Igrač iz Njemačke tvrdi da je njegov novac nestao s računa bez njegovog znanja. Kazino tvrdi da je dobitak igrao u gostima. Na kraju smo prigovor zaključili kao 'neriješen', jer kasino nije odgovorio.
The player from Germany claims that his money has vanished from his account without his knowledge. The casino claims he played his winnings away. We ended up closing the complaint as ‘unresolved’ because the casino failed to reply.
Igrač iz Njemačke tvrdi da je njegov novac nestao s računa bez njegovog znanja. Kazino tvrdi da je dobitak igrao u gostima. Na kraju smo prigovor zaključili kao 'neriješen', jer kasino nije odgovorio.
Zdravo momci,
Nažalost, kritike o selectbetu pročitao sam kasno i imao sam otprilike profit od 24.000 eura. U početku sam zatražio isplatu od 13.000 eura, ovo je vrlo brzo obrađeno i odbijeno, jer je opisano nešto malim slovima u uvjetima i odredbama, što iznosi samo 5000 € tjedno. Nakon što sam isplatio ovih 5000, naravno, niko nije odgovorio, već sam otpisao dobit. Ipak sam nekoliko puta kontaktirao chat, oni su neprestano govorili strpljenje. Prošla su 72 sata, a novac je nestao s računa. Nekoliko puta sam promijenio lozinku, ali ostao sam smiren jer sam se nadao da ću isplatiti 5000 eura. Zasada je dobro. Naravno, tim za plaćanja jednostavno je ignorirao moje ponovljene e-poruke koje sam poslao, bez odgovora i onda ono što sam očekivao u transakciji, iznosi se poništavaju iznova i postaje sve manje i manje nego što sam vidio da na računu ima nula eura, Odmah sam napisao da podržavam. Oni pretpostavljaju da sam trebao otkazati isplate i kockati se u kockarnici. Gdje je poanta, onda sam bio 72 sata da se uplata obrađuje i trebao sam prokockati navodnih 5000 eura! To mi je stvarno bilo na umu .... I moj nalog je izbrisao naj sumnjiviji kasino koji sam ikad vidio. Ljudi prije nego što polože novac, novac stvarno daju beskućnicima. Naravno, ne bi bilo odgovora na donji email!
O da, zamolio sam podršku putem chata, bit će problema s isplatom, puno je negativnih kritika. Ovo je reklo da postoje samo igrači koji su prokockali novac. Vjerujte mi i ostalim recenzijama ljudi select.bet ima lijepu stranicu, lijepe igre, ali koja je svrha ako nikada ne vidite svoj novac? Ako select.bet treba da me kontaktira i plati mi štetu, vratit ću sve i dati pozitivnu ocjenu jer je to možda bila softverska ili sistemska greška. Inače ću o tome postavljati svugdje.
!!!!!!! ZA ODABIR.KLADA, AKO ŽELITE RAZBRISATI PITANJE IMATE JOŠ JEDNU ŠANSU PRIJE VIRUALA, MOŽETE ME KONTAKTIRATI *** (na) t-online.de i ako započnete s tim da su otkazani i razigrani, ne morate mi pisati !!!!!!
To je bio moj mail na select.bet:
Korisničko ime: E *** 0
Igram i gledam u mnogim kazinima, strimiram na fb i imam video zapise na tik tok instagramu.
Snimio sam cijelu igru na njihovoj stranici. Imao je pozitivno iskustvo sa strukturom stranice i stopom isplate.
Pročitao sam puno negativnih stvari i još uvijek to probao.
Budući da je mnogo toga na Internetu, novac nestaje, a podrška tvrdi da je lozinka hakirana, promijenio sam lozinku nekoliko puta.
Prvo sam podigao 13.000 € i odbijen je odmah nakon nekoliko sati. S obzirom da malim slovima negdje u uvjetima i odredbama stoji 5000 eura tjedno. Pa zašto postoji minimalno 10-15.000 isplata? Ne idite zajedno.
Dobro, onda sam se prijavio za 5000 €. Nakon 72 sata još uvijek se ništa nije dogodilo, nije se promijenila status na listi transakcija, nema e-pošte, ništa drugo.
Napisao sam 5 e-poruka timu za plaćanja i nisam dobio odgovor. Razgovor napisan da podrži i nastavi dobivati odgovor da, provjereno je, treba vremena i bla bla bla ..
Dakle, sada za najbolje u međuvremenu, iznosi su otkazivani iznova i iznova. Od 24.000 eura, koliko sam imao, nije bilo novca. Samo sam držao jezik za zubima kako bih isplatio svojih 5000 €. Bez izazivanja problema. I sada su otkazani. ALI NE OD MENE, zašto bih to trebao činiti kad čekam 72 sata? Pisao sam da podržim putem chata, samo su rekli da su otkazali transakciju ?!
Jer imam puno zapisa poput snimaka zaslona, e-maila i povijesti razgovora. širiti sve dokaze u Facebook, pouzdano, Instagram, Facebook, tik tok, casino guru i sve casino portale ..
Ako se šteta ne plati i ne dobijem najmanje 5000 eura koliko sam čekao 3 dana, ali koji su nestali.
Molimo proslijedite ovu poruku operateru ili supervizoru. Ako ne dobijem odgovor kao prošli put, prijavit ću ga kako je gore opisano.
Ako se problem riješi, emitirat ću i ocjenjivati samo pozitivne zapise o igrama na stranicama.
Srdačan pozdrav
Erhan c ......
Hi guys,
Unfortunately, I read the reviews about selectbet late and had a profit of 24,000 euros approx. I initially requested a payout of 13,000 euros this was processed very quickly and rejected, because something in the general terms and conditions is described in small print only 5000 € per week . After I paid out this 5000, of course, nobody answered, I've already written off the profit. Still I contacted the chat several times, they kept saying patience. 72 hours had passed and money disappeared from the account. I changed my password several times, but stayed calm because I was hoping to get the 5000 euros paid out. So far so good. Of course, the payment team just ignored my repeated emails that I sent, no answer and then what I expected in the transaction amounts are repeatedly canceled and it becomes less and less than I saw that there were zero euros in the account, I immediately have written to support. These assume that I should have canceled the payouts and gambled away in the casino. Where's the point I've been waiting for 72 hours that the payment is processed and should have gambled away the alleged 5000 euros! I was really pissed off ... and had my account deleted by the most dubious casino I've ever seen. People before they deposit money, the money really gives a homeless person. Of course there would be no response to the email below!
Oh yes, I asked the support via the chat, there will be problems with the payout, there are a lot of negative reviews. This said there are only players who gambled away their money. Believe me and the other reviews people select.bet has a nice site, nice games but what's the point if you never see your money? If select.bet should contact me and pay me the damage, I will take everything back and then give a positive rating because it was perhaps a software or system error. Otherwise I'll post about it everywhere.
!!!!!!! At SELECT.BET IF YOU WANT THE THING CLEAR YOU HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE BEFORE THE VIRAL IS SIGN YOU CAN YOU WITH ME IN *** (at) t-online.de and if you start with them that have canceled and playful don't you need to write to me at all !!!!!!
That was my mail to select.bet:
Username: E *** 0
I play and rate at many casinos, stream on fb and have videos on tik tok instagram.
I recorded the entire game on their site. Had a positive experience with the page structure and the payout rate.
I've read a lot of negative things and still tried it.
Since a lot is on the Internet, the money is disappearing and the support claims that the password has been hacked, I have changed my passwords several times.
I made the first withdrawal of € 13,000 and it was declined immediately after a few hours. Since in small print somewhere in the terms and conditions it says 5000 euros per week. So why is there a minimum of 10-15,000 payouts? Don't go together.
Okay, then I applied for the 5000 €. After 72 hours still nothing has happened, no status change in the transaction list, no email, nothing else.
I wrote 5 emails to the payment team and got no response. Chat written to support and keep getting the answer yes, it is checked, it takes time and blah blah blah ..
So now for the best in the meantime, amounts have been canceled again and again. There was no money from the 24,000 euros I had. I just kept my mouth shut so that I would get my 5000 € paid out. Without causing trouble. So and now these have been canceled. BUT NOT FROM ME. Why should I do that when I have been waiting 72 hours? I wrote to support via chat, they just said they canceled the transaction ?!
Because I have a lot of records like screenshots, emails and chat histories. spread all the evidence in Facebook, trustly, Instagram, Facebook, tik tok, casino guru and all casino portals ..
Unless the damage is paid and I get the 5000 euros at least that I have waited 3 days for but have disappeared.
Please forward this mail to the operator or the superior. If I don't get an answer like the last time I will report it as described above.
If the problem is resolved, I will only broadcast and rate the positive game records in the pages.
With best regards
Erhan c ......
Hi Leute,
Leider habe ich spät die Bewertungen über selectbet gelesen und hatte ein Gewinn von 24000euro ca. Ich beantragte zunächst eine Auszahlung von 13000 Euro diese wurde sehr schnell bearbeitet und abgelehnt, da wohl was kleingedrucjtes in den AGBs ist in der beschrieben wird pro Woche nur 5000€. Nachdem ich diese 5000 auf auszahlen hab meldete sich natürlich niemand ich hab den Gewinn schon abgeschrieben. Hab dennoch mehrmals den Chat kontaktiert diese sagten immer wieder Geduld. Es waren 72 Std vergangen und Geld verschwand aus dem Konto. Ich habe mehrmals mein passwwort geändert bin dennoch ruhig geblieben da ich die Hoffnung hatte die 5000 Euro ausgezahlt zu kriegen. Soweit so gut. Natürlich hat das payment team meine mehrmalige Emails die ich geschickt hab ignoriert einfach keine Antwort und dann das womit ich gerechnet hab in der Transaktion werden immer wieder Beträge storniert und es wird immer weniger als ich gesehen habe das null Euro auf dem Konto waren habe ich sofort den Support angeschrieben. Diese unterstellen mir das ich die Auszahlungen storniert haben soll und in casino verspielt haben soll. Wo ist denn der Sinn ich wart seid 72 Std das die Zahlung bearbeitet wird und soll die angeblichen 5000 Euro verspielt haben!! Das ging mir richtig auf den s.... Und habe mein Konto löschen lassen von den unseriösesten casino was ich je gesehen hab. Leute bevor ihr da Geld Einzahl lässt gibt das Geld echt ein obdachlosen. Auf die untere Email würde natürlich nicht reagiert!
Ahja den support hab ich über den Chat mal gefragt wird es Probleme bei der Auszahlung geben, es gibt sehr viel negative Bewertungen. Dieser sagte aus es sind nur Spieler die ihr Geld verzockt haben. Glaubt mir und den anderen Bewertungen Leute select.bet hat eine schöne Seite, schöne Spiele aber was bringt das wenn ihr euer Geld nie sehen werdet? Falls select.bet sich melden sollte und mir den Schaden begleicht nehme ich alles zurück und werde dann ein positives Bewertung abgeben da es vielleicht ein software, Systemfehler war. Ansonsten werde ich überall davon posten.
!!!!!!! An SELECT.BET WENN IHR DIE SACHE KLÄREN WOLLT HABT IHR NOCH EINE CHANCE BEVOR DAS VIRAL GEHT MELDEN KÖNNT IHR EUCH BEI MIR UNTER ***(at)t-online.de und wenn ihr anfängt mit sie haben das storniert und verspielt braucht ihr mich garnicht anschreiben!!!!!!
Das war meine Mail an select.bet:
Ich spiele auf vielen casinos und bewerte sie, streame auf fb und habe Videos in tik tok Instagram.
Ich habe das ganze spielgeschehen auf ihrer Seite aufgezeichnet. Konnte positive Erfahrung machen mit dem seitenaufbau und der Auszahlungsquote.
Ich habe viel negatives gelesen und es trotzdem Probiert.
Da vieles im Internet steht das Gelder verschwinden und der Support behauptet, passwwort gehäckt, habe ich mehrmals meine passwörter geändert.
Ich nahm die erste Auszahlung von 13000€ vor diese wurde sofort nach paar Stunden abgelehnt. Da kleingedruckt irgendwo in den AGBs steht pro Woche 5000 Euro. So warum ist aber bei Auszahlung min 10 - 15000 drinn? Passt doch nicht zusammen.
Nagut ich habe dann die 5000€ beantragt. Nach 72 Stunden ist immernoch nichts passiert kein Statusänderung bei der Transaktionsliste keine Email sonst nichts.
Ich habe dem payment team 5 emails geschrieben keine Antwort bekommen. Chat den support angeschrieben und immer wieder die Antwort bekommen ja es wird überprüft, es dauert und bla bla bla..
So nun zum besten in der Zwischenzeit wurden immer wieder Beträge storniert. Es fehlten Geld von den 24000 Euro die ich ca hatte. Ich habe einfach mal mein Mund gehalten damit ich meine 5000 € ausbezahlt bekomme. Ohne Ärger zu machen. So und nun wurden diese storniert. ABER NICHT VON MIR.wieso soll ich das tuen wenn ich schon 72 Stunden warte?Ich habe den Support angeschrieben via Chat dieser behauptet einfach nur sie haben die Transaktion storniert?!
Da ich viele Aufzeichnungen hab wie Screenshots, Emails und chatverläufe. die ganzen Beweise in Facebook, trustly, Instagram, Facebook,tik tok, casino guru und sämtlichen casino Portalen verbreiten..
Außer der Schaden wird beglichen und ich erhalte die 5000 Euro mindestens auf die ich seid 3 Tagen gewartet habe die aber verschwunden sind.
Leiten sie diese Mail an den Betreiber oder den vorgesetzten bitte weiter. Wenn ich keine Antwort erhalte wie die letzten Male werde ich das melden wie oben beschrieben.
Wenn das Problem gelöst wird, werde ich nur die positiven spielaufzeichnungen in den Seiten ausstrahlen und bewerten.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Erhan c......
Dragi Erhan,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema. Nisam siguran da dobro razumijem da li je nestao samo dio vašeg dobitaka (5.000 €) ili cijeli saldo. Da li biste bili ljubazni i pojasnili mi to? Da li je na vašem računu ostalo nešto?
Je li kazino odgovorio na vašu poruku? Da li biste bili tako ljubazni i proslijedili mi bilo kakvu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kasina kristina.s@casino.guru ? Također bih želio vidjeti poruku u kojoj ste obaviješteni da ste odigrali svoj dobitak.
Radujem se vašem javljanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Erhan,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. I am not sure I understand correctly whether only part of your winnings (€5,000) or the whole balance disappeared. Would you be so kind and clarify it for me? Is there any balance left in your account?
Did the casino reply to your message? Would you be so kind and forward me any relevant communication between you and the casino kristina.s@casino.guru? I would also like to see the message in which you were informed, that you’ve played away your winnings.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Poslat ću vam ono što još imam e-poštom. Izbrisao sam previše jer više ne želim imati posla s ovim kasinom.
I'll send you what I still have by email. I've deleted too much because I don't want to deal with this casino anymore.
Ich sende Ihnen das was ich noch hab per Mail zu vieles hab ich gelöscht da ich keine lust mehr hab mit diesem casino mich zu beschäftigen.
Ako nešto dođe, donirao bih 10 posto timu casino gurua. Glavno je da ti kriminalci novac ne zadržavaju za sebe.
If something should come I would donate 10 percent to the casino guru team. The main thing is that these criminals don't keep the money for themselves.
Wenn da was kommen sollte würde ich den casino Guru team auch 10 Prozent spenden Hauptsache diese Verbrecher behalten das Geld nicht für sich.
PS Imao sam izbrisan račun jer sam se zaista pomirio sa tim da nešto čujem ili primam. Nemam vremena ni živaca da se time bavim.
Pozdrav Erhan
PS I had the account deleted because I really resigned myself to hearing or receiving something. I don't have the time or the nerve to deal with that.
Greetings Erhan
PS das Konto hab ich löschen lassen weil ich wirklich mich abgefunden hab da was zu hören oder zu bekommen. Ich hab nicht die Zeit und die Nerven mich mit sowas abzugeben.
Gruß Erhan
Hvala ti puno, Erhan na odgovoru. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Petera koji će vam biti na pomoći.
Thank you very much, Erhan for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance.
Zdravo Erhan,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i razumijem situaciju. Nažalost, kao što ste gore spomenuli, nedavno se dogodilo nekoliko slučajeva poput vašeg i kazino je prestao odgovarati na ovdje objavljene žalbe. Bojim se da se to neće promijeniti, ali uvijek vrijedi pokušati. Želio bih pozvati SELECT.bet na razgovor kako bih sudjelovao u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Erhan,
I looked at your case and understand the situation. Unfortunately, as you mentioned above, there several cases just like yours occurred recently and the casino stopped replying to complaints published here. I'm afraid it won't change but it's always worth a try. I would like to invite SELECT.bet to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Hvala na odgovoru. Važno mi je da ovaj kazino ne zaživi i da se ljudi tamo registriraju i polože novac. Nešto dobro je već učinjeno s tim.
Thanks for the answer. It is important to me that this casino doesn’t come to life and that people register there and deposit money. Something good is already done with that.
Danke für die Antwort. Mir ist es wichtig das dieses casino nicht <verlebt und die Leute sich da anmelden und Geld einzahlen. Damit ist schon mal was gutes getan.
Željeli bismo zamoliti casino SELECT.bet da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produljujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kasino ne reagira u zadanom roku, prigovor će postati 'neriješen' što može negativno utjecati na njegovu ocjenu.
We would like to ask SELECT.bet Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, the complaint will become ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Zdravo Erhan,
Nažalost, kasino nije odgovorio kako se očekivalo. Bojim se, ne može se mnogo učiniti bez suradnje s njihove strane. Žalbu ću označiti kao nerešenu u našem sistemu. Ako kasino odluči reagirati, mi ćemo ponovo otvoriti žalbu i bit ćete obaviješteni e-poštom. Poslao sam vam e-mail koji bi mogao biti koristan prije tjedan dana. Javite mi ako ste ga dobili ovdje: peter.m@casino.guru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi Erhan,
Unfortunately, the casino didn't reply as expected. I’m afraid, there is not much that can be done without cooperation from their side. I will mark the complaint "unresolved" in our system. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint and you will be notified by email. I sent you an email that might be helpful a week ago. Let me know if you received it here: peter.m@casino.guru.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.