Zdravo Nik, hvala ti na brzom odgovoru.
1- Moj nalog je kreiran i verifikovan sa nivoom 1 kic 21. oktobra (za korišćenje platforme potrebna je verifikacija nivoa 1 kic, puno ime, adresa, poštanski broj, grad, država).
2- Igrao sam sa kriptovalutama (igranje sa kriptovalutama je prihvaćeno samo u ovom kazinu)
3- Nikada nisam koristio VPN da promenim svoju IP adresu, oni imaju dokaz za to.
4- Poslednji put kada sam razgovarao sa njima 29. oktobra, pitao sam podršku da li je greška što mogu da igram samo 6 kazino igara, a ne i druge igre, njihov odgovor je bio da sam prekršio njihova pravila i da je moj nalog bio biće zatvoren)
Pretražujući njihovu veb stranicu na https://shuffle.com/es/info/aml, otkrio sam da imaju geografsku blokadu po IP-u, ali to nije tačno, barem u mojoj zemlji, pa se pitam da li treba da preuzmu odgovornost što su mi dozvolili igrati i ne blokirati moj pristup kako je trebalo da se desi. Hvala vam
Uredi: Ima još nešto da se komentariše, poput mene, mnogi ljudi su ušli u shuffle jer su ponudili airdrop (kompenzacija kriptovalutama za ljude koji uđu u projekat u ranoj fazi i što veći obim generišete i što više depozita napravite, to će airdrop je veći) U ovakvim projektima obično daju hiljade dolara nadoknade, znao sam da ću dobiti svoj novac sa ovim airdrop-om, zato sam se kladio na toliki novac, sada se nađem sa izgubljenim novcem i nemam mogućnosti da se odlučim za taj vazdušni pad
Hi Nick, thank you for your quick response.
1- My account was created and verified with a level 1 kyc on October 21 (level 1 kyc verification is required to use the platform, Full name, address, zip code, city, country).
2- I played with cryptocurrencies (playing with cryptos is only accepted in this casino)
3- I never used VPN to alter my IP address, they have proof of this.
4- The last time I spoke with them was on October 29, I asked support if it was an error that I could only play 6 casino games and not the other games, their response was that I had violated their rules and that my account was going to be closed)
Searching their website at https://shuffle.com/es/info/aml I found that they have a geographic block by IP but it is not true, at least in my country, so I wonder if they should take responsibility for letting me play and not having blocked my access as it should have happened. Thank you
Edit: There is something else to comment on, like me, many people entered shuffle because they offered an airdrop (compensation with cryptocurrencies for people who enter the project in an early phase and the more volume you generate and the more deposits you make, the airdrop is greater) In projects like this, they usually give thousands of dollars in compensation, I knew I would get my money back with this airdrop that's why I bet so much money, now I find myself with lost money and no possibility of opting for that airdrop
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