Igrač se bori da se povuče dok kazino stalno traži nove dokumente za verifikaciju. Žalba je riješena jer je igrač verificirao svoj račun i obradio povlačenje.
The player struggles to withdraw as the casino is keep asking for new verification documents. The complaint was resolved as the player verified his account and processed a withdrawal.
Igrač se bori da se povuče dok kazino stalno traži nove dokumente za verifikaciju. Žalba je riješena jer je igrač verificirao svoj račun i obradio povlačenje.
Igrano sa bonusom, bonus uspješno implementiran na kraju isplate od €4300.
Isplata će biti poništena jer se traži više dokumenata. (Tamo sam položio 130€ u cijeloj 2022. godini, ali sada je napravljen pun SoF/SoW... vrlo pouzdano)
Za sada predobro, tražena su sledeća dokumenta:
Molimo vas da učitate svoje izvode o plaćama (platne liste) za posljednjih šest mjeseci ili dokaz o vlasništvu firme (ako ga imate) i detaljan PDF bankovni izvod koji pokazuje da se ovaj prihod (podrijetlo sredstava) pripisuje na vaš bankovni račun za traje i 6 mjeseci ili više.
Podsjetimo, uplatio sam ukupno 130€, vrlo proporcionalno SoW/SoF, ali ok uploadovao sam dokumente.
Zatim opet odbijanje brojanja i odjednom sljedeće:
Za dodatnu verifikaciju vašeg računa, molimo vas da u svoj profil (kartica Dokumenti) učitate sljedeća dokumenta: - izvod o plaćama za posljednjih 6 mjeseci - detaljan pdf izvod iz banke za maj .
Odjednom postoje drugi dokumenti koji su potrebni 🙂
Nakon toga sam otišao na live chat ovdje, novi dokumenti su se čupali za kosu:
[...]Također, molimo vas da postavite izjave za 6 mjeseci, a ne samo za maj
Sa mog platnog računa koji NIKADA NIJE KORIŠTEN u ovom kazinu! (Depoziti su napravljeni sa drugog računa, ali čini se da ove izjave nisu bitne...)
Pobrinite se da moj dobitak bude brzo isplaćen, ovaj kazino se zaista ne preporučuje i mislim da radi vrlo sumnjivo.
Ako su vam potrebne dodatne informacije, rado ću vam ih dati.
Played with bonus, bonus successfully implemented at the end of €4300 payout.
The payout will be canceled as more documents are requested. (I deposited 130€ there in the whole year 2022, nevertheless a full SoF/SoW is made now... very trustworthy)
So far too good, the following documents were requested:
We kindly ask you to upload your salary statements (payslips) for the last six months or proof of business ownership (if you have one) and detailed PDF bank statement showing this income (the origin of funds) being credited to your bank account for the last 6 months or more as well.
As a reminder I deposited a total of 130€, very proportionate to the SoW/SoF but ok uploaded the documents.
Then again rejection of the count and suddenly the following:
For additional verification of your account, we would ask you to upload the following documents into your profile (Documents tab): - a salary statement for the last 6 months - a detailed pdf bank statement for May .
Suddenly there are other documents that are required 🙂
After that I went to the live chat here, new documents were pulled by the hair:
[...]Also please, upload statements for 6 months, not for May only
From my payroll account which was NOT EVER USED at this casino! (The deposits were made from another account but these statements don't seem to matter...)
Please make sure my winnings are paid out quickly, this casino is really not recommended and I think it works very dubious.
If you need any further information, I'll be happy to provide it.
Mit Bonus gespielt, Bonus erfolgreich umgesetzt am ende 4300€ Auszahlung.
Die Auszahlung wird storniert da weitere Dokumente angefordert werden. (Ich habe im ganzen Jahr 2022 dort 130€ eingezahlt, trotzdem wird nun eine volle SoF/SoW gemacht ... sehr vertrauenswürdig)
Soweit zu gut erst wurden folgende Dokumente angefordert:
We kindly ask you to upload your salary statements (payslips) for the last six months or proof of business ownership (if you have one) and detailed PDF bank statement showing this income (the origin of funds) being credited to your bank account for the last 6 months or more as well.
Zur Erinnerung ich habe insgesamt 130€ eingezahlt, sehr verhältnismäßig mit der SoW/SoF aber okay habe die Dokumente hochgeladen.
Danach dann wieder Ablehnung der auszhlung und plötzlich folgendes:
For additional verification of your account, we would ask you to upload the following documents into your profile (Documents tab): - a salary statement for the last 6 months - a detailed pdf bank statement for May .
Plötzlich sind es wieder andere Dokumente die gefordert werden 🙂
Danach bin ich in den Live Chat hier wurden wieder neue Dokumente an den Haaren herbeigezogen:
[...]Also please, upload statements for 6 months, not for May only
Von meinem Lohnkonto welches in diesem Casino NICHTMAL BENUTZT WURDE! (Die Einzahlungen erfolgten von einem anderen Konto aber diese Auszüge scheinen nicht zu interessieren...)
Bitte sorgen sie für eine schnelle Ausszahlung meiner Gewinne, dieses Casino ist echt nicht zu empfehlen und arbeitet nach meinem Empfinden sehr unseriös.
Sollten sie weitere Infos benötigen stelle ich diese gerne zur Verfügung.
zdravo Tobias,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa Slot Wolf Casino. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja prije nego krenemo naprijed.
Da li je neki od vaših dokumenata već odobren od strane kazina? Koji dokumenti još nedostaju za provjeru? Koliko dugo traje cijeli proces?
U potpunosti razumijem da bi moglo biti frustrirajuće slati im iste dokumente više puta, ali nažalost ovo je nešto što se ne može preskočiti da biste primili svoje dobitke. Vidjeli smo mnogo gore zahtjeve iz različitih kazina u prošlosti, ali još uvijek bi mogli biti ispunjeni.
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Hello Tobias,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Slot Wolf Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Were any of your documents already approved by the casino? Which documents are still missing to verify? How long is the whole process going on?
I can fully understand that it might be frustrating to send them the same documents all over multiple times but unfortunately this is something that can't be skipped in order to receive your winnings. We have seen much worse requests from different casinos in the past but still could be completed.
Looking forward to your answer.
Zdravo Nick, hvala što ste prihvatili žalbu.
Nakon otvaranja žalbe ovdje, dokumenti su iznenada prihvaćeni i bili su dovoljni za provjeru.
Prvi dijelovi uplate su već na putu i nadam se da će preostali iznos (maksimalno 2.500€ po danu/kupcu) biti isplaćen malo po malo.
Hvala vam što pokrećete ovu platformu! Hvala na pomoći, mislim da ovo sada radi bez dodatnih problema.
Ipak, želim da istaknem tražene dokumente, za koje vjerujem da su vrlo neobični (izvodi iz računa koji nisu ni korišteni u kazinu) i općenito vrše proširenu verifikaciju (SoF/SoW) za ukupan depozit od € 130.
Međutim, žalba se može smatrati riješenom.
Hvala i sve najbolje
Hi Nick, Thank you for accepting the complaint.
After opening the complaint here, the documents were suddenly accepted and were sufficient to carry out the verification.
The first parts of the payment are already on the way and I hope that the remaining amount (maximum €2,500 per day/customer) will be paid out bit by bit.
Thank you for running this platform! Thanks for the help, I think this works now without further problems.
Nevertheless, I would like to point out the documents requested, which I believe are very unusual (excerpts from an account that was not even used with the casino) and generally carrying out the extended verification (SoF/SoW) for a total deposit of €130.
However, the complaint can be considered resolved.
Thanks and best regards
Hallo Nick, Danke für das Annehmen der Beschwerde.
Nach dem Eröffnen der Beschwerde hier, wurden die Dokumente dann plötzlich doch akzeptiert und waren ausreichend um die Verifizierung durchzuführen.
Die ersten Teile der Auszahlung sind bereits unterwegs und ich hoffe das nun Stück für Stück der Restbetrag (maximal 2.500€ pro Tag/Kunde) ausgezahlt wird.
Vielen Dank für das Betreiben dieser Plattform! Danke für die Hilfe, Ich denke das funktioniert jetzt ohne weitere Probleme.
Trotzdem möchte ich nochmal auf die aus meiner Sicht doch sehr ungewöhnlichen angefragten Dokumente hinweisen (Auszzüge eines Kontos welches nicht mal mit dem Casino genutzt wurde) und allgemein das durchführen der erweiterten Verifizierung (SoF/SoW) bei 130€ Einzahlung gesamt.
Die Beschwerde kann aber wohl als gelöst betrachtet werden.
Danke und viele Grüße
zdravo Tobias,
Vjerujem da je bilo nekih čudnih zahtjeva, sa tim problemima se susrećemo skoro svakodnevno, ali nažalost ne postoji drugi način da se provjerite samo da biste slijedili zahtjev kazina. Međutim, drago mi je čuti da je problem riješen. Žalba će sada biti zatvorena. Molimo ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti ponovo naiđete na bilo kakav problem, mi ćemo se potruditi da vam pomognemo.
Hello Tobias,
I believe that there were some strange requests, we come across these issues almost daily but unfortunately there is no other way to verify yourself only to follow the casino's request. I'm however glad to hear that the issue has been resolved. The complaint will be now closed. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you will come across any other trouble again in the future, we will try our best to help you out.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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