Dragi Tornado123,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu.
Žao mi je što čujem da se trudite da zatvorite svoj nalog i da vaš zahtev nije pravilno prihvaćen. To mora da je neverovatno frustrirajuće.
Da biste bolje razumeli svoju situaciju i efikasno vam pomogli, možete li pojasniti sledeće:
- Kada ste prvi put zatražili zatvaranje naloga i na koji način (e-pošta, ćaskanje uživo ili drugi kanal)?
- Da li ste uopšte dobili odgovor koji potvrđuje prijem vašeg zahteva? Ako jeste, šta su rekli?
- Pošto ste kao razlog spomenuli problematično igranje igara, da li ste posebno zahtevali samoisključivanje, i ako jeste, da li ste pratili format zahtevani kazino za zahteve za samoisključivanje?
Nakon što sam pregledao uslove i odredbe kazina , pronašao sam sledeći odeljak u vezi sa samoisključenjem:
3.22.1. Operater će privremeno suspendovati pristup nalogu igrača ili ga potpuno ukinuti u roku od deset radnih dana (od ponedeljka do petka, ne računajući državne praznike) od prijema pravilno formatiranog zahteva za samoisključivanje zbog problematičnog kockanja.
3.22.3. Da bi zatražio samoisključivanje, igrač mora da pošalje imejl customercare@silverplay.com sa:
(a) Jasan zahtev za potpuno samoisključivanje (ne samo delimično ograničenje).
(b) Trajanje perioda samoisključenja (minimalno 24 sata).
Ako ste već podneli svoj zahtev u ispravnom formatu, a kazino ne postupa u skladu sa sopstvenim uslovima, ovo je definitivno zabrinjavajuće. Ako već niste, prosledite mi relevantnu komunikaciju sa kazinom na petronela.k@casino.guru , a mi ćemo se potruditi da vam pomognemo.
Vaša saradnja je od ključne važnosti da nam pomognete da napredujemo u vašem slučaju i nađemo rešenje.
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. U međuvremenu, cenimo vaše strpljenje nakon što odgovorite i dalje ćemo istražiti stvar.
Hvala unapred na odgovoru i saradnji.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Tornado123,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint.
I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been struggling to close your account and that your request has not been acknowledged properly. That must be incredibly frustrating.
To better understand your situation and assist you effectively, could you clarify the following:
- When did you first request to close your account, and through which method (email, live chat, or another channel)?
- Did you receive any response at all confirming the receipt of your request? If so, what did they say?
- Since you mentioned problematic gaming as a reason, did you specifically request self-exclusion, and if so, did you follow the casino’s required format for self-exclusion requests?
Upon reviewing the casino’s terms and conditions, I found the following section regarding self-exclusion:
3.22.1. The Operator shall temporarily suspend access to the player's account or terminate it altogether within ten business days (Monday through Friday, excluding public holidays) of receiving a properly formatted request for self-exclusion due to problematic gambling.
3.22.3. To request self-exclusion, the player must email customercare@silverplay.com with:
(a) A clear request for full self-exclusion (not just a partial restriction).
(b) The duration of the self-exclusion period (minimum of 24 hours).
If you have already submitted your request in the correct format and the casino is not acting in accordance with its own terms, this is definitely concerning. If you haven’t already, please forward any relevant communication with the casino to me at petronela.k@casino.guru, and we will do our best to assist you.
Your cooperation is crucial in helping us move forward with your case and finding a resolution.
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we appreciate your patience after you reply, and we will investigate the matter further.
Thank you in advance for your reply and cooperation.
Best regards,
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