Igračica iz Austrije je tražila isplatu svog dobitka, ali to još nije obrađeno.
The player from Austria requested a cashout of her winnings, but it wasn't processed yet. This complaint was closed as unresolved as the casino was given sufficient time to address and rectify the withdrawal problems.
Igračica iz Austrije je tražila isplatu svog dobitka, ali to još nije obrađeno.
Zdravo dragi Casino Guru tim!
Osvojio sam skoro 4000€ sa bonusom u Scatterhallu - pri čemu mi je ostalo 2500€ jer su njihovi uslovi bonusa 50k depozit. Ni ja nemam problem sa tim, pošto znam za to.
Sada moja isplata stoji od 6.3. na "na čekanju" - i da, verifikovan sam. U ćaskanju se samo odlaže. Pošto je maksimalna isplata takođe 500€, bojim se da bi cela isplata od 2500€ mogla da traje zauvek... Nadam se da možete da mi pomognete
Hello dear Casino Guru team!
I won almost 4000€ with a bonus at Scatterhall - whereby I have 2500€ left because their bonus conditions are 50x deposit. I don't have a problem with that either, since I knew about it.
Now my payout has been standing since 6.3. on "pending" - and yes I am verified. In the chat one is only put off. Since the max cashout is also €500, I am afraid that the whole payout of €2500 could take forever... I hope you can help me
Hallo liebes Casino Guru Team!
Habe bei Scatterhall mit Bonus knapp 4000€ gewonnen- wobei mir 2500€ übrig bleiben, da deren Bonusbedingungen ja 50x Deposit sind. Damit hab ich auch kein Problem, da ich davon wusste.
Nun steht meine Auszahlung seit 6.3. auf "pending"- und ja ich bin verifiziert. Im chat wird man nur vertröstet. Da das max Cashout auch 500€ sind habe ich die Befürchtung, dass die ganze Auszahlung von 2500€ ewig dauern könnte...Hoffe ihr könnt mir weiterhelfen
Dragi Chasiti,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao nam je što čujemo za problem sa vašim povlačenjem i razumemo vašu zabrinutost. Međutim, imajte na umu da je sasvim uobičajeno da povlačenja potraju nekoliko dana ili čak nedelja da se u potpunosti obrađuju. To znači da može proći neko vreme pre nego što se novac pojavi na vašem računu. Ovo kašnjenje može biti uzrokovano nedovršenom KIC verifikacijom ili velikim brojem zahteva za povlačenje.
Zbog toga savetujemo igrače da budu strpljivi, da u potpunosti sarađuju sa kazinom i da sačekaju najmanje 14 dana nakon zahteva za povlačenje pre nego što podnesu žalbu.
Ako je vaš nalog uspešno verifikovan, vaša istorija igara proverena, vaše povlačenje je odobreno od strane kazina, a još uvek niste primili svoje dobitke 14 dana od zahteva za povlačenje, obavestite nas i mi ćemo intervenisati i pokušati da pomognemo ti.
Hvala unapred na strpljenju i razumevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Chasiti,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. We are sorry to hear about the issue with your withdrawal and understand your concern. However, please bear in mind that it’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. This delay may be caused by unfinished KYC verification or a high volume of withdrawal requests.
That’s why we advise players to be patient, cooperate fully with the casino, and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before submitting a complaint.
If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, please, let us know and we will intervene and try to help you.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Best regards,
Dragi Chasiti,
Želeli bismo da se izvinimo zbog neprijatnosti izazvanih tekućim problemom sa NodaPai-om. Ispostavilo se da je to veći problem nego što se u početku očekivalo. Međutim, želimo da vas uverimo da naš tim naporno radi na rešavanju svih neizmirenih i nedostajućih isplata i očekujemo da će svi problemi biti rešeni do kraja ove nedelje.
Razumemo da je ovo kašnjenje možda izazvalo frustraciju i neprijatnosti za vas, i zbog toga vam nudimo naše iskreno izvinjenje. Da bismo pokazali da cenimo vaše strpljenje tokom ovog perioda, radimo na malom gestu koji će biti dodat na vaše naloge sledeće nedelje. Uskoro ćete dobiti e-poruku o tome.
Želimo da istaknemo da će sve isplate biti obrađene, a mi činimo sve da to bude što pre. Još jednom se izvinjavamo zbog prouzrokovanih neprijatnosti i cenimo vaše razumevanje.
Hvala vam na kontinuiranoj podršci.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Chasiti,
We would like to apologise for the inconvenience caused by the ongoing issue with NodaPay. It has turned out to be a bigger problem than initially anticipated. However, we want to assure you that our team is working hard to resolve all outstanding and missing payouts, and we expect to have all issues resolved by the end of this week.
We understand that this delay may have caused frustration and inconvenience to you, and for that, we offer our sincere apologies. To show our appreciation for your patience during this time, we are working on a small gesture that will be added to your accounts next week. You will receive an email about this shortly.
We want to emphasise that all cashouts will be processed, and we are doing everything we can to ensure that this happens as soon as possible. Once again, we apologise for the inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best regards,
Hej 🙂
Moja prva isplata od 500 evra je bila od 6. marta. nerešen. I ja sam sada sačekao svoj odgovor na žalbu da vidim da li se u međuvremenu nešto desilo. Još uvek nisam dobio novac - iako sam dobio potvrdu da je povlačenje prihvaćeno i da je već prebačeno. U istoriji se status nodapai-open- promenio u nodai-ok, a zatim u nodapai-transit-sada piše eurobanking-ok. šta god to značilo. Kada sam primio potvrdu o uplati putem e-pošte, odmah sam se prijavio za drugu uplatu (još uvek ima otvorenih 2.000 € - ukupno 2.500 €) - ali nažalost ovo je već trajalo 5 dana i nije čak ni potvrđeno. Obično je rečeno da će biti potrebno do 24 sata da se uplate potvrde barem jednom. Ćaskanje uživo takođe nije od pomoći - imao sam i zahtev na spinpiratu, gde nisam mogao da dobijem pomoć čak ni nakon nekoliko pitanja. Veoma je frustrirajuće čekati tako dugo na isplatu - posebno kada vam je ostalo mnogo kredita. Ako jedno povlačenje traje nekoliko nedelja, koliko će trajati ovaj proces da se završi svih 5 povlačenja?
Zaista sam voleo Scatterhall i njihov sestrinski kazino i voleo bih da nastavim kao mušterija, ali moje strpljenje propada i bojim se da ovo neće biti rešeno. Nadam se da će meni (a i svim ostalim igračima, naravno) biti pomognuto i da se problem može rešiti.
Hey 🙂
My first payout of €500 has been since March 6th. pending. I've now also waited with my answer to the complaint to see if anything has happened in the meantime. Still haven't received the money - although I've received confirmation that the withdrawal has been accepted and has already been transferred. In the history, the status nodapay-open- changed to noday-ok and then to nodapay-transit-now it says eurobanking-ok. whatever that may mean. When I received the payment confirmation by email, I immediately applied for a second payment (there are still €2,000 open - €2,500 in total) - but unfortunately this has already taken 5 days and has not even been confirmed. Normally it said it would take up to 24 hours for payments to be confirmed at least once. The live chat is also no help at all - I also had a request on spinpirate, where I couldn't get help even after asking a few times. It is very frustrating to wait THAT long for a payout - especially when you have a lot of credit left. If a single withdrawal takes a couple of weeks, how long will this process take to complete all 5 withdrawals?
Really loved Scatterhall and their sister casino and would have loved to have continued as a customer but my patience is failing and I'm afraid that this won't be resolved. I hope that I (and all other players too, of course) will be helped and that the problem can be solved.
Hei 🙂
Meine erste Auszahlung von 500€ sind seit dem 6.3. ausstehend. Habe jetzt auch erstmal mit meiner Antwort auf die Beschwerde gewartet, um zu sehen, ob sich in der zwischenzeit was tut. Habe das Geld noch immer nicht erhalten- obwohl mir bestätigt wurde, dass die Auszahlung akzeptiert und bereits überwiesen wurde. In der History hat sich zuerst der status- nodapay- open- zu noday- ok und dann zu nodapay- transit geändert- jetzt steht eurobanking- ok. was auch immer das bedeuten mag. Als ich die Zahlungsbestätigung per mail bekommen habe, habe ich auch gleich eine 2. auszahlung beantragt (sind ja noch 2000€ offen- 2500€ insgesamt) - nur leider dauert dies auch bereits 5 Tage und wurde noch nicht einmal bestätigt. Normalerweise hieß es- es würde bis zu 24 stunden dauern, bis zahlungen zumindest einmal bestätigt werden. Der Live chat ist auch überhaupt keine hilfe- hatte auch auf spinpirate ein anliegen, wo mir selbst nach einigen malen nachfragen nicht geholfen werden konnte\wollte. Es isf sehr frustrierend SO lange auf eine Auszahlung zu warten- vorallem wenn man noch einiges mehr an Guthaben übrig hat. Wenn eine einzige Auszahlung schon ein paar Wochen braucht, wie lange wird dieser Prozess dann dauern, bis alle 5 Auszahlungen durch sind?
War wirklich sehr angetan von Scatterhall und deren Schwestercasino und wäre auch gerne weiterhin Kunde geblieben, aber meine Geduld schwindet und ich habe Angst, dass sich das ganze nicht klären lässt. Hoffe, dass mir (und allen anderen Spielern natürlich auch) geholfen wird und sich die das Problem lösen lässt.
Draga Chasiti,
Obaveštavamo vas da su završne faze testiranja počele jutros, a sva plaćanja i obrada će se nastaviti u ponedeljak, 27. marta. Razumemo da je ovo bilo frustrirajuće iskustvo za sve i izvinjavamo se zbog prouzrokovanih neprijatnosti.
Kao što je ranije pomenuto, svi biste uskoro trebali pronaći dobar proizvod na svojim nalozima igrača u znak zahvalnosti za vaše strpljenje i razumevanje. Nadamo se da će ovaj gest pomoći da se nadoknadi poremećaj izazvan nedavnim problemima.
Još jednom se izvinjavamo zbog čitavog nereda i uveravamo vas da činimo sve što možemo da rešimo situaciju što je pre moguće. Hvala vam na saradnji i kontinuiranoj podršci.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Chasiti,
We would like to inform you that the final stages of testing have started this morning, and all payments and processing will resume on Monday, March 27th. We understand that this has been a frustrating experience for everyone, and we apologise for the inconvenience caused.
As mentioned previously, you should all soon find a goody in your player accounts as a token of our appreciation for your patience and understanding. We hope that this gesture will help make up for the disruption caused by the recent issues.
Again, we apologise for the entire mess and assure you that we are doing everything we can to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. Thank you for your cooperation and continued support.
Best regards,
Hvala na ažuriranju obema stranama.
Dragi Chasiti,
Optimista sam da je samo pitanje vremena kada ćete dobiti svoje isplate.
Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Petru ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti na usluzi. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thanks for the update to both parties.
Dear Chasiti,
I am optimistic it's only a matter of time before you'll receive your cashouts.
I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter (peter.c@casino.guru) who will be at your service. I wish you the best of luck and hope the problem will be resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Dragi Chasiti,
Želeli bismo da iskoristimo ovu priliku da izrazimo našu iskrenu zahvalnost na vašem strpljenju i razumevanju tokom nedavnog kašnjenja u obradi uplata. Razumemo da je ovo bilo frustrirajuće vreme za vas i želimo da vas uverimo da neumorno radimo na rešavanju problema što je pre moguće.
Želeli bismo da se izvinimo za sve neprijatnosti koje vam je ovo možda izazvalo i za bilo kakav stres ili brigu koje je to moglo da izazove. Nažalost, imamo veći problem sa jednim od naših portala za plaćanje, što je uticalo na našu sposobnost da obrađujemo uplate onoliko efikasno koliko bismo želeli.
Međutim, sa zadovoljstvom možemo da objavimo da se uplate sada ponovo kreću i da ćemo danas obrađivati isplate za naše igrače. Znamo da će vam ova vest doneti olakšanje i naporno radimo na tome da se ovo kašnjenje ne ponovi u budućnosti.
U znak zahvalnosti na razumevanju, želimo da vas obavestimo da će svaki igrač u narednim danima pronaći mali poklon na svom nalogu. Nadamo se da će vam ovaj gest pomoći da nadoknadite sve nastale neprijatnosti i da ćete moći da uživate u igranju na našoj platformi.
Još jednom se izvinjavamo za eventualne neprijatnosti izazvane kašnjenjem u obradi uplata. Želimo vam puno sreće sa dobrotom koju ćete uskoro dobiti i radujemo se što ćemo nastaviti da vam pružamo najbolje moguće iskustvo igranja.
Hvala vam na kontinuiranoj podršci i razumevanju.
S poštovanjem,
Scatterhall / Spinpirate
Dear Chasiti,
We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for your patience and understanding during the recent delay in processing payments. We understand that this has been a frustrating time for you, and we want to assure you that we have been working tirelessly to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
We would like to apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused you and for any stress or worry that it may have caused. Unfortunately, we have been experiencing a larger issue with one of our payment portals, which has impacted our ability to process payments as efficiently as we would like.
However, we are pleased to announce that payments are now moving again, and we will be processing cashouts for our players today. We know that this news will come as a relief to you, and we are working hard to ensure that this delay does not happen again in the future..
As a token of our appreciation for your understanding, we would like to let you know that each player will find a small goodie in their account in the coming days. We hope that this gesture will help to make up for any inconvenience caused and that you will be able to enjoy your time playing on our platform.
Once again, we apologise for any inconvenience caused by the delay in processing payments. We wish you the best of luck with the goodie you will receive soon and look forward to continuing to provide you with the best possible gaming experience.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding.
Scatterhall / Spinpirate
Hvala i Chasiti i Scatterhall Casino što su nam pružili sve informacije. Nadam se da ćemo zajedno uspeti da rešimo ovaj problem. Molimo vas da nas obavestite o bilo kakvom razvoju ovog slučaja.
Hvala vam!
Hello there,
Thank you both Chasiti and Scatterhall Casino for providing us with all the information. I hope we'll be able to resolve this issue together. Please update us on any developments of this case.
Thank you!
Hvala i ti 🙂
sve je sada samo nervirano.
Uplata od 16.3. još nije ni potvrđeno. Prema ćaskanju, potrebno je 24 sata da isplata uđe u fazu isplate.
Zaista se nadamo da će Scatterhall održati svoju reč 🙂
Thanks too 🙂
it's all just nerve wracking now.
The payment from 16.3. hasn't even been confirmed yet. According to the chat, it takes 24 hours for a payout to enter the payout phase.
Really hope Scatterhall keeps their word 🙂
Danke auch 🙂
ist halt alles mittlerweile einfach nervenraubend.
Die Auszahlung vom 16.3. wurde auch noch nicht einmal bestätigt. Laut Chat dauert es 24 stunden, bis eine Auszahlung in die Auszahlungsphase gelangt.
Hoffe wirklich, dass Scatterhall ihr Wort hält 🙂
Od 16.3. je moja isplata na čekanju. Čet kaže da je potrebno najviše 24 sata da se povlačenje odobri... Mislili su da su rešili problem sa sistemom plaćanja. sve je sada veoma frustrirajuće
Since 16.3. is my payout on pending. Chat says it takes a maximum of 24 hours for a withdrawal to be approved... Thought they fixed the problem with the payment system. everything is very frustrating now
Seit 16.3. ist meine Auszahlung auf pending. Chat sagt- es dauert maximal 24 stunden bis eine Auszahlung genehmigt wird... Dachte sie hätten das Problem mit dem Zahlungssystem gefixt. sehr frustrierend alles mittlerweile
Dragi igrači,
Nadamo se da će vas ova poruka dobro naći. Sa žaljenjem vas obaveštavamo da smo primetili da su plaćanja i dalje zaglavljena na NodaPai-u. O ovom problemu smo obavešteni tek u četvrtak kasno popodne i pokušavamo da kontaktiramo NodaPai da bismo ga rešili. Nažalost, do sada nismo uspeli da dođemo do njih.
U međuvremenu, želimo da vas obavestimo da će Live Chat od danas pa nadalje rezervisati dobrote na račune igrača (jedan dobar po nalogu na čekanju). Ako ste bili pogođeni ovim problemom i još uvek čekate svoju poslasticu, kontaktirajte Live Chat o tome.
Razumemo koliko ova situacija može biti frustrirajuća i cenimo vaše strpljenje i razumevanje dok radimo na rešavanju ovog problema. Hvala vam na kontinuiranoj podršci, a mi ćemo vas obaveštavati o napretku ovog pitanja.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Scatterhall / Spinpirate
Dear players,
We hope this message finds you well. We regret to inform you that it has come to our attention that payments are still being stuck at NodaPay. We were only made aware of this issue Thursday Late afternoon and have been trying to contact NodaPay to resolve it. Unfortunately, we have not been able to get through to them so far.
In the meantime, we want to let you know that Live Chat will be booking the goodies onto player accounts from today onward (one goodie per account waiting). If you have been affected by this issue and are still awaiting your goodie, please get in touch with Live Chat about it.
We understand how frustrating this situation can be, and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this issue. Thank you for your continued support, and we will keep you updated on the progress of this matter.
Best regards,
Scatterhall / Spinpirate
Cenimo ažuriranja i prihvatamo da rešavanje problema sa dobavljačem plaćanja može predstavljati izazov za kazino. Međutim, naš je stav da igrači ne bi trebalo da čekaju više od mesec dana da dobiju svoje dobitke. Kao rezultat toga, daćemo kazinu još nedelju dana da popravi situaciju. Ukoliko do utorka sledeće nedelje (11. aprila) od igrača ne dobijemo potvrdu da su primili sredstva, sve žalbe koje su u toku biće označene kao nerešene. Kazino će imati priliku da ponovo otvori ove slučajeve kada problem bude rešen. Nadamo se da će rok od nedelju dana biti dovoljan da sva povlačenja budu uspešno obrađena. Molimo igrače da nas obaveste ako dobiju sredstva do utorka. Hvala vam na strpljenju i saradnji.
We appreciate the updates and acknowledge that resolving the payment provider issue may pose a challenge for the casino. However, it is our stance that players should not have to wait for over a month to receive their winnings. As a result, we will grant the casino one more week to rectify the situation. If we do not receive confirmation from players that they have received their funds by Tuesday next week (11th of April), all ongoing complaints will be marked as unresolved. The casino will have the opportunity to reopen these cases once the issue has been resolved. We hope that the one-week deadline will be sufficient for all withdrawals to be processed successfully. We kindly request that players inform us if they receive their funds by Tuesday. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Na žalost, izgleda da pitanje kašnjenja plaćanja nije rešeno. Uprkos tome što smo priznali da kazino možda nije u potpunosti kriv, primili smo izveštaje od nekoliko igrača koji ukazuju da dobavljač plaćanja nije svestan problema. Štaviše, nismo primili nikakva ažuriranja od kazina o ovom pitanju. Kao rezultat toga, odlučili smo da zatvorimo sve nerešene žalbe kao nerešene.
Razumemo da ova odluka može biti nezadovoljavajuća za igrače koji čekaju svoje dobitke, ali se nadamo da će to podstaći kazino da preduzme akciju. Nadamo se da će smanjenje rejtinga kazina, kao rezultat ovih nerešenih slučajeva, poslužiti kao motivacija da izvrše neophodne promene. Kazino može zatražiti da se žalba ponovo otvori u budućnosti ako je proces povlačenja fiksiran. U međuvremenu, pozivamo kazino da obavesti svoje igrače o problemu povlačenja i da marljivo radi na pronalaženju alternativnih načina plaćanja za svoje klijente.
Disappointingly, it appears that the issue of delayed payments has not been resolved. Despite acknowledging that the casino may not be entirely to blame, we have received reports from several players indicating that the payment provider is unaware of the problem. Furthermore, we have not received any updates from the casino on this matter. As a result, we have decided to close all outstanding complaints as unresolved.
We understand that this decision may be unsatisfactory for players who are awaiting their winnings, but we hope that it will prompt the casino to take action. We hope that the decrease in the casino's rating, as a result of these unresolved cases, will serve as a motivation for them to make the necessary changes. The casino may request that the complaint be reopened in the future if the withdrawal process is fixed. In the meantime, we urge the casino to inform its players about the withdrawal issue and to work diligently to find alternative payment methods for its customers.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
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