Nakon što mi je nesposobni predstavnik podrške, Mark, u Shuffle kazinu rekao da je ovo poslednje upozorenje, podrška mi je postala nedostupna.
Problem je počeo kada nisam mogao da pristupim Pragmatic Plai-u i poslao sam snimak ekrana, samo da mi je rečeno da nema dovoljno informacija. Uprkos čekanju nekoliko minuta, nisam dobio uputstva šta dalje da radim. Frustriran, nazvao sam pomoćno osoblje nesposobnim, lopovom i rekao im da me podrže ili da odustanu ako su nesposobni. Shodno tome, moj zahtev je odbijen.
Želim da odustanem ako više ne mogu da koristim usluge podrške, ali trenutno nema odgovora iz Shuffle kazina na moje imejlove.
Postoji li neki drugi način da ih kontaktirate?
After being told by the incompetent support representative, Mark, at Shuffle Casino that this was the final warning, support has become unavailable to me.
The issue began when I couldn't access Pragmatic Play, and I submitted a screenshot, only to be told there was insufficient information. Despite waiting for several minutes, I received no guidance on what to do next. Frustrated, I called the support staff incompetent, a thief, and told them to either support me or quit if they are incapable. Consequently, my request was rejected.
I want to quit if I can no longer use support services, but currently, there has been no response from Shuffle Casino to my emails.
Is there any other way to contact them?
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