Pokušao sam da verifikujem svoj nalog i Skicrovn kazino jednostavno neće prihvatiti verifikaciju. Postavio sam više različitih obrazaca da pokažem svoj depozit dokaza i više puta se jednostavno ne verifikuje, ali dozvolite mi da objasnim.
Skicrovn traži 3 stvari.
ID – pokazao sam i prihvatili su.
Adresa - pokazao sam i koju su prihvatili.
Uplatite prvi depozit koji ste napravili na račun. Prikazuje naziv kompanije i cenu koju ste platili. Pokazao sam i izgleda da nisu potvrdili. Dakle 2/3
Pitao sam ih preko te podrške zašto nisam verifikovan, pa su mi rekli da treba da pokaže i datum, pa sam do tada otišao da uzmem drugi obrazac da pokažem, konačno sam ga našao, ali pošto ga sada obrađuje kaže 15.
Sigurno me zbunjuje da se ovo može rešiti, ali postaje bolje. Ja im to kažem, ali izgleda da to nije problem, oni mi onda kažu da im trebaju sve te informacije i tačno vreme kada je kupovina obavljena na jednom listu i jednostavno ne znam da li mogu to da dobijem preko svoje banke. Pokušavam ponovo da razgovaram sa njima „kako da ovo uradim, moja banka ne radi sa postavljenim vremenima pored postavljenih stavki koje mogu da pogledam. Onda mi kažu ono što je najzbunjujuće od svega. Oni bi sada hteli neku vrstu bankovnog izvoda sa cenom depozita koja ide kompaniji (očigledno) sa mojim imenom na njoj datum kupovine i vreme kupovine i takođe traže sve druge kupovine na mojoj kartici od mog depozita do same te izjave.
Ne znam zašto posle moraju da vide moje druge lične kupovine na mom nalogu, ali ima još toga. Pošto su tražili sve te stvari, tražili su još.... Tražili su da se vreme transakcije prikaže u (UTC) 11:00:51. Ja sam u Australiji, vreme kupovine za mene je bilo 21:01. KAKO DA DOBIM IZVOD SA SVIM TIM! Kako ili zašto bi mi banka dala izvod sa vremenskom zonom iz druge zemlje. Čini se kao da sam od kada sam želeo da povučem i verifikujem svoj nalog kako bih mogao da uradim tako da jednostavno ne bi dozvolili da se to dogodi.
I have tried verifying my account and Skycrown casino simply just will not accept verification. I have posted multiple different forms to show my deposit of proof and multiple times it just doesn’t get verified but let me explain.
Skycrown ask for 3 things.
ID - I showed and they accepted.
Address - I showed and Which they accepted.
Deposit the first deposit you made on the account. Showing the company name and the price you payed. I showed and they just didn’t seem to verify. So 2/3
I asked them through there support why am I not getting verified so they told me it needs to show the date aswell so by that time I’ve gone to get a different form to show I finally found it but cause it’s processing it now says the 15th.
It baffles me surely this can be resolved but it gets better. I tell them that but it doesn’t seem to be a problem they then tell me they need all that information and the exact time the purchase was made all on one sheet and I just don’t know if I can get that through my bank. I try speak to them again "how do I do this my bank doesn’t work with set times set next to set items for me to view. They then tell me the most baffling thing of all. They would now like a form bank statement of some sort with the price of the deposit going to the company (obviously) with my name on it the date of purchase the time of purchase and they’re also asking for all other purchases on my card from my deposit up until that statement itself it be included.
I don’t know why they need to see my other personal purchases on my account afterwards but there’s still more. As they asked for all that stuff they asked for more….. They asked for the time of the transaction to be shown in (UTC) 11:00:51. I am in Australia the time on the purchase for me was 9:01PM HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET A STATEMENT WITH ALL THAT! How or why would my bank give me a statement with a time zone on it from a different country. Seems like ever since I wanted to withdraw and verify my account so I could do so they just wouldn’t let it happen.
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