Igrač iz Njemačke optužen je za kršenje bonus uslova stavljanjem pojedinačne oklade veće od dozvoljene. Zbog toga su mu oduzeti dobici. Na kraju smo odbili žalbu jer nije bila opravdana.
The player from Germany has been accused of breaching bonus terms by placing a single bet greater than the allowed one. Therefore, his winnings were confiscated. We ended up rejecting the complaint because it was not justified.
Igrač iz Njemačke optužen je za kršenje bonus uslova stavljanjem pojedinačne oklade veće od dozvoljene. Zbog toga su mu oduzeti dobici. Na kraju smo odbili žalbu jer nije bila opravdana.
Dragi tim Casino Gurua,
Jučer sam se prijavio za novi račun u Slot Wolfu. Iskoristio sam puni bonus i položio 350 eura. Tako sam dobio 700 eura. Igrao sam satima i na kraju zaradio 10.000 eura. Predao sam 15.000 €. Bonus je implementiran, tako da sam mogao slobodno koristiti novac. Isplatio sam. Danas u podne dobio sam e-mail od njega
Dragi prijatelju,
Otkrili smo da ste premašili maksimalni ulog dok ste se igrali s bonusom.
Žao nam je, ali zbog toga smo morali ispraviti stanje na iznos depozita. Molimo vas da poštujete naše Bonus uslove i odredbe i budete pažljiviji sljedeći put.
Žao nam je zbog mogućih neprijatnosti i nadam se razumijevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Slotwolf Casino tim za podršku
Ja sam u chatu uživo i rečeno mi je da igram temu veću od 5 €. Registriran sam u nekoliko kazina i znam ograničenje bonusa. Zbog toga nikada ne igram preko 5 € i to uopće nije moguće jer vas odmah izbace iz igre ako pogriješite.
Međutim, ono što sam uradio je da kupujem besplatne okrete. Kupio sam igre na primjer: Extra Chili: nekoliko puta za 50 €, web lokacija je postavila tako da možete kupiti najviše 50 €. Poruka odmah stiže gore: dostignuta je granica uloga. Međutim, dobivate 8-24 igre na temu od 1 €, a ne na temu od 50 €.
Ova akcija je sada navikla
odbijte da mi platite.
Imam snimke zaslona isplate, kao i status chata putem e-pošte, koje ću vam rado poslati ako vam zatreba.
Nadam se da možete biti od pomoći.
Dear Casino Guru Team,
I signed up for a new account at Slot Wolf yesterday. I took advantage of the full bonus and deposited € 350. So I received € 700. I played for hours and ended up making a profit of € 10,000. I have turned over € 15,000. The bonus was implemented, so I was free to use the money. I paid it off. Today at noon I got an email from him
Dear Friend,
We found out that you have exceeded the maximum bet while playing with the bonus.
Sorry, but due to that we had to correct your balance to the deposit amount. We kindly ask you to observe our Bonus Terms & Conditions and be more attentive next time.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused and hope for understanding.
Best regards,
Slotwolf Casino Support Team
I'm in the live chat and I was told that I played higher than 5 € subject. I have been registered in several casinos and know the bonus limit. That's why I never play over € 5 and it's not possible at all because you get kicked out of the game immediately if you make a mistake.
What I did, however, was buy free spins. I bought games for example: Extra Chili: several times for 50 €, the site has set it so that you can buy a maximum of 50 €. A message immediately arrives higher up: Bet limit reached. However, you get 8-24 games on 1 € subject and not on 50 € subject.
This action is now used to
refuse to pay me.
I have screenshots of the payouts and also the chat status via email, which I will be happy to send you if you need it.
I hope you can be of help.
Liebes Casino Guru Team,
ich habe mich gestern neu bei Slot Wolf angemeldet. Ich habe den Bonus Voll in Anspruch genommen und 350€ eingezahlt. So erhielt ich 700€. Ich spiele stundenlang und erwirtschaftete am Ende einen Gewinn von 10.000€. Ich habe über 15000€ umgesetzt. Der Bonus war also umgesetzt, ich konnte also frei über das Geld verfügen. Ich zahlte es aus. Heute Mittag bekam ich eine Mail von dem
Dear Friend,
We found out that you have exceeded the maximum bet while playing with the bonus.
Sorry, but due to that we had to correct your balance to the deposit amount. We kindly ask you to observe our Bonus Terms & Conditions and be more attentive next time.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused and hope for understanding.
Best regards,
Slotwolf Casino Support Team
Ich bin darauf in den Live Chat und mir wurde erklärt das ich höher als 5€ Fach gespielt habe. Ich war in mehreren Casinos angemeldet und kenne die Bonus Grenze. Deshalb spiele ich nie über 5€ Fach und außerdem ist es garnicht möglich weil man sofort aus dem Spiel gekickt wird wenn man sich mal vertut.
Was ich allerdings gemacht habe ist freispiele zu kaufen. Ich habe bei einem Spiel bsp: Extra Chili: mehrmals für 50€ spiele gekauft, die Seite hat es so eingestellt das man maximal für 50€ kaufen kann. Höher kommt sofort eine Nachricht: Einsatzlimit erreicht. Jedoch bekommt man dort dann 8-24 spiele auf 1€ Fach und nicht auf 50€ Fach.
Diese Aktion wird jetzt benutzt um
mir die Auszahlung zu verweigern.
Ich habe Screenshots von den Auszahlungen und auch den Chatverlaut per Mail, den ich Ihnen gerne zulassen komme wenn Sie es benötigen.
Ich hoffe Sie können mir behilflich sein.
Dragi Mblum,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Potpuno razumijem koliko vam cijela situacija mora biti teška. Pažljivo sam provjerio Bonus uslove na web lokaciji i evo što sam pronašao https://www.slotwolf.com/bonus-terms-and-conditions :
„Svi izdani bonusi su po defaultu ograničeni na maksimalnu opkladu tokom klađenja: 5 EUR / 5 USD / 7,5 CAD / 50 NOK / 7,5 NZD / 20 PLN / 375 RUB / 625 JPY, ako nije drugačije naznačeno. Maksimalni limit oklade uključuje udvostručavanje oklada nakon završetka runde igre, kao i bonus runde (kupljene u igri) . "
Ako znate da ulažete više od dozvoljenih oklada, nažalost, trenutno ne možemo puno učiniti da podržimo vaš slučaj. Preporučujem vam da pažljivo pročitate sve Uvjete prije početka igre kako biste izbjegli nesporazume u budućnosti. Kazina pokušavaju dizajnirati svoje bonuse kako bi bili što atraktivniji, ali pravila se uvijek moraju poštivati.
Molimo vas, nemojte se ustručavati kontaktirati me. Smatrate da ste pogrešno optuženi, u protivnom ću biti prisiljen odbiti vašu žalbu. Hvala vam na razumijevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Mblum,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I fully understand how difficult the whole situation must be for you. I carefully checked the Bonus Terms on the website, and this is what I found https://www.slotwolf.com/bonus-terms-and-conditions:
„Any issued bonuses are by default limited to a maximum bet during wagering: 5 EUR / 5 USD / 7,5 CAD / 50 NOK / 7,5 NZD / 20 PLN / 375 RUB / 625 JPY, unless otherwise specified. Max bet limit includes bets doubling after a game round has been completed as well as bonus rounds (purchased within the game)."
If you are aware of placing higher bets then the allowed ones, sadly, there is not much we can do to support your case at this time. I would strongly recommend reading all the T&Cs carefully before you start playing to avoid any misunderstandings in the future. Casinos try to design their bonuses to be as attractive as possible, but the rules must always be followed.
Please do not hesitate to contact me you feel that you’ve been accused mistakenly, otherwise, I will be forced to reject your complaint. Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
Hvala vam na brzom odgovoru. Ovdje se ne radi o malo novca, pa bih vas zamolio da date sve od sebe. Ponovo sam stupio u kontakt sa stranicom kako bih razgovarao sa nekim zaduženim. Po mom mišljenju, bonus uslovi nisu objašnjeni jasno i transparentno. Web stranica očito pokušava prevarom obmanuti kupce. Na mnogim web lokacijama ne možete kupiti besplatne okrete s bonus novcem. Na ovoj stranici možete kupiti sve igre do 50 €. Od 50 € ovi su blokirani i izbačeni ste iz igre. Jednom sam pokušao kupiti za 60 eura i pojavila se ista poruka (dostignut limit uloga). Kao što već objašnjavam, okreti su tada znatno ispod slota od 5 €.
Očigledna prevara sa casino stranicama po mom mišljenju.
Nigdje nije opisano da ne možete kupiti besplatne okrete ili da funkcija Bonus Buy dovodi do kršenja uslova. Iznad svega, zašto je funkcija aktivirana do 50 €?
Bio bih vam vrlo zahvalan ako biste mi mogli dodatno pomoći u ovom slučaju.
Thank you for the fast answer. It is not about little money here, so I would ask you to do your best. I got in touch with the site again to talk to someone in charge. In my opinion, the bonus conditions are not explained clearly and transparently. The site is obviously trying to fraudulently deceive the customers. On many sites you cannot buy free spins with bonus money. On this page you could buy all games up to 50 €. From € 50 these were blocked and you were kicked out of the game. I tried to buy for € 60 once, and the same message came up (bet limit reached). As I already explain, the spins are then well below the € 5 slot.
Obvious casino site scam in my opinion.
It is nowhere described that you cannot buy free spins or that the Bonus Buy function leads to a violation of the conditions. Above all, why is the function activated up to 50 €?
I would be very grateful if you could help me further in this case.
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort. Es geht hier nicht um wenig Geld deshalb würde ich Sie bitten ihr Möglichstes zu tun. Ich hab mich nochmal mit der Seite in Verbindung gesetzt und um Kommunikation mit einem Verantwortlichen zu sprechen. Meiner Meinung nach sind die Bonusbedingungen nicht eindeutig und durchsichtig erklärt. Die Seite versucht hier offensichtlich die Kunden arglistig zu täuschen. Auf vielen Seiten kann man mit Bonus Geld garkeine freispiele kaufen. Auf dieser Seite konnte man bis 50€ alle Spiele kaufen. Ab 50€ waren diese gesperrt und man wurde aus dem Spiel gekickt. Ich hab einmal versucht für 60€ zu kaufen, es kam die gleiche Meldung (Einsatzlimit erreicht). Wie ich auch bereits erkläre, sind die Spins dann deutlich unter der 5€ Fach.
Meiner Meinung nach offensichtlicher Betrug der Casino Seite.
Es steht nirgendwo beschrieben das man keine Freispiele kaufen kann oder das die Funktion Bonus Buy zur Verletzung der Bedingungen führt. Vorallem warum ist die Funktion bis 50€ freigeschaltet?
Ich wäre Ihnen sehr dankbar wenn Sie mir in dem Fall weiter helfen könnten.
Dragi Mblum,
Možete li proslijediti svoju povijest igara i bilo koju relevantnu komunikaciju na petronela.k@casino.guru ? Hvala vam unaprijed.
Dear Mblum,
Could you please forward your game history and any relevant communication to petronela.k@casino.guru? Thank you in advance.
Hvala vam na brzom odgovoru. Zatražio sam kompletnu historiju igara od Slot Wolf i poslat ću vam je čim je primim.
Thank you for your prompt reply. I have requested the complete game history from Slot Wolf and will send it to you as soon as I have received it.
Danke für die schnelle Antwort. Ich habe den kompletten Spielverlauf bei Slot Wolf angefordert und schicke Ihnen diesen zu, sobald ich den bekommen habe.
Dodatni komentari igrača:
"Drage dame i gospodo,
Nažalost, više nisam mogao unijeti odgovor na vašu stranicu.
Već sam nekoliko puta tražio historiju i više ne dobivam odgovor od Slotwolf Casina.
Srdačan pozdrav
Matija *** "
Additional comments from the player:
"Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Unfortunately, I could no longer enter an answer on your page.
I have already requested the history several times and am no longer getting a response from Slotwolf Casino.
Best regards
Matthias *** "
Additional comments from the player:
"Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich konnte leider keine Antwort mehr auf Ihrer Seite eingeben.
Ich habe den Verlauf bereits mehrmals angefordert und bekomme keine Antwort mehr von Slotwolf Casino.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Matthias ***"
Puno vam hvala, Mblum, na odgovoru. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Petera koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, Mblum, for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Matijase,
Preuzimam vašu žalbu. To neće biti lako jer kazino ima ovaj termin u svojim Bonus Uvjetima. S druge strane, ako dobijete 8-24 okretaja za 50 €, tehnički, pravilo maks. Oklade nije prekršeno. Puno bi pomoglo kad bi kasino sistem automatski i pravilno primijenio ovo pravilo. To bi eliminiralo većinu takvih situacija.
Dragi SlotWolf tim,
Je li moguće pronaći neku vrstu kompromisa jer ima istine na obje strane?
Hi Matthias,
I'm taking over your complaint. This won't be easy since the casino has this term in their Bonus T&Cs. On the other hand, if you get 8-24 spins for 50€, technically, the max bet rule wasn't breached. It would help a lot if the casino enforced this rule automatically and correctly by the system. That would eliminate most of this kind of situations.
Dear SlotWolf team,
Is it possible to find some sort of a compromise since there is some truth on both sides?
Dragi svi,
predali smo historiju igre igrača predstavnicima Casino Gurua.
Obavijestite nas ako vam zatrebaju bilo kakve informacije.
Dear all,
we have submitted the game history of the player to the Casino Guru representatives.
Please, keep us informed if you need any information.
Dragi Peter, dragi Slot Wolf Casino,
Jesam li u pravu pretpostaviti da sada imate moju historiju igara?
Što se tiče 8-24 okretaja: Vidim to baš kao i ti, dragi Peter. Ova funkcija ne bi trebala biti dostupna, uostalom, pretpostavljam da je ova funkcija dozvoljena ako je možete koristiti. Kao i kod maksimalne rotacije od 5 € po krugu. Ako to premašite sa bonus novcem, automatski ćete biti izbačeni iz igre. Volio bih se dogovoriti sa stranicom, a zatim nastaviti igrati s vama kao kupcem.
Također morate razumjeti igrače, kladimo se u puno novca da bismo pobijedili ili se zabavili. U ovom slučaju pobjeđujete, a novac vam se ne isplaćuje. Daleko je od poštenog.
I dalje se nadam da se možemo složiti.
Srdačan pozdrav
Matthias Blum
Dear Peter, dear Slot Wolf Casino,
Am I right to assume that you are now in possession of my game history?
Regarding the 8-24 spins: I see that just like you, dear Peter. This function should not be available, after all, I assume that this function is allowed if you can use it. As with a maximum rotation of € 5 per round. If you exceed this with bonus money, you are automatically thrown out of the game. I would love to come to an agreement with the site and then continue to play with you as a customer.
You also need to understand the players, we bet a lot of money to win or have the fun. In this case you win and the money is not paid out. It's far from fair.
I still hope that we can agree.
Best regards
Matthias Blum
Lieber Peter, liebes Slot Wolf Casino,
gehe ich zu recht davon aus, das Sie nun im Besitz meines Spieleverlaufes sind?
Zu den 8-24 Spins: Das sehe ich genau wie Sie, lieber Peter. Diese funktion sollte es dann garnicht geben, schließlich gehe ich davon aus, das diese funktion erlaubt ist, wenn man Sie nutzen kann. Wie bei einer maximalen drehung von 5€ Fach pro runde. Wenn man diese nämlich mit Bonus Geld überschreitet, fliegt man automatisch aus dem Spiel. Ich würde mich sehr gerne mit der Seite einigen und dann auch weiterhin als Kunde bei Ihnen spielen.
Sie müssen auch die Spieler verstehen, wir setzen viel Geld ein um zu gewinnen oder den Spaß zu haben. In diesem Fall gewinnt man und das Geld wird nicht ausgezahlt. Das ist alles andere als fair.
Ich hoffe dennoch das man sich einigen kann.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Matthias Blum
Hvala Slot Wolf timu na e-pošti. Da, Matija, sada imam vašu historiju igara i vidio sam bonus runde. Dragi tim Slot Wolfa, da li bi bilo moguće napraviti kompromis?
Thank you Slot Wolf team for the email. Yes Matthias, I do have your gaming history now and saw the bonus rounds. Dear Slot Wolf team, would it be possible to make a compromise?
Dragi Peter, Matijaše,
nažalost, u takvim slučajevima kada se prekrši maksimalan ulog, moramo oduzeti dobitak,
i ne možemo ništa dalje, prihvatite naše izvinjenje, molim vas ...
Dear Peter, Matthias,
unfortunately, in such cases when the max bet is breached, we have to confiscate the winnings,
and we cannot do anything further, accept our apologies, please...
Hvala Slot Wolf timu na odgovoru.
Dragi Matijase,
Nažalost, ne mogu vam mnogo pomoći. Bilo bi lijepo kada bi vam kazino ponudio neku vrstu kompenzacije kao gest dobre volje, ali ne možemo je zaista kazniti ako ne. Kazina su vrlo uobičajena da ograniče dobitak od bonusa i primijene druga ograničenja, kao što je u vašem slučaju maksimalna opklada. Kazino može formirati vlastiti T&C i postaviti svoja pravila igre, posebno kada su u pitanju bonusi.
Volio bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you Slot Wolf team for the reply.
Dear Matthias,
Unfortunately, there is not much I can do to help you. It would be nice if the casino offered you some sort of compensation as a gesture of good will, but we can't really penalize it if it doesn't. It is very common for casinos to limit the winnings from bonuses and implement other restrictions like in your case the maximum bet. The casino can form their own T&Cs and set their own rules for the game play, especially when it comes to bonuses.
I wish I could be of more help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
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Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.