Igrač iz Njemačke ispituje vrstu dokumenta koji je potreban za potvrdu KYC-a. Pitanje je uspešno rešeno, igračica je dobila svoju zaradu.
The player from Germany is questioning the type of document which is required for KYC verification. The issue was successfully resolved, the player received her winnings.
Igrač iz Njemačke ispituje vrstu dokumenta koji je potreban za potvrdu KYC-a. Pitanje je uspešno rešeno, igračica je dobila svoju zaradu.
Poštovani, moram vas ponovo kontaktirati jer imam problema sa Casinom SLOT10. . Nakon što sam predao sve dokumente, 19. aprila podnio sam zahtjev za povlačenje u iznosu od 1200 eura. 23. aprila obaviješten sam da treba da podnesem račun za struju koji je ovjeren kod javnog bilježnika, što je potpuno pretjerano i neobično. Nijedna kockarnica me nikada nije tražila da to učinim. Moja lična karta je vladin dokument i dokazuje moj identitet. Priznaju ga sve vlasti i također u inostranstvu. Ovaj ID je dostupan u kockarnici. Novac je vraćen na moj račun igrača i ne isplaćujem me, molim vas da mi pomognete u vezi s tim.
Mnogo hvala unaprijed.
Dear Sir or Madam, I have to contact you again because I have problems with the Casino SLOT10. . After I had submitted all documents, I made on April 19. a withdrawal request for € 1200. On April 23, I was informed that I should submit a power bill, which is certified by a notary, which is completely excessive and unusual. No casino has ever asked me to do this. My ID is a government document and proves my identity. It is recognized by all authorities and also abroad. This ID is available to the casino. The money has been returned to my player account and I am not being paid out, please help me in this matter.
Many thanks in advance.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, schon wieder muß ich mich an Sie wenden, weil ich Probleme mit dem Casino SLOT10 habe. . Nachdem ich alle Dokumente eingereicht hatte, machte ich am 19.04. einen Auszahlungsantrag über 1200 €. Am 23.04.teilte man mir mit , das ich noch eine Stromabrechnung, welche von einem Notar beglaubigt ist, einreichen soll.Das ist vollkommen überzogen und unüblich. So etwas hat noch kein Casino von mir verlangt. Mein Ausweis ist ein staatliches Dokument und weist meine Identität nach. Er wird von allen Behörden und auch im Ausland anerkannt. Dieser Ausweis liegt den Casino vor. Das Geld wurde wieder auf mein Spielerkonto zurückgebucht und man verweigert mir die Auszahlung.Bitte helfen Sie mir in dieser Angelegenheit.
Vielen Dank schon jetzt.
Draga Roswitha,
Hvala vam puno na podnošenju žalbe. Molimo Vas da shvatite da je KYC vrlo važan i bitan proces, tokom kojeg kockarnica osigurava da se novac pošalje pravom vlasniku. Nijedan od ozbiljnih i licenciranih kockarnica ne uzima KYC lagano, i bojim se da ćete morati proći kroz ovaj postupak ako želite dobiti svoj dobitak. Svaka je kockarnica jedinstvena i može zahtijevati različite vrste dokumenata.
Predlažem da u potpunosti sarađujete s kockarnicom i šaljem sve potrebne dokumente što je pre moguće. Ako postoji nešto drugo, mogao bih učiniti za vas u vezi s ovim problemom, obratite mi se.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Roswitha,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. None of the serious and licensed casinos takes KYC lightly, and I am afraid you will have to go through this process if you want to get your winnings. Every casino is unique and can require different types of documents.
I’d suggest cooperating fully with the casino and send all of the required documents as soon as possible. If there is anything else, I could do for you regarding this issue, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best regards,
Dobar dan Kristina,
Stoga sumnjam u ovaj zahtjev za dokumentom koji mora biti ovjeren kod javnog bilježnika, jer je taj zahtjev učinjen samo zadnji. Prvo bih trebao podnijeti dokumente koji su svuda potrebni. Nakon što sam sve to učinio, trebao bih poslati fotografiju sa ličnim dokumentom u ruci. I ja sam to uradio. Potom je taj zahtjev došao uz račun za struju ovjeren kod javnog bilježnika. Svaki put kada mi je novac vraćen na račun. Prošli put to ne bi trebao biti račun za struju, ali moju će osobnu iskaznicu sada treba ovjeriti javni bilježnik. Što da mislim o tome. Za mene očigledno zaostajuća taktika, ne žele da mi plate moj novac.
Hello Kristina,
I therefore doubt this request for a document which has to be certified by a notary, because this request was only made last. First, I should submit the documents that are required everywhere. After I did all of this, I should submit a photo with my ID in hand. I also did that. Then this demand came with the electricity bill certified by the notary. Every time my money was transferred back to the account. Last time it shouldn't be the electricity bill, but my ID should now be certified by the notary. What should I think of that. For me clearly a lagging tactic, they don't want to pay me my money.
Hallo Kristina,
ich zweifle deshalb diese Forderung nach einem Dokument welches von einem Notar beglaubigt werden muß an, weil diese Forderung erst zu allerletzt gestellt wurde. Zuerst sollte ich die Dokumente , welche überall gefordert werden einreichen. Nachdem ich das alles erledigt hatte ,sollte ich ein Foto mit meinem Ausweis in der Hand einreichen. Das habe ich auch getan. Dann kam diese Forderung mit der vom Notar beglaubigten Stromrechnung. Jedesmal wurde mein Geld wieder in den Account zurücküberwiesen. Jetzt beim letzten Mal sollte es nicht die Stromrechnung sein , sondern mein Ausweis soll nun vom Notar beglaubigt werden. Was soll ich davon halten. Für mich eindeutig Hinhaltaktik , man will mir mein Geld nicht auszahlen.
Dobar dan Roswitha,
Imajte na umu da traženje ovjerenih dokumenata nije neobično. Kao što sam već napomenuo, za svako kazino potrebni su različiti dokumenti. Molim vas da znate koje ste dokumente već dostavili u kazino.
Hello Roswitha,
Please note, asking for notarized documents isn't unusual. As I already mentioned, each casino requires different documents. I would like to know which documents you already provided to the casino, please.
Dobar dan Kristina,
U kockarnicu sam poslao sljedeće dokumente: lična karta, master kartica, dokaz o otplati, slika s ličnom karticom u ruci, izvod sa bankovnog računa kao dokaz adrese, dokaz o mojem depozitu putem Trustly-a. Smatram da je zahtjev za notarskom ovjerom moje osobne iskaznice potpuno pretjeran i nečuven. Moja slika sa ličnim dokumentom u ruci vjerovatno je dovoljna za identifikaciju i do sada je bila dovoljna u svakom kasinu. Casino koji nije ni certificiran zahtijeva od igrača tako neverovatne stvari, ali samo u slučaju pobjede? Takođe ne vjerujem da svaki kazino može postavljati takve zahtjeve po svom nahođenju. Mora postojati i pravila.
Srdačni pozdravi
Hello Kristina,
I have sent the following documents to the casino: ID card, master card, ecopayz proof, picture with ID card in hand, bank account statement as proof of address, proof of my deposit via Trustly. I find the demand for notarization of my identity card completely exaggerated and outrageous. My picture with my ID in hand is probably enough for identification and has so far been enough in every casino. A casino that is not even certified demands such outrageous things from the players, but only in the event of a win? I also do not believe that every casino can make such demands at its discretion. There must also be rules.
Kind regards
Hallo Kristina,
ich habe dem Casino folgende Dokumente gesendet: Personalausweis, Masterkarte, ecopayz Nachweis, Bild mit Personalausweis in der Hand, Kontoauszug meiner Bank als Adressennachweis, der Nachweis meiner Einzahlung über Trustly. Die Forderung nach notarieller Beglaubigung meines Personalausweises finde ich vollkommen überzogen und unverschämt. Mein Bild mit meinem Ausweis in der Hand ist doch wohl genug an Identifikation und hat bis jetzt in jedem Casino gereicht. Ein Casino welches noch nicht mal zertifiziert ist , verlangt von den Spielern, aber nur im Falle eines Gewinns , solche unverschämten Dinge ? Ich bin auch nicht der Meinung das jedes Casino solche Forderungen nach ihrem Ermessen so stellen kann. Da muß es doch auch Regeln geben.?
Freundliche Grüße
Puno hvala Roswitha na odgovoru. Sad ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Petera koji će vam biti na raspolaganju. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćemo u skoroj budućnosti riješiti svoj problem.
Thank you very much Roswitha for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Dobar dan Roswitha,
Pregledao sam vaš slučaj i moram priznati da osobna iskaznica koju je ovjerio javni bilježnik zvuči malo previše. Kontaktirat ću kasino i vidjet ćemo šta se može učiniti.
Hello Roswitha,
I looked at your case and have to admit that an ID verified by a notary sounds a little bit too much to ask. I will contact the casino and we'll see what can be done.
Zdravo Peter,
moj račun je sada blokiran. Zatvoren je bez informacija ili opravdanja. U razgovoru sam obaviješten da nisam predao svoje dokumente. Ne mogu više dobiti svoj novac. Postaje nepristojno.
Hi Peter,
my account has now been blocked. It was closed without information or justification. In the chat I was informed that I had not submitted my documents. I can no longer get my money. It's getting rude.
Hallo Peter,
man hat mir jetzt mein Konto gesperrt. Es wurde ohne Information oder Begründung geschlossen. Im Chat wurde mir dann mitgeteilt das ich meine Dokumente nicht eingereicht hätte. Ich komme an mein Geld nun gar nicht mehr ran. Es wird immer unverschämter.
Draga Roswitha,
Zahvaljujemo što ste podijelili svoje iskustvo sa SLOT10 na CasinoGuru.
Mi zaista cijenimo naše kupce i nastojimo stupiti u kontakt s njima bez obzira na platformu koju koriste, stoga želimo podijeliti sljedeću izjavu koja se tiče sigurnosti vašeg računa na SLOT10.
Prije svega, imajte na umu da je naša tvrtka zadržala pravo zahtijevati bilo koju datoteku vezanu za sigurnost vašeg računa. Mi smatramo vaše povjerljive podatke od najveće važnosti, stoga se trudimo da ih zaštitimo što je moguće sigurnije.
Također imajte na umu da prema našim Uvjetima i odredbama (koje ste nakon registracije na SLOT10 prihvatili), tačka 3 Računa i ličnih podataka, odjeljak 3.3, jasno kaže: „Slot10 zadržava pravo zahtijevati osobnu dokumentaciju poput pasoša kopija, bankovni izvod, fotografija kreditne kartice i / ili bilo koji drugi dokument potreban za dokazivanje identiteta kupca. Odbijanjem davanja traženih dokumenata uzrokovat će blokadu računa i / ili odbijanje svakog pokušaja povlačenja novca. " - možete ih detaljno pregledati slijedeći ovaj URL: https://www.slot10.com/pages/terms-and-conditions
Kao što je gore navedeno, kako biste povukli iznos na vašem SLOT10 računu, morate nam dostaviti ovjereni dokaz o identitetu, ovjeren pečatom i potpisom javnog bilježnika koji službeno imenuje državna vlada.
Traženi dokument možete poslati našem odjelu za podršku na: support@slot10.com
Ako to zabilježite, vaš će račun biti u potpunosti verificiran i ubuduće ćete moći obavljati druge transakcije.
Nadamo se da ćete pronaći ove informacije, a ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, ne oklijevajte doći do našeg Odjela za podršku, oni će vam u svakom trenutku biti na raspolaganju.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Ekipa SLOT10
Dear Roswitha,
Thank you for sharing your experience with SLOT10 on CasinoGuru.
We really appreciate our customers and we try to engage with them regardless of what platform they use, hence we would like to share the following statement regarding your account security at SLOT10.
First of all, please keep In mind that our company reserved the right to request any files related to your account safety and security. We consider your confidential information of the uterrmost importantance, hence we strive to protect it as securely as possible.
Please also note that as per our Terms & Conditions (which upon your registration at SLOT10 you've accepted them), point 3 of Account and Personal Information, section 3.3 clearly says that: "Slot10 reserves the right to demand personal documentation such as Passport copy, bank statement, credit card Photograph and/ or any other document that is necessary to proof the customer's identity. Refusing to provide the requested documents will cause the account to be blocked and/or rejection of any attempt to withdraw money." - you can go through them in detail, following this URL: https://www.slot10.com/pages/terms-and-conditions
As per the above mentioned, In order for you to withdraw the amount In your SLOT10 account, you need to provide us with a notarized proof of identity, certified with a stamp and a signature by a notary officially appointed by the state government.
You can send the required document to our Support Department at: support@slot10.com
Having this on record, your account will be fully verified and you'll be able to perform other transactions In the future.
We hope you will find this informative, and If you need any further assistance, do not hesitate to reach our Support Department, they're on your disposal anytime.
Kind Regards,
SLOT10 Team
Pozdrav Slot10,
Priložio sam sve potrebne dokumente. Ništa se od vas ne tiče overenih dokumenata. Lična karta je državni dokument koji je izdalo neko tijelo i ne smije se i ni u kom slučaju ne smije dovoditi u pitanje. Priznaje se u svakoj zemlji i nigdje ne moram predočiti ovjeru notara. Ovaj zahtev je preteran i nesrazmeran. Nikad ga kazino nije tražio. Takođe ima dodatnih troškova. Ko plaća bilježniku. Pored toga, najraniji sastanak kod javnog bilježnika trenutno je krajem jula. Zaista biste trebali preispitati svoje zahtjeve.
Primio sam broj licence od podrške, niste registrovani kao kockarnica pod ovim brojem. Dakle, ne dajete dokaz o svojoj licenci, ako je uopšte imate, a od igrača vam je potreban duplikat dokaza. Ovo je samo nerazmjerno i neprijateljski naklonjeno kupcu.
Jako bih volio svoj novac vrlo brzo !!
Hello Slot10,
I have submitted all the required documents. There are nothing in your terms of notarized documents. The identity card is a state document which was issued by an authority and must not and must not be questioned under any circumstances. It is recognized in every country and I have nowhere to present a notary's certification. This requirement is excessive and disproportionate. No casino has ever asked for it. It also incurs additional costs. Who pays the notary. In addition, the earliest appointment with a notary is currently at the end of July. You really should rethink your demands.
I had received a license number from support, you are not registered as a casino under this number. So you don't provide proof of your license, if you have one at all, and you require duplicate proof from the players. This is just disproportionate and unfriendly to the customer.
I would very much like my money very quickly !!
Hallo Slot10,
ich habe alle geforderten Dokumente eingereicht. Es steht in Ihren Bedingungen nichts von notariell beglaubigten Dokumenten. Der Personalausweis ist ein staatliches Dokument welches von einer Beörde ausgestellt wurde und muß und darf in keinem Falle angezweifelt werden. Es wird in jedem Land anerkannt und ich muß nirgends noch eine Beglaubigung durch einen Notar vorlegen. Diese Forderung ist überzogen und unverhältnismäßig. Es wurde auch noch von keinem Casino verlangt. Außerdem verursacht es noch zusätzliche Kosten. Wer bezahlt den Notar. Dazu kommt noch das der früheste Termin bei einem Notar momentan Ende Juli liegt. Sie sollten wirklich Ihre Forderungen überdenken.
Vom Support hatte ich eine Lizensnummer erhalten, Sie sind als Casino nirgendsunter dieser Nummer registriert. Also Sie bringen keinen Nachweis ber Ihre Lizens, wenn Sie überhaupt eine besitzen und von den Spielern verlangen Sie doppelte Nachweise. Das ist einfach nur unverhältnismäßig und kundenunfreundlich.
Ich hätte sehr gerne ganz schnell mein Geld!!
Dobar dan Roswitha,
Trenutno razgovaramo o situaciji s kockarnicom i pokušavamo pronaći prihvatljivo rješenje koje bi djelovalo za obje strane. Obavještavat ću vas.
Hello Roswitha,
We are currently discussing the situation with the casino and are trying to find an acceptable solution that would work for both sides. I will keep you updated.
Draga Roswitha,
Obratimo vam se kako bismo vas obavijestili da je vaš slučaj potpuno revidiran i da smo razumjeli situaciju širom svijeta zbog poteškoća u pribavljanju potrebnih dokumenata.
S obzirom na to da ste naš kupac od nastanka stranice, naš Uprava za upravljanje donijela je odluku da prihvatimo kao dovoljnu količinu dokumenata koje ste nam dosad dostavili.
Žao nam je što je vaša igračka aktivnost privremeno prekinuta, ali rado vas obavještavamo da je sada vaš račun u potpunosti aktivan i možete slobodno stavljati oklade, unositi depozite i tražiti podizanje.
Izvinjavamo se zbog nastalih neprijatnosti i podsjećamo vas da smo vam uvijek na raspolaganju za bilo kakav zahtjev ili pojašnjenje.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Ekipa SLOT10
Dear Roswitha,
We are reaching you to inform you that your case has been fully revised and we have understood the situation worldwide because of the difficulties for you to obtain the required documents.
Considering that you have been our customer since the site was created, our Management Department made the decision to accept as sufficient the documents you have provided us so far.
We are sorry that your gaming activity was temporarily interrupted but we are happy to inform you that now your account is fully active and you can freely place bets, make deposits, and request withdrawals.
We apologize for the inconvenience created and we remind you that we are always at your disposal for any request or clarification.
Kind Regards,
SLOT10 Team
Zdravo Peter,
Već sam odgovorio, ali nekako nije stiglo. Tako je sve izgledalo divno. Novac je istog dana bio na mom računu. Već sam se zahvalio timu Slot10. Želim vam se još jednom zahvaliti. Bez vas ne bi prošlo tako brzo. Dobro je što postojiš.
Hi Peter,
I had already replied, but somehow it didn't arrive. So everything worked out wonderfully. The money was in my account the same day. I already thanked the Slot10 team. I would also like to thank you very much again. Without you it would not have worked so quickly. It is good that you exist.
Hallo Peter,
ich hatte bereits geantwortet, aber das ist irgendwie nicht angekommen. Also es ha alles wunderbar geklappt. Noch am gleichen Tag war das Geld auf meinem Konto. Ich habe mich bereis bei dem Team von Slot10 bedankt. Auch Dir möchte ich nochmal ganz herzlic danken. Ohne Dich hätte das schet nicht so schnell funktioniert. Es ist gut das es Euch gibt.
Zdravo Roswitha,
To su dobre vesti. Drago mi je što čujem da ste dobili svoj novac. Zahvaljujemo na saradnji i ne oklevajte da nas kontaktirate ako ubuduće naiđete na bilo koji problem sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi Roswitha,
That's good news. I'm glad to hear that you received your money. Thanks for cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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