complaints might help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint, and you will be notified by email.
We are unable to verify if the casino operates with a license. According to the data on the website, it seems the Scatterhall Casino did have an Antillephone License in the past, but it's possible they do not have it anymore. Still, you may try and contact the Antillephone Gaming Authority at certria@gaminglicences.com or complaints@gaminglicences.com.
Please let me know if you need help with anything regarding the case or if casino will try to contact you (pavel.k@casino.guru). I am sorry I could not be of more help.
Best regards,
Pavel K
Casino Guru Team
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