Dragi Mihal i Eliete,
Hvala vam što ste nam skrenuli pažnju na ovaj slučaj!
Želimo da istaknemo da je pristup predmetnom nalogu bio ograničen jer je bio u pregledu zbog sumnje u kršenje naših Uslova i odredbi – posebno više naloga. Igrač je takođe obavešten o ovoj situaciji.
Nakon ovoga, imajte na umu da je nakon sprovedene detaljne istrage naše odeljenje za bezbednost otkrilo da je račun za igre gospođe Dos Santos kreiran u suprotnosti sa našom politikom dupliranja naloga. Imali su istu igračku aktivnost (bonus SLVEL300 i kazino igre) kao nalozi drugih igrača. Štaviše, nakon KIC procesa, naše odeljenje je otkrilo da su svi igrači koristili isti fabrikovani račun za komunalne usluge sa potpuno istim podacima u njemu, ali sa različitim imenima i adresama. Posle daljih provera, ispostavilo se da su svi iz iste porodice.
Prekršeni uslovi i odredbe, možete pronaći ovde:
- https://slotimo.com/pages/terms-and-conditions
3.10. Nalog klijenta mora biti registrovan na njegovom/njenom ličnom i tačnom imenu i ličnim podacima. Kupac mora osigurati da su svi podaci dati u fazi registracije istiniti, potpuni i bez grešaka. Registracija je dozvoljena samo jednom po osobi, porodici, adresi domaćinstva, imejl adresi, broju računa za plaćanje, kolačićima sajta, IP adresi i zajedničkom računaru, odnosno javnoj biblioteci ili radnom mestu i ne može deliti ništa od navedenog sa prethodno registrovanim nalogom. To stoga takođe znači da se korisnik mora lično registrovati. Štaviše, kupac može imati samo jedan nalog. Svi drugi računi koje klijent otvori kod kompanije, ili koji su u stvarnom vlasništvu klijenta, smatraju se duplikatima. Slotimo će zatvoriti svaki duplikat/e račune nakon identifikacije glavnog naloga. Ako Slotimo zatvori duplikat naloga, svi bonusi, besplatne opklade i dobici stečeni korišćenjem tog duplikata naloga biće poništeni i izgubljeni. Ako iznos na duplikatu računa ne pokriva iznos koji treba da bude refundiran Slotimu, Slotimo će tražiti da nadoknadi gubitak koji je nastao direktno sa bilo kog drugog vašeg naloga.
Nalog je ponovo aktiviran, a igrač je obavešten o rezultatima. Svi pogrešno traženi dobici su poništeni, stanje na njihovom računu je resetovano tako da odgovara ukupnom deponovanom iznosu, a gospođa dos Santos je već podnela zahtev za povlačenje preostalog stanja.
Naše akcije su zasnovane na Uslovima i odredbama, koji jasno navode da je dozvoljen samo jedan nalog po porodici i na koji je svaki igrač pristao pre otvaranja naloga.
Nadamo se da su ove informacije dovoljne.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Slotimo kazino tim
Dear Michal and Eliete,
Thank you for bringing this case to our attention!
We would like to point out that access to the account in question was restricted as it was under review due to a suspicion of breaching our Terms and Conditions - in particular multi-accounting. The Player was informed as well about this situation.
Following this, please be informed that after a thorough investigation was conducted, our Security Department found that Mrs. Dos Santos' gaming account was created in violation of our Duplicated account policy. They had the same gaming activity (bonus SLWEL300 and casino games) as the gaming accounts of other Players. Moreover, upon the KYC process, our department found that all Players used the same fabricated utility bill with exactly the same data in it, but with different names and addresses. After further checks, it appears that they all are from the same family.
The Terms and Conditions breached, you can find here:
- https://slotimo.com/pages/terms-and-conditions
3.10. The customer’s account must be registered on his/her own, personal, and correct, name and personal details. The customer must ensure that all data given at the registration stage is true, complete, and free from error. Registration is allowed only once per person, family, household address, email address, payment account number, site cookies, IP address, and shared computer, i.e. Public library or workplace and cannot share any of the aforementioned with a previously registered account. This therefore also means that the customer has to register personally. Furthermore, a customer can only have one account. Any other accounts which a customer opens with the company, or which are beneficially owned by the customer shall be considered duplicate accounts. Slotimo shall close any duplicate account/s consequent to the identification of the main account. If Slotimo closes a duplicate account all bonuses, free bets, and winnings acquired using that duplicate account will be void and forfeited. If the amount in the duplicate account does not cover the amount to be refunded to Slotimo, Slotimo shall seek to recover the loss incurred directly from any other of your accounts.
The account was re-activated, and the Player was informed about the results. All wrongfully claimed winnings were voided, their account balance was reset to match the total deposited amount, and Mrs. dos Santos already submitted a withdrawal request for the remaining balance.
Our actions are based on the T&C, which clearly states that only one account per family is allowed, and to which each player has agreed before creating an account.
We hope that this information is sufficient enough.
Best Regards,
Slotimo Casino Team
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