Igraču iz Nemačke odobrenje je povučeno pre nedelju dana. Nažalost, sredstva još nisu stigla. Pitanje je uspješno riješeno, igrač je dobio svoja sredstva.
The player from Germany had his withdrawal approved a week ago. Unfortunately, the funds haven’t been received yet. The issue was successfully resolved, the player received his funds.
Igraču iz Nemačke odobrenje je povučeno pre nedelju dana. Nažalost, sredstva još nisu stigla. Pitanje je uspješno riješeno, igrač je dobio svoja sredstva.
dragi saigrači,
dana 03.30. u ovoj kockarnici osvojio sam veći iznos koji sam uplatio.
Verifikacija je trajala nešto duže, ali sve se činilo ozbiljnim jer je podrška uvijek odgovarala e-poštom.
Moja isplata putem tokena (E novčanik) 6. aprila je odobrena, ali do danas nije primljen novac, iako je isplata iznosila 48 sati.
Podrška uživo nije se toliko brinula o pitanjima kao e-poštom, držali su vas se samo glupi izgovori.
Kasnije sam provjerio svoje depozite putem tokena i ustanovio da su svi moji depoziti otišli u Casino 1Bet.com.
Nakon probe primijetio sam da oba kockarnica posluju u kompaniji Bellona NV, kao drugi način kad su moji depoziti otišli na 1Bet i igram na Slot10
Jučer sam se opet javio putem e-maila Slot10 i zatražio potvrdu o plaćanju u iznosu od 2200 eura, kao i da ću kontaktirati davatelja licence.
Trenutno mogu samo savjetovati bilo koga da ne igra ove kompanije i ove kockarnice, jer su u stvari čiste prevare #
dear teammates,
on 03/30 I won a higher amount at this casino, which I had paid out.
The verification took a little longer but everything seemed to be serious as the support always responded by email.
On April 6th my payout via token (E Wallet) was approved, but to date no money has been received, even though the payout was 48 hours.
The live support did not take care of the inquiries as much as by email, you were only held up with stupid excuses.
I later checked my deposits via token and found that all of my deposits went to 1Bet.com Casino.
After a reerche I noticed that both casinos operate under the company Bellona NV, as the other way when my deposits went to 1Bet and I play on Slot10
I contacted again via Email Slot10 yesterday and requested a payment confirmation of € 2200, as well as that I will contact the licensor.
I can currently only advise anyone against playing these companies and these casinos as they are really pure scams #
geehrte Mitspieler,
am 30.03 habe ich bei diesem Casino ein höheren Betrag gewonnen, was ich mir auszahlen lies.
Die Verifizierung dauerte etwas länger aber schien alles serious zu sein, da der Support per Mail stets geantwortet hat.
Am 06.04. wurde meine Auszahlung via Jeton (E Wallet) genehmigt, aber bis heute traf obwohl 48h Auszahlung kein Geld ein.
Der Live Support kümmerte sich um die Anfragen gar nicht wie ebenso per Mail, man wurde nur hingehalten mit dummen Ausreden.
Ich habe später meine Einzahlungen via Jeton kontrolliert und stellte fest, das meine Einzahlungen alle an das 1Bet.com Casino gegangen sind.
Nach einer Reherche merkte ich, das beide Casino unter dem Unternehmen Bellona N.V tätig sind, wie den auch anders wenn meine Einzahlungen auf 1Bet gingen und ich auf Slot10 spielt
Ich habe nochmals gestern via Email Slot10 kontaktiert und eine Auszahlungsbestätigung von 2200€ angefordert, wie auch das ich mit dem Lizenzgeber Kontakt aufnehmen werde.
Ich kann derzeit nur jedem davon abraten von diesen Unternehmen und diesen Casinos zu spielen, da es wirklich reine Betrüger sind#
Dragi Max,
Hvala vam puno na podnošenju žalbe. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem odloženom povlačenju. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih mogao u potpunosti razumjeti cijelu situaciju. Koji način plaćanja ste koristili za polaganje i podizanje sredstava? Da li ste u prošlosti izvlačili dobitke iz ove kockarnice? Osim toga, možete li potvrditi da je vaš račun uspješno provjeren? Koliko razumijem, može izgledati puno pitanja, ali želio bih da vaš problem shvatim što je moguće preciznije. Unaprijed hvala na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Max,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your delayed withdrawal. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Which payment method you have used to deposit and withdraw your funds? Have you withdrawn winnings in the past from this casino? Additionally, could you confirm that your account has been verified successfully? I understand that it might seem like a lot of questions, but I would like to understand your problem as accurately as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Zdravo Petronela,
u početku sam plaćao preko Klarne i nije bilo mogućnosti plaćanja bankovnim prijenosom. Nakon savjetovanja s Live Support, trebao bih razmotriti ecopayz ili jeton.
Postavljao sam račun za čipove i to je odmah potvrđeno, nakon čega sam također koristio plaćanja čipom na Slot10.com.
U prošlosti nisam imao nikakvu zaradu od ove kockarnice.
3. aprila 2020. godine primio bih poruku e-pošte od Slot10.com (Max,
Zahvaljujemo što ste nam dostavili vaše dokumente.
Međutim, pregledani smo radi postizanja sigurnosti vašeg računa, naše financijsko odjeljenje ljubazno vas moli da nam pošaljete još jedan dodatak - vašu fotografiju na kojoj držite svoj lični dokument.
Dokument možete predati odgovaranjem na ovaj email.
Fotografiju sam odmah poslao.
Tada nisam dobio nikakve daljnje poruke, osim činjenice da je moja isplata promijenjena iz čekanog u odobrenog 6. aprila 2020. godine putem transakcionog popisa.
Pokušao sam nekoliko puta kontaktirati podršku, ali bezuspješno je to značilo samo da bih trebao pričekati.
Zatražio sam i ažuriranje statusa gdje je sada moj novac.
Podrška uživo uvijek znači da će ona biti proslijeđena odjelu za finansije.
S poštovanjem,
Hi Petronela,
at the beginning I paid via Klarna and there was no option to pay by bank transfer. After consulting Live Support, I should consider ecopayz or jeton.
I set up a chip account and this was immediately verified, whereupon I also used payments with chip at Slot10.com.
I have not had any winnings from this casino in the past.
On April 3rd, 2020 I would receive an email from Slot10.com (Max,
Thank you for providing us with your documents.
They have been reviewed, however, in order to achieve your account security, our Financial department kindly ask you to send us one additional item - A photograph of you, holding your ID document.
You can submit your document by replying to this email.
I immediately sent the photo.
I did not receive any further messages in the time apart from the fact that my payout was changed from pending to approved on April 6, 2020 via the transaction list.
I have tried several times to contact support, but to no avail it only meant that I should wait.
I also asked for an update of the status where my money is now.
The Live Support always means that it will be passed on to the finance department.
Yours sincerely,
Hi Petronela,
am Anfang habe ich per Sofort (Klarna) einbezahlt und bei Auszahlung gab es keine Option per Banküberweisung. Nach einer Rücksprache mit dem Live Support sollte ich ecopayz oder jeton in Betracht ziehen.
Ich habe mir ein Jeton Account angelegt und dies wurde sofort verifiziert, worauf ich nachtürlich auch Zahlungen mit Jeton genutzt habe bei Slot10.com.
Ich habe auch keine Gewinne in der Vergangenheit von diesem Casino bezoggen.
Am 03.04.2020 erhielte ich eine Mail von Slot10.com (Max,
Thank you for providing us with your documents.
They have been reviewed, however, in order to achieve your account security, our Financial department kindly ask you to send us one additional item - A photograph of you, holding your ID document.
You can submit your document by replying to this email.
Das Foto habe ich sofort zugesendet.
Ich habe in der Zeit keine weitere Nachrichten erhalten außer das am 06.04.2020 über die Transaktionsliste meine Auszahlung von Pending auf approved gesetzt wurde.
Ich habe auch schon etliche male versucht den Support zu kontaktieren, aber ohne Erfolg es hieß nur das ich warten soll.
Habe auch um ein Update des Statuses gebeten, wo nun mein Geld ist.
Der Live Support meint immer nur, das es weiter gegeben wird zu Finanzabteilung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Puno hvala Maxu na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sad ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Petera koji će vam biti na raspolaganju. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćemo u skoroj budućnosti riješiti svoj problem.
Thank you very much Max for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Max,
Upoznao sam se sa problemom. Sasvim je uobičajeno da se povlačenja potraju nekoliko dana ili čak tjedana da se potpuno obrade. To znači da može proći određeno vrijeme prije nego što se novac pojavi na vašem računu, posebno ako je riječ o vašem prvom podizanju ili povlačenju veće količine novca. Zbog toga savjetujemo igračima da budu strpljivi. Isplata je odobrena 6. aprila 2020. Prije samo osam dana, a prošli vikend je bio Uskrs. Sačekajmo do kraja sedmice. Ako do tada ne primite dobitak, kontaktirat ću kasino.
Hi Max,
I got familiar with the issue. It’s quite usual for withdrawals to take couple days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account, especially if it’s your first withdrawal or you’re withdrawing a bigger amount of money. This is why we advise players to be patient. The payment was approved on the 6th of April 2020. It's just eight days ago and it was Easter last weekend. Let's wait until the end of the week. If you don't receive your winnings by then, I will contact the casino.
Zdravo Peter,
Nadam se da ste u pravu. Upravo sam vas ponovo pitao u Live Chat-u koliko je visok status isplate?
Zaposleni je rekao samo da se obrađuje i da će biti obaviješten putem e-maila u kratkom vremenu.
Uprkos svemu, stvarno ne vjerujem u to jer tako dugo nije bilo toga i sa istim odgovorima u bilo kojoj kasini.
Hi Peter,
I hope you are right. Just asked again in Live Chat how high the status of the payout is?
The employee said only that it was being processed and would be informed by email in a short time.
In spite of everything, I don't really believe in it because there was no such thing in such a long time and with the same answers in any casino.
Hi Peter,
Ich hoffe das du Recht hast. Habe eben in Live Chat nochmal nachgefragt wie grad der Status von der Auszahlung ist ?
Der Mitarbeiter meinte nur das grad in Bearbeitung und in Kurze Zeit per Email informiert werde.
Trotz allem glaube ich nicht so fest daran, weil es für mich sowas mit so einer langer Zeit und mit gleichen Antworten in keinem Casino gab.
Zdravo Peter,
ne je potpuno isto kao prije. U različite dane kontaktirao sam podršku uživo. Jednom je rečeno da je s financijskim menadžerima i da će se u kratkom vremenu obraditi.
Sutradan samo piše da se procesuira. Tim za finansije trebao bi me kontaktirati e-poštom, ali više od 1 tjedna nisam dobio nikakve povratne informacije
Hi Peter,
ne it is exactly the same as before. I contacted Live Support on different days. Once it was said that it is with financial managers and will be processed in a short time.
The next day it only says that it is being processed. The finance team should contact me by email, but I haven't received any feedback for over 1 week
Hi Peter,
ne es ist genau so wie früher. Ich habe zwar den Live Support kontaktier an verschiedenen Tagen. Einmal hies es, das es bei Finanzmanagent liegt und bearbeitet wird in kurzer Zeit.
Am nächsten Tag heißt es nur das in Bearbeitung ist. Per Mail soll kontaktieren, das sich das Finanzteam äußert, aber schon seit über 1 Woche erhalte ich keine Rückmeldung
Zdravo Max,
Dobio sam odgovor od predstavnika casino-a. Došlo je do tehničkog problema s vašim računom koji je uzrokovao probleme s podizanjem sredstava. To bi trebalo biti riješeno do sad. Trebali biste napraviti novo povlačenje. Javite mi kada primite vašu zaradu.
Hi Max,
I got a reply from a casino rep. There was a technical issue with your account causing problems with withdrawals. It's supposed to be resolved by now. You should make a new withdrawal. Please let me know when you receive your winnings.
Zdravo Peter,
novac mi je vraćen i izvršio još jednu uplatu. Tada će izvijestiti
Hi Peter,
the money was credited back to me and made another payment. Then will report
Hallo Peter,
das Geld wurde mir wieder gutgeschrieben und habe erneut eine Auszahlung voranlasst. Werde dann berichten
Dragi Peter,
Želeo sam da vam zahvalim za vaš trud. Kad biste kontaktirali kockarnicu, želio bih dobiti i povratne informacije od vas putem e-maila.
Dobio sam novac koji sam jučer uplatio na žetonu.
Bez vaše pomoći bilo bi vrlo drugačije. Veliko hvala na pomoći.
Mfg, Max H.
Dear Peter,
I wanted to thank you for your effort. When you contacted the casino, I would also like to receive feedback from you via email.
I received the money that I had paid out on token yesterday.
Without your help it would have been very different. Many thanks for your help.
Mfg, Max H.
Sehr geehrter Herr Peter,
ich wollte mich bei Ihnen für Ihre Mühe bedanken. Als Sie das casino kontaktiert haben, erhielte ich mit Ihnen zugleich ein Feedback von Support per Mail.
Das Geld was mir auszahlen lies, habe ich gestern auf Jeton erhalten.
Ohne Ihre Hilfe wäre es glaub ganz anders gelaufen. Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe.
Mfg, Max H.
Dragi Max,
Hvala vam što koristite centar za rješavanje žalbi Casino Guru. Drago mi je što čujem da je vaš problem riješen. Sad ću to označiti kao 'riješeno' u našem sustavu. Zahvaljujemo na saradnji i ne oklevajte da nas kontaktirate ako ubuduće naiđete na bilo koji problem sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Max,
Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. I'm glad to hear that your issue got resolved. I will now mark it as 'resolved' in our system. Thanks for cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
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