Igrač je položio novac na svoj račun, ali izgleda da su sredstva izgubljena. Žalba je odbijena jer igrač nije odgovarao na naše poruke i pitanja.
The player has deposited money into his account, but the funds seem to be lost. The complaint was rejected because the player didn't respond to our messages and questions.
Igrač je položio novac na svoj račun, ali izgleda da su sredstva izgubljena. Žalba je odbijena jer igrač nije odgovarao na naše poruke i pitanja.
29. aprila sam prebacio 10 € putem transfera u realnom vremenu u ovaj kazino, a 2. maja sam dodao 10 € preko Paisafe-a. Nijedan od ovih iznosa nije uplaćen do danas
On April 29th I transferred €10 via real-time transfer to this casino and on May 2nd I added €10 via Paysafe. None of these amounts where you have credited it to this day
29.04 habe ich 10 € per Echtzeit Überweisung an dieses Casino überwiesen und am 2.5 10 € über Paysafe aufgeladen keiner dieser Beträge wo du ihn bis heute gutgeschrieben ich bin bis jetzt mindestens 100 mal mit dem Support in Verbindung getreten ich werde immer noch vertröstet
Dragi hromekmartin2,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Ako vaš depozit nikada nije uplaćen na vaš kazino račun, jedina stvar koju bih preporučio je da kontaktirate svog dobavljača plaćanja. Oni moraju da istraže, ali imajte na umu da je to komplikovan proces koji traje otprilike mesec dana. U ovim slučajevima, kazino obično ima vezane ruke.
Žao mi je što u ovom trenutku nismo mogli biti od velike pomoći. Ostaviću ovu žalbu otvorenom mesec dana i ljubazno vas zamoliti da nas obaveštavate. Hvala vam mnogo na razumevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear hromekmartin2,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. If your deposit has never been credited to your casino account, the only thing I would recommend is contacting your payment provider. They need to investigate, but bear in mind, that it’s a complicated process that takes one month approximately. In these cases, the casino usually has its hands tied.
I’m sorry that we couldn’t be of much help at this time. I will leave this complaint open for a month and kindly ask you to keep us updated. Thank you very much for your understanding.
Best regards,
Prvi provajder plaćanja bila je moja banka sa transferom u realnom vremenu. Možete pratiti status i novac se pripisuje primaocu u roku od nekoliko sekundi.
Drugi depozit preko Paisafe-a se zapravo pripisuje računu nakon nekoliko minuta
Već sam kontaktirao svoju banku u vezi sa ovim, novac je primio primalac, moja banka ne može da mi kaže šta se desilo sa novcem. A Paisafe plaćate kao gotovinu ako ga tako uzmete, to je u suštini gotovina, tako da greška definitivno nije na meni ili na dobavljačima plaćanja, već na kazinu
Pošto je ovo hiljadu puta zahteva za ćaskanje sa nekim botovima i uvek mi kažu da pijemo, upravo sam primetio da ide na sledeće odeljenje, tako da mi to u suštini znači nakon što sam pitao sedmi put i kada mi je rečeno sedmi put da sam prosledio to opet nadležnom odeljenju kao hitnost, to je upravo ta rečenica koju mi je pomenuo i prethodni radnik, pa nije ni ulazio u šta se dešava
The first payment provider was my bank with a real-time transfer. You can track the status and the money is credited to the recipient within a few seconds.
The other deposit via Paysafe is actually credited to the account after a few minutes
I have already contacted my bank about this, the money has been received by the recipient, my bank cannot tell me what happened to the money. And Paysafe you pay like cash if you take it like that it's basically cash so the fault is definitely not with me or with the payment providers but with the casino
Because this is a thousand times chatting requests with some bots and always getting said we drink I just noted it goes on to the next department so it basically means to me after I asked the seventh time and was told the seventh time I was told I forwarded it again to the responsible department as an urgency note, that was exactly the sentence that the previous employee also mentioned to me, so he didn't even go into what was going on
Der erste Zahlungsanbieter war meine Bank mit einer echtzeitüberweisung. Da kann man den Status nachverfolgen da ist das Geld innerhalb weniger Sekunden gutgeschrieben bei dem Empfänger.
Die andere Einzahlung via Paysafe ist eigentlich auch nach wenigen auf dem Konto gutgeschrieben so war es bisher immer und warum soll das plötzlich denn nicht so
Ich habe mit meiner Bank diesbezüglich schon Kontakt aufgenommen das Geld ist bei den Empfänger eingegangen was da mit dem Geld geschehen ist kann meine Bank mir nicht sagen. Und Paysafe bezahlt man ja wie Bargeld wenn man es so nimmt ist ja im Grunde genommen Bargeld also liegt der Fehler und definitiv nicht bei mir oder bei den Zahlungsanbietern sondern beim Casino
Weil dieses tausendmal Anfragen mit irgendwelchen Bots chatten und immer dahin und immer gesagt bekommen wir trinken ich halt vermerkt geht es weiter an die nächste Abteilung also heißt es für mich im Grunde genommen nachdem ich das siebte mal nachgefragt habe und das siebte Mal gesagt bekommen habe ich habe es wieder dringlichkeitsvermerkung an die zuständige Abteilung weitergeleitet das war nämlich genau der Satz was sie vorherigen Mitarbeiter mir auch genannt haben also wird er gar nicht drauf eingegangen was da los ist
Draga Kristina i hromekmartin2,
Imajte na umu da proveravamo problem sa depozitima i na našoj strani.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Slot10 Kazino tim
Dear Kristina and hromekmartin2,
Please note that we are checking the issue with the deposits on our side as well.
Kind Regards,
Slot10 Casino Team
Činjenica je da do danas nije bilo povratnih informacija od kazina u vezi sa statusom obrade. Nije potrebno 2 nedelje da se vidi gde je novac.
The fact is that to date there has been no feedback from the casino regarding the status of the processing. It doesn't take 2 weeks to see where the money is.
Fakt ist bis heute kam keine Rückmeldung von dem casino bezüglich des Standes der Bearbeitung. Es dauert keine 2 Wochen zu sehen wo das Geld ist.
Pozdrav svima,
Hvala obojici na odgovorima.
hromekmartin2, možete li molim vas da postavite ovde ili mi prosledite snimke ekrana priznanica o depozitu i istorije depozita/blagajnika sa vašeg kazino naloga?
Pored toga, prosledite svu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kazina na KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk . Alternativno, možete ga objaviti ovde. Hvala unapred.
Hello everyone,
Thank you both for your replies.
hromekmartin2, could you please post here or forward me screenshots of the deposit receipts and deposit/cashier history from your casino account?
Additionally, please forward any relevant communication between you and the casino to kristina.s@casino.guru. Alternatively, you can post it here. Thank you in advance.
Nažalost, više ne mogu da uđem u Paisafe jer je nakon ovog incidenta Paisafe privremeno blokirao moj Paisafe nalog, što je naravno divno
Unfortunately, I can no longer get in at Paysafe because after this incident, Paysafe temporarily blocked my Paysafe account, which of course is wonderful
Bei Paysafe komme ich jetzt leider Gottes nicht mehr rein weil nach diesem Vorfall hat Paysafe es vorübergehend gesperrt mein Paysafe account was ja natürlich wunderbar ist
Da li je Paisafe precizirao kada će vaš nalog biti ponovo otvoren? Da li ste pokušali da objasnite situaciju njihovoj podršci? Ako postoji bilo kakva komunikacija između vas i provajdera plaćanja, prosledite je i meni.
Did the Paysafe specify when will your account be reopened? Have you tried explaining the situation to their support? If there is any communication between you and the payment provider, please forward it to me as well.
Dear hromekmartin2,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Ne, nažalost ne, možda je moguće vratiti, nažalost ne mogu sa sigurnošću reći....
No, unfortunately not, it might be possible to restore it, unfortunately I can't say for sure....
Nein leider nicht, vllt lässt sich diese wiederherstellen das kann ich leider nicht genau sagen....
Draga Kristina i hromekmartin2,
Proverili smo u našem sistemu i možemo da potvrdimo da vaši depoziti nisu stigli do nas – transakcije nisu uspele.
Savetujemo vam da ponovo proverite kod svoje banke i Paisafe-a, kada vaš račun bude popravljen.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Slot10 Kazino tim
Dear Kristina and hromekmartin2,
We checked in our system, and we can confirm that your deposits did not make it to us – the transactions failed.
We would advise checking again with your bank and Paysafe, once your account is fixed.
Kind Regards,
Slot10 Casino Team
Kao što vidite gore, novac je skinut sa mog računa i nažalost više nije kreditiran. Već sam razgovarao sa bankom i paisafe, novac je odmah prebačen u banku, zadužen i nikada se ništa nije vratilo KRIVI STE VI I VAŠ KAZINO
As you can see above, the money has been deducted from my account and unfortunately no longer credited. I have already spoken to the bank and paysafe, the money was immediately transferred to the bank, debited and nothing ever came back THE FAULT IS WITH YOU AND YOUR CASINO
Das Geld ist wie man oben sehen kann,von meinem Konto abgezogen worden, und leider nicht mehr gut geschrieben. Mit der Bank und paysafe habe ich schon gesprochen,das Geld wurde bei der Bank per sofort überweisung,abgebucht und zurück kam nie etwas DER FEHLER LIEGT BEI EUCH UND EUREM CASINO
hromekmartin2, možete li mi proslediti ove razgovore i sa vašom bankom i sa Paisafe-om? (Moja adresa e-pošte je _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk .)
hromekmartin2, could you please forward me these conversations with both your bank and Paysafe? (My email address is kristina.s@casino.guru.)
Dear hromekmartin2,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Žao mi je, ali u ovakvom slučaju o izgubljenim depozitima, potreban nam je određeni nivo saradnje igrača i vrlo specifična vrsta dokaza, a nismo napredovali više od mesec dana. Molimo vas da ponovo kontaktirate svoju banku i zatražite od njih pismenu potvrdu da je uplata obrađena sa njihove strane. Pored toga, molim vas da mi prosledite sve bankovne izvode od aprila do sada kako bismo se uverili da uplata nije vraćena.
Što se tiče izgubljenog depozita izvršenog putem Paisafe kartice, molim vas da mi barem prosledite e-poštu u kojoj ste pokušali da ih kontaktirate u vezi sa ovim problemom čak i ako vam nikada nisu odgovorili i dokaz da zaista nemate pristup svom nalogu. Hvala vam.
I am sorry, but in a case like this about lost deposits, we need a certain level of cooperation from players and a very specific kind of evidence, and we have not moved forward over a month. Please, contact your bank again and ask them for written confirmation that the payment has been processed from their side. Additionally, please forward me all bank statements from April until now so that we can make sure that the payment hasn't been returned.
Regarding the lost deposit made via Paysafe card, please, at least forward me the email in which you tried to contact them regarding this issue even if they have never replied and proof that you indeed do not have access to your account. Thank you.
Dear hromekmartin2,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Nažalost, igrač nije odgovorio na naše poruke i pitanja. Shodno tome, nismo u mogućnosti da dalje istražujemo i nemamo drugog izbora nego da odbijemo ovu žalbu.
Igrač može ponovo da otvori ovu žalbu u bilo kom trenutku.
Unfortunately, the player has not responded to our messages and questions. Consequently, we are unable to investigate further and have no choice but to reject this complaint.
The player can reopen this complaint at any time.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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