NaslovnaOnline KazinaSmokace Casino Recenzija
Smokace Casino Recenzija
Ne prihvata igrače iz Ohio
Bez Depozitni Bonus:
Nije dostupan
Depozitni Bonus:
Nije dostupan
Poseti kazino
Metode isplate
  • Skrill
  • Neteller
  • PaySafeCard
  • Payz (ecoPayz)
  • Mastercard
  • VISA
  • Neosurf
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
Isplatni limiti
20.000 €
3.000 €
Altacore N.V.
> 5.000.000 $
  • Curaçao (Curaçao Gaming Control Board)
Detalji kazinaBonusiRecenzije korisnika39Objašnjenje Indexa SigurnostiDiskusija197Metode isplate24

Smokace Casino Recenzija

Detaljno smo proučili Smokace Casino i dali smo mu veoma visok sigurnosni indeks, što je najbolji rejting koji bilo koji kazino može da dobije od nas. U našoj recenziji, razmotrili smo žalbe igrača u ovom kazinu, procenili prihode, licencu, da li su igre prave, kvalitet korisničke podrške, da li pružaju fer tretman u smislu odredbi i uslova, podizanje novca i limite dobitaka, i druge faktore. Smokace Casino je povezan sa drugim onlajn kazinima koji su izlistani ispod i oni pozitivno utiču na njegov rejting. Pročitajte celu recenziju ispod i saznajte više o ovom kazinu.

Prema našem istraživanju i procenama, Smokace Casino je kazino srednje veličine u smislu prihoda. Međutim, deo je velike grupe povezanih kazina sa visokim kombinovanim prihodima. Prihod kazina je važan faktor, jer veća kazina ne bi trebala da imaju problem da isplaćuju velike dobitke, dok manja kazina potencijalno mogu da se muče ako uspete da osvojite zaista veliki dobitak.

Nismo pronašli nikakve relevantne žalbe na ovaj kazino.

Na osnovu svih informacija pomenutih u ovoj recenziji i na osnovu savršenog indeksa sigurnosti ovog kazina, definitivno možemo reći da je Smokace Casino sjajno mesto za igranje. Ako tražite savršen onlajn kazino, preporučujemo da isprobate ovaj.


Bez Depozitni Bonus:
Nije dostupan
Depozitni Bonus:
Nije dostupan

Metode isplate

Metode isplate
  • Skrill
  • Neteller
  • PaySafeCard
  • Payz (ecoPayz)
  • Mastercard
  • VISA
  • Neosurf
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
Isplatni limiti
20.000 €
3.000 €


Nema klađenja
Video poker
Džekpot igre
Uživo igre
Nema pokera
Craps i igre sa kockicama
Nema klađenja na eSports
Crash igre

Dostupni jezici

Engleski website
Korisnička podrška na engleskom
Engleski chat uživo

Provajderi igre

  • NetEnt
  • Nolimit City
  • Betsoft Gaming
  • Pragmatic Play
  • Novomatic
  • Playtech
  • ELK Studios
  • Yggdrasil Gaming

Pozitivne strane

  • Široka raznovrsnost igara sa krupijeima uživo
  • Dostupni su turniri
  • Ogromna selekcija provajdera igara
  • Jednostavan i čist dizajn web stranica
  • Dostupna live chat korisnička podrška 24/7
  • Brz proces podizanja novca zasnovan na iskustvu igrača

Loše strane

  • Ograničene mogućnosti odgovornog igranja
  • Nisu svi uvjeti prevedeni na jezičnu opciju koja je navedena na web mjestu
  • Nisu svi načini plaćanja dostupni u svim zemljama
Autor & Garant: Burak Onder Zadnji put ažurirano: 28/01/2025 Da li je nešto netačno ili nešto fali? Recite nam
Kazino Bonusi

Smokace Casino bonusi

Pregledajte sve obnuse koje nudi Smokace Casino, uključujući njihov bez depozitni bonus i bonus na prvi depozit.

Casino Guru

Želimo da igrači razumeju kockanje.

Recenzije korisnika (39)

Recenzija korisnika Smokace Casino

Ovo je mesto gde možete podeliti vaše iskustvo sa Smokace Casino. Pročitajte šta su drugi igrači napisali ili napišite svoju recenziju i podelite sa svim pozitivne ili negatinve kvalitete bazirano na vašem ličnom iskustvu.

Feedback korisnika:

Ocenjeno od 39 korisnika

Vrlo pozitivanPozitivanNeutralanNegativanVrlo negativan

Da li imate bilo kakvo iskustvo sa ovim kazinom?

Napišite recenziju

Casino Guru

Želimo da igrači razumeju kockanje.

• pre 2 nedelja
Love to play here.Nice design of tthe Website and very good Support.Fast Withdrawal and no problem with deposits.I can fully recommend it
  • Love to play here.Nice design of tthe Website and very good Support.Fast Withdrawal and no problem with deposits.I can fully recommend it
• pre 1 meseca
Pokušavam da validiram svoj račun već 4 dana, već sam podigao novac sa njega i sada je sve počelo, traže da im pošaljem dokaz o adresi, već sam im poslao sliku uplate sa Nosa, nisu prihvatili, već sam im poslao dokaz adrese iz poreske uprave, nisu im ga prihvatili, već su mi poslali, već su mi poslali bio sam ovde više od 92 sata pokušavajući da potvrde nalog i neće da me potvrde, danas sam otišao da tražim od države dokaz adrese i kladim se da ni oni neće potvrditi, sad pitam, umorio sam se od ovoga, izgleda da se poigravaju sa mnom, može li se nešto uraditi u vezi sa ovim kazinom?
  • Vrlo obmanjujuća kuća
• pre 1 meseca
Užasno iskustvo, pobedio sam nekoliko puta, ali uzastopni zahtevi za potvrdu istih dokumenata svake sekunde će vas učiniti frustriranim i na kraju ćete otkazati povlačenje i izgubiti sve, klonite se ovog kazina i verujte mi da pošaljete više od 20 puta dokument koji su tražili i uvek su tražili da pošalju isti dokument, nećete moći da potvrdite dokumente, sada kada sam ja otkazao i verovatno neću sve da prihvatim. ovaj rezultat od 9,3 dolazi iz. pozitivni komentari u vezi sa ovim kazinom mogu biti samo od ljudi koji su povezani sa kazinom. ONI NIKAD NEĆE VALIDIRATI VAŠE DOKUMENTE.
  • Nema pozitivnih poena.
  • Trebaju im godine da povuku novac
  • Uopšte ti ne pomažu
  • Svake sekunde traže ista dokumenta, a kada im pošaljete ponovo traže isto
  • Ne igraj se ovde
• pre 2 meseci
Loš kazino za isplate. U Brazilu je najbolji način depozita i povlačenja putem PIKS-a, ali platforma dozvoljava samo depozite po pik-u, a povlačenja samo kriptovalutama. To je apsurdno! Pobeđivao sam i gubio jer nisam znao kako da povučem preko kriptovaluta. Previše užasno. Ne preporučujem brazilskim igračima da imaju glavobolju od povlačenja.
  • Način povlačenja
• pre 4 meseci
After the hassle with passing full KYC documentation for a couple days, i'm now pleased with the casino in general.
The things that stand out the most for me are the automated KYC in profile, a state of the art AI verification process that took only 5 minutes ( every casino needs to implement this ). Coin and token system makes playing in this casino even more exciting. I play without bonuses and its chill so far. Withdrawals come in wallet in 12-24 hours, it varies.

Just a few thing i did not like.
Bonuses here are a no-go from me, because with an active bonus i can't play my favorite games, only those the casino allows.
And the only real problem was later after requesting a first withdrawal. I received an e-mail from financial department + KYC department to send bank statements of deposit. I sent those auto generated from the bank e-wallets. I receive a response only on monday (sent in friday) that i need to send screenshots instead of bank statements that seemed weird, first time a casino asks this + it's problematic because many e-wallets security don't allow taking in-app screenshots, i had a hard time dealing with this. What is the point of the KYC verification in profile that i need to send a bunch of documents later to prove not just that the bank account is on my name but also my address. It's already been 4 days process and no funds in sight.
If it was not for this, i would easy give the casino 5/5 rating.
  • In profile automated KYC;
  • Huge options of slots providers;
  • Regular tournaments, daily wheel and many other goodies;
  • Unique website interface;
  • Huge selection of deposit and withdrawal methods.
  • Second KYC via e-mail;
  • Emails sent in german without any reason;
  • Active bonuses have limited slots options to play.
• pre 5 meseci
Za mene je trenutno najbolji kazino u kome igram super sonic povlačenja iznad prosečnih dobitaka očigledno nećete svaki put kada igrate pobediti ako ne bi svi bili bogati!
Nema sumnje da u ovom trenutku kazino po izboru, čestitam i dalje
  • Super-brza povlačenja
  • Veoma dobar kazino
  • Odličan interfejs
  • Jednostavan za istraživanje
• pre 6 meseci
a very good casino.. verification is very fast and after my withdraw request i had the money on my bank account in 2 minutes
  • fastwithdraws
  • fast verification
  • plenty of games
  • good live chat
• pre 9 meseci
Tako da je moje iskustvo u Smokace kazinu bilo 90% pozitivno i dobro. Bio sam registrovan na sajtu neko vreme, ali sam odlučio da izvršim depozit pre oko 2 nedelje sa bonusom. Igrao sam dva dana sa pauzom od nekoliko sati između tako da sam završio navedeni broj da je uplaćeni iznos morao da se konvertuje za 2 dana. Da nisam odlagao podizanje iz dana u dan, sada bih imao 900 evra na računu. I da, postoji nekoliko igara koje možete igrati sa bonusom, ali većina kazina ih takođe ima i ima dovoljno drugih igara koje možete igrati bez ikakvih problema. Postoji i bonus za dostizanje prvog nivoa i mala iznenađenja tu i tamo. Tokeni, koje nažalost još uvek ne razumem u potpunosti, ali sam koristio bolje nego prvih nekoliko puta, tako da sam napravio male količine. Sada samo moram da shvatim šta tačno treba da radim. Ali sve je moguće saznati. Poslednjih nekoliko dana sam odlučio da bih radije prokockao novac nakon što sam smanjio iznos, i još uvek sam imao nekoliko šansi da se vratim na isti plus ili minus iznos kao kada sam prvi put osvojio, i posle otprilike dve nedelje, poslednja tri ili četiri dana, mislim da kompjuter ili ko god da kontroliše kazino i igre više nije želeo da se igra mačke i miša sa mnom nakon što sam odlučio da se ne povlačim, a oni su mislili, nema sreće, sada Poješću ostatak tvog novca. Razumem to potpuno, imao sam dovoljno šansi, čak i ako sam se tu i tamo malo iznervirao, ali sam onda brzo preboleo.
Za sada sam veoma zadovoljan kazinom, ali videćemo kako će ići. I dalje preporučujem da isprobate i steknete sopstveno iskustvo, jer je za svakog drugačije i ne mora uvek da bude isto kao i za druge ljude.
  • Mnogo igara
  • Dobri bonusi
  • Na nemačkom
  • Uz paisafcard, bankovne opcije koje se odmah plaćaju, kao i mnoge druge
  • Moguće, dobra zarada
  • Neke stvari poput područja tokena nisu prevedene na nemački
• pre 9 meseci
Ne mogu preporučiti ovaj kazino, veoma loši dobici! Čak i sa aktivnim bonusom ne možete igrati puno igara!
  • Korisnički servis, bonus
• pre 9 meseci
I made a deposit, but they refused to grant me my bonus. The slots do not pay at all and have the lowest RTP I've encountered at any casino, and I've played a lot of casinos. The games keep freezing, which seems suspicious. All Pragmatic games are purposely locked, and I played without a bonus. Even if you win, you won't get verified or be able to make a withdrawal. Pass on this casino.
  • None
  • All Pragmatic games are purposely locked
  • Support doesn't help at all
  • game keep freezing( i have the best internet)
  • Low RTP
  • Chat support is from Russia.
• pre 10 meseci
Zdravo. Lep kazino, puno promocija za bonuse na depozit i bonuse bez depozita. Točak sreće svakih 12 sati, naravno besplatno 😋 možete osvojiti. Preporučujem odlične opcije depozita i povlačenja 👌
• pre 10 meseci
in my personal experience, you can only play for about half an hour when you make your first deposit, after that it is one of the worst sites... the games usually give you the first 5 spins, then you only notice that your balance has been reset, because they don't give you anything... if you give 2 times in a row game, then for some reasonthe connection is always disconnected and you don't get anything from there.. the system doesn't enter many prizes, after the first deposit, the shameless Golden Plinko game for me, I didn't even enter the multipliers of 40 about 5 times for a bet of 100 HUF, so it's 20,000 HUF just from that He did not enter the multiplier, but it was 48,000to go from ft to 0 in such a way that about 5 fell into 1 multiplier and the rest into 0.1..joke, shame..I also pointed out in the chat that he did not write multipliers of 40, but speed is not one of their diseases, they will not have a heart attack to die, because they don't get their hearts excited with fast-paced answers, etc., and when they feel like it at some point..I personally do not recommend it, because RTPs are clearly set to a minimum..
  • as a positive, I can say that...nothing
  • a suitable, low RTP
  • referring to a set-switch network after a win, although they clearly set it this way, because it only happens after a winner
  • useless customer service
  • not all prizes are entered
Smokace Casino
Dear Novcsi87,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We appreciate your feedback and take all concerns very seriously.

We are sorry to hear that you had a negative experience with our platform. We strive to ensure that all our games provide fair and enjoyable gameplay.

Regarding the connection issues you've mentioned, we understand how frustrating this can be. Technical glitches can happen, but we are committed to improving our system to minimize such disruptions.

Concerning the multipliers in the Golden Plinko game, we assure you that all game outcomes are determined randomly and adhere to the stated RTP (Return to Player) percentages. It's important to remember that games of chance can have periods of higher and lower wins, but the results over the long term are consistent with the advertised RTP.

We also apologize for any delays in response from our support team. We are constantly working on improving our customer service, and your feedback is valuable in helping us identify areas for improvement.

Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail
We are always happy to help you.
• pre 11 meseci
I had made a few deposits based on the welcome bonus and the map bonus. 4/15/24 I won a small amount $500... went through KYC and had a small hiccup with my selfie but was quickly approved and received my winnings.
Less than 24 hours later, I receive an email for 100% match bonus for my 3rd deposit and to contact chat to get it. I chat and am told that because I used too many deposit bonuses I can no longer get bonuses until I play with more REAL money.
I am new... only deposited a few times but when I do it's typically between $60-$100..
Not $20. Why would I be treated like this as a new player?
I deposit on other sites without bonus...but this is part of a welcome bonus, why would you deny me that WELCOME?
  • Fast KYC
  • Game Selection
  • Alot of Megaways
  • Not welcoming- how can you bait a player with a welcome bonus then take it away when you win once?
  • False Advertisement
  • CSR does nothing to keep players
Smokace Casino
Dear sherryneufeld197,

We apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced regarding the bonus situation. Our aim is always to provide a positive gaming experience for all our players, especially new ones. However, we must adhere to our terms and conditions regarding bonus usage, which are in place to ensure fair play and prevent abuse of our bonus offers.
Upon reviewing your account, we found that you've already received multiple bonuses, including the welcome bonus and map bonus.
We understand your frustration, but please know that our decision is not personal and is applied uniformly to all players to maintain fairness and integrity within our gaming community. We encourage you to continue enjoying our games and services, and we're here to assist you with any further questions or concerns you may have.

Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail
We are always happy to help you.
• pre 12 meseci
Don't play here. On day 5 waiting for withdrawals. Chat is like robots saying and pre typed text every time no answer. Ask can the find out about my withdrawal the day the can't do anything about withdrawal with different team, doesn't make since the all work together. Say 24 pending time for withdrawals this is a utter lie as so many complaints are waiting days. 3x deposit turnover is another crazy joke. When you play with a casino with your hard earn money you want reassurance about withdrawals but this site doesnt give it. So if you want stress free casino the don't come here. You can easily deposit but withdrawal forever. Don't understand cause nice website if only had better system for withdrawals would have more players
  • Fast verification
  • 24 hour chat
  • Withdrawals well over 3 days
  • Live chat like robots
  • No communication between live chat and financial team
  • Never email back
Smokace Casino

Thank you for sharing your gaming experience at our casino.

We would like to inform you, that our KYC and support team is always trying to do everything possible to make players enjoy their time at our casino.

Please be advised that withdrawals are processed by the finance department within 24 hours, but withdrawal limits and the period required for this procedure may vary depending on the withdrawal method, the status of the player's account, and other possible factors affecting the withdrawal process.
The Finance Department tries to process all withdrawal requests as quickly as possible and strictly follows the established rules.
Since we value our players, and also strive to get only pleasure from playing in our casino. Also we would like to notify you that your withdrawal request was successfully completed on 2024-04-01.

We would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the need to wager the deposit three times is a condition that is specified in the rules of our site.

Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail
We are always happy to help you.
• pre 1 godinu
I will stay netural on this even thoe from what it seems from the other reveiws I shall be waiting for a long time for my withdrawl as it seems like thats whats goin on woth everyone as I also have gotten verified then received the same email as my gaming history is goin to be checked and will be waiting for 3-14 days even thoe thats not whats stated in there terms and conditons and seems like to just be a ploy for people to play back there money as it seems like there doin it to everyone which I dont think is to fair considering the time waiting but I will update according to the speed it does go considering that its only goin to be 3 datys in pending now. It does have good non sticky bonuses and a larger variety of games the only thing that will sway me from goin down is if the withdrawl will take weeks. For now I shall leave it as is and update accordently.

WELL OF THE 8TH Dsy of my withdrawl of 2400 I have revceived the email of kyc verfied and now the email them stating that the game check was completed and my withdrawl wiill now be reviewed soon by the finance department so all things considered it might jsut be looking that I'll have to change the negative considering that 3 days insnt to bad at all. We shall see how long this last step takes for me to come leave the final edited review.
  • Good bonuses
  • Easy depsoits
  • good games
  • fast kyc
  • easy platorm to manage
  • extremely slow withdrawls ( we shall see )
  • not explained enough in there terms and conditions when it comes to withdrawling
Smokace Casino
Dear Slotgod204,
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We understand your concerns regarding the withdrawal process and appreciate your patience during this time.
Our team works diligently to process withdrawals as quickly as possible, while also ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and our terms and conditions. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the delay in processing your withdrawal.
We're pleased to hear that your KYC verification has been completed and that progress is being made on your withdrawal request. Rest assured, we'll continue to monitor the situation closely and strive to expedite the review process with our finance department.
We value your feedback and are committed to providing a positive gaming experience for all our players. Please feel free to reach out to our customer support team if you have any further questions or concerns.
Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail
We are always happy to help you.
• pre 1 godinu
After I was verified and told approved for withdrawals, I'm still waiting, they keep coming up with different excuses as to not pay me probably because I won 8K and I'm only allowed to withdraw 3K every 24hrs.. I guess I am just going to wait & see if they are a good casino or not 🤷‍♀️ if I get my winnings I will update my review!


  • The newest popular games
  • Fast verification
  • Fast customer support
  • Good bonuses but the wager could be a little bit lower
  • Tons of different deposit options
  • Their site is very welcoming & easy to navigate
  • Extremely SLOW withdrawals (if any)
  • You can't use bonus money on any of the pragmatic play games
  • Only casino I've ever known to do these gameplay/bet checks before you can withdraw and they say it takes 3-14 working days 😳
  • Low withdrawal amount ($3000 Euros)
  • Make sure to thoroughly read their strict terms & conditions before joining & depositing 😬
Smokace Casino
Dear cpina5216,

Our casino team has reviewed your case in detail.

We inform you that your gaming session was transferred to an additional check to the provider, of which you were notified 2024-02-28 07:49:19 UTC+0 at your email address linked to your casino account.

We would like to inform you that an additional check to your account is made according to the following rules:

2.4.1 The finance department may delay the processing of a withdrawal request due to additional verification.

Checking the gaming session by the provider is a standard procedure and takes from 3 to 14 days.

Unfortunately, the casino cannot influence the speed at which the gaming provider checks your gaming session.

As soon as your gaming session is checked by the provider, you will receive an email notification and your payments will be processed according to the regulations of the casino's financial department.

We would also like to inform you that more than 4,000 slots are available to you to play with an active bonus in our casino. We are confident that you will be able to choose a game to suit your taste.

We appreciate your patience and hope to see you again!

Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail
We are always happy to help you.
• pre 1 godinu
You will win a little amount at the start, good scatter ratio but it does not take long that the scatters dissapear. I play great rhino megaways and all sites i play on and this has to be the worse after the first win and withraw wins are minimal next to none. Stay away from this site not worth it its a money pit. Also chat is for nothing here sometimes I think.
Smokace Casino
Dear mariolamarche1977,

Thank you for sharing your gaming experience at our casino.

Our KYC and support team is always trying to do everything possible to make players enjoy their time at our casino.

We would like to inform you, that in our casino the games are presented only by official developers, and all results of the games are formed on the side of the provider of the games, this means that our casino cannot influence on RTP of the games in any way.
Technical support of our casino is available 24/7 both through live chat and by e-mail. Technical support is available in German and English.

Please be advised that withdrawals are processed by the finance department within 24 hours, but withdrawal limits and the period required for this procedure may vary depending on the withdrawal method, the status of the player's account, and other possible factors affecting the withdrawal process.
The Finance Department tries to process all withdrawal requests as quickly as possible and strictly follows the established rules.
Since we value our players, and also strive to get only pleasure from playing in our casino.

Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail
We are always happy to help you.
• pre 1 godinu
It looks that casino intentionally linger withdrawal process, what I would expect in case of scam casinos, not acknowledged company like Altacore.
They forced me to use a ridiculously small amount (~500 EUR per request), even though in terms limit is twice higher.
24h for withdrawal? Forget it!
One of the withdrawals set on 7th has been already waiting 5 working days. During a week hey have completed only 2 out of 3 pending withdrawal requests. At this pace, they will complete withdraw my winning (10k EUR) in 2 months!
This has nothing in common with professionalism and positive user experience. If you think about big winning avoid this casino!
  • Good games selection
  • Fast deposits
  • List of blocked games (to play with bonus) in terms is partial
  • Veeeery long withdrawals
Smokace Casino
Dear radarus,

Thank you for sharing your gaming experience at our casino.

We inform you that the financial department tries to process all withdrawal and verification requests as quickly as possible and strictly follows the established rules. All documents are requested strictly by the current rules of our casino. The speed of account verification depends on how quickly the player provides the necessary documents and on the workload of the financial department.

Withdrawals are processed by the finance department within 24 hours, however, withdrawal limits and the period required for this process may vary depending on the withdrawal method, the status of the player's account, and other possible factors affecting the withdrawal process.

Based on the above, all winnings are paid out smoothly, without delays, and strictly according to publicly available rules that are not hidden from anyone.

Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail
We are always happy to help you.
• pre 1 godinu
I seriously hate this website.
Unfortunality that is the only site with my favorite game Tiger gems
  • Love the game tigergems and it is only available on
  • They have way to few options for diposit and withdrall
  • My bank belived that my gaming on the site were for moneylaundry and throwed me out. I asked for help and sending me all the transactions but they didnt even Answer!!!
  • They have really bad wagerrules 50 times, I mean what da fudge. And if you win more than 50 times the bonus they take them back in their pocket.
Smokace Casino
Dear jennylevin,

Thank you for sharing your gaming experience at our casino.

We are always striving to increase the number of games and payment systems in our casino. There are many payment systems available for your region for deposits and withdrawals, including e-wallets, bank transfers, and cryptocurrency.

Please note that our casino cannot influence the internal regulations and anti-fraud system, as well as the rules for using your bank’s bank card. We would also like to note that we have not received any requests from your region with similar difficulties. We recommend that you contact your bank for detailed information regarding this problem and further instructions.

Our casino has a huge number of bonus offers, which are of course subject to wagering rules, which vary depending on the offer. However, most of our bonuses have unlimited withdrawal limits.

We hope to see you again on our casino website, and in turn, we are always ready to please you with a wide selection of games, as well as bonus offers.

Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, please contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail
We are always happy to help you.
• pre 1 godinu
Although it was originally thought that this casino was a fair and respectable online site. I have decided to state my opinion, in a mannerism in which clearly states the opposite.
Firstly, when attempting to contact live support, the waits are way too flimsy. In which I mean that, although they may initially respond in good timing, whilst attempting communication with the support agents, they tend to leave you waiting long lengths of time for even the simplest of responses.
My main reason for this review however, is that regardless of how many numerous emails proclaiming that a player "myself" is being rewarded for their commitment to the casino, it seems that I am in all actuality wasting my time. As I have been notified many times of there being free bonuses on my account awaiting for me, yet am continuously told otherwise by support. Therein leading me to believe that the received emails are nothing more than a mere attempt at getting me back in to the casino, with no actual intention of following through with the false claims mentioned in any of the promotional spam emails.
  • Poor support assistance
Smokace Casino
Dear Hardcase,

Thank you for sharing your gaming experience at our casino.

Our support team always tries to do everything possible to ensure that players enjoy their time at our casino.

Our casino has a very developed bonus policy, each player can receive a bonus on every deposit. There are also no deposit bonuses for completing various quests/tasks and weekly no deposit bonuses.

We are very sorry to hear that no no deposit bonuses were granted for your account. Please send an email to for more information on the reason why your account was not credited with the no deposit bonuses.

Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, please contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail
We are always happy to help you.
• pre 1 godinu
I was going to deposit money but I am glad I read the reviews that how casino Block the account of players when they made a withdrawal request if the player is self exclude from one of their partner. I am also self excluded from one of their partner. So, the reviews helped me not to waste money on this site. Moreover, they reopened my account when I requested. I do not know what would have happened if I win and trying to withdraw.
I thing if casino has this policy, they should exclude the players from all their partner website or prevent making account on their partner website in the first place.
Smokace Casino
Dear soccer,

Thank you for sharing your gaming experience at our casino.

Risk department of Smokace Casino has taken a detailed look at the situation you described.
According to the casino rules, paragraph 7.5, the casino administration has the right to block an account if during the check it turns out that your account was previously closed due to self-exclusion on partner casino sites:

- 7.5. If a player closes his casino account due to "problems with gambling" / "loss of self-control over the game" / "gambling addiction", in this case, the player is prohibited from playing on the sites of the casino partners, which are indicated in the license of this casino.

The player undertakes not to open a new account. The casino is not responsible for opening by you a new account and any losses that you may incur after opening a new account. We reserve the right at any time to close an account that was created on violation of these rules.

The Casino is not responsible for opening an account and possible circumvention of automatic blocking and any losses that you may incur after opening a new account. The Casino reserves the right to close an account created in violation of the rules.

Best regards, Smokace Casino Risk Department.
• pre 1 godinu
U suštini dobre ponude ALI!!!! Blokirani ste iz kazina bez razloga nakon pobede uz opravdanje „zavisnost od kockanja". Kazino nastavlja da oduzima mnogo vremena sa isplatom i kaže da ste primili e-poštu od finansijskog odeljenja, što nije tačno. Novac je ipak stigao.
  • Novac je stigao posle dugog putovanja
  • Samo ćeš biti blokiran
Smokace Casino
Dear Aboveaverage1204,

Thank you for sharing your gaming experience at our casino.

Our KYC and support team is always trying to do everything possible to make players enjoy their time at our casino.

Please be advised that withdrawals are processed by the finance department within 24 hours, but withdrawal limits and the period required for this procedure may vary depending on the withdrawal method, the status of the player's account, and other possible factors affecting the withdrawal process.
The Finance Department tries to process all withdrawal requests as quickly as possible and strictly follows the established rules.
Since we value our players, and also strive to get only pleasure from playing in our casino.

Your account has been closed after all payments for your account have been made.

Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, please contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail
We are always happy to help you.
• pre 1 godinu
Stay away ,i play and the most of the games is not available,no way to make the verification,bad support,no way to win
  • Nothing
  • Everything
Smokace Casino
Dear Aris7,

Thank you for sharing your gaming experience at our casino.

Our development and support team is always trying to do everything possible to make players enjoy their time at our casino.
In our casino, all the games are available for betting, except for issues related to the jurisdiction of your region.
Also, account verification is not at all difficult and is done in the shortest possible time. If you have any difficulties, please send us a detailed description to to speed up their solution.

We are looking forward to seeing you again! Wishing you good luck!

Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, please contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail
We are always happy to help you.
• pre 1 godinu
Veoma sam zadovoljan kazinom. Postoje sve uobičajene igre, verifikacija je bila veoma brza, isplate se obično obrađuju u roku od 24 sata, a dizajn je takođe veoma lep.
Jedina stvar koju mislim da je sramota je da teško možete da igrate igrice sa bonusom.
  • Brza verifikacija
  • brze isplate
  • prelep dizajn
  • mnoge i uvek aktuelne igre
  • Mnogo mnogo bonusa!
  • Nažalost, teško da možete igrati igre sa aktivnim bonusom
Smokace Casino
Dear reipertmanuel,

Thank you for such a positive review of our casino.
Our team is very glad to hear that you have enjoyed our casino.
We are looking forward to seeing you again!

Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, please contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail
We are always happy to help you.
• pre 1 godinu
Samo problemi sa ovim sajtom, jedva da se ijedna igra učitava u potpunosti i ako uđete u igru posle godina, igra se trajno zaglavi tako da jednostavno izgubite novac, ćaskanje uživo je kao dobitak na lutriji kada dobijete odgovor i onda tvrde da je sve greška -besplatno što sam uspeo da se dokažem snimcima ekrana gde su se problemi sa vezom mogli videti iznova i iznova. Nikada ne igrajte apsolutno loše u ovom kazinu
  • Sve
Smokace Casino

Dear Xxlxx11,

Thank you for sharing your gaming experience at our casino.

Our casino is 100% complete in the functional plan. Our players do not have the problems described by you. If you use VPN or various extensions that can affect the speed of your browser, please disable them and try again.

We see that in our casino you have not deposited your game account and played only on the received no-deposit freespins, which were successfully used and played on the received bonus in various games.
In case of workload of live chat, you can always contact by e-mail and you will always get an answer.

Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, please contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail
We are always happy to help you.
• pre 1 godinu
The casino isn't mature enough in software issues undercoming. I did the 10 spins on Sugar Rush and made a nice win of 72 euro
Whereafter I checked every bonus rule to make no mistakes while playing this nice win.
After a while I checked my wagered amount and choose another slot, after 2 or 3 spins the game crashed suddenly
And then it stated, that I had no money in my account
When informing support about this issue, they kept saying that it was my fault. although it really was due to a game crash
They couldn't fix it and kept saying that the system was bugfree, without really investigating the issue. It's immature and not customer friendly to react this way, i lost everything and i am very dissappointed. Losing almost 100 dollar due to the casino or a bug and I had a very bad experience. Don't play there!!!
Smokace Casino
Dear maartenmagchiels,

Thank you for sharing your gaming experience at our casino.

We inform you that your situation has been reviewed by our specialists. After registering, you received a no deposit gift in the amount of 10 free spins in the "Sugar Rush" slot. After successfully using free spins, you received 72.57 EUR to the bonus balance of your account with x50 wager at 2023-08-12 03:51:57 UTC and continued playing. After receiving this bonus amount, you continued playing various slots and the bets were successfully accepted by the system.

Please note that the casino bonus can only be canceled automatically if a withdrawal request has been made or the bonus has expired.
According to your game history, you canceled your active bonus in the amount of 40.48 EUR on 2023-08-12 05:54:31 UTC, before the wagering requirements of the bonus you received were fulfilled. Therefore the bonus balance was canceled and, unfortunately, cannot be returned.

If you have further questions or require further assistance, please contact us.

Best regards, Smokace Casino.
• pre 1 godinu
Be aware, SmokeAce makes sure that they don't have to withrdraw your money. I selefexcluded many casinos and it never havent been a problem. They allowed to deposit and passed KYC. After withrdraw they just closed my account because I have excluded one of their partner casinos, but there are no list or partners and they can partner up any casino of their fit just not to pay up. All just can't be customer fault. So be aware!
Smokace Casino
Dear janekuulits,

Thank you for sharing your gaming experience at our casino.

We would like to inform you that the risk department of Smokace Casino has taken a detailed look at the situation you described.

According to the casino rules, paragraph 7.5, the casino administration has the right to block an account if during the check it turns out that your account was previously closed due to gambling addiction on partner casino sites:

"7.5. If a player closes their casino account due to "gambling problems"/"loss of control over the game"/"addiction to gambling", in this case the player is prohibited from playing on the websites of the casino partners that are listed in the license of this casino.

The Player undertakes not to open a new account. The Casino is not responsible for the opening of a new account by you and any losses that you may incur after opening a new account. We reserve the right to terminate an account created for violating these rules at any time."

The Casino is not responsible for opening an account and possible circumvention of automatic blocking and any losses that you may incur after opening a new account. The Casino reserves the right to close an account created in violation of the rules.

Sincerely, Smokace Casino Risk Department.
• pre 1 godinu
Smokace and Windetta are the places to be at right now tbh
Daily non sticky + no max win bonuses, quick cashouts, all the top providers (except for ELK, please add ELK your playerbase is MISSING OUT! 😃), newly released games are available almost instantly

Oh also if the providers were in ‘most recent’ order that would be nice, or just an option to change it to that, cheersss
Smokace Casino
Dear balintm,

Thank you for such a positive review of our casino.
Our team is very glad to hear that you have enjoyed our casino.
We are looking forward to seeing you again!

Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, please contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail
We are always happy to help you.
• pre 1 godinu
Easy to register. Lots of payment methods. Lots of providers and games. Easy verification, and after my account got verified I got a few more requests to my account, but only cause I use Skrill. Fast replying and then the final verification. I was lucky and won, I asked for a withdrawal and the next day I had the funds on my account. What’s not to like?
  • Lots of games
  • Easy verification
  • I miss ELK
Smokace Casino
Dear Ma1969,

Thank you for sharing your gaming experience at our casino.

Our development and support team is always trying to do everything possible to make players enjoy their time at our casino.
So that the menu of any section was convenient for everyone and the player did not have any difficulties.
Our team is very happy to see you enjoying our casino.

We are looking forward to seeing you again! Wishing you good luck!

Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, please contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail
We are always happy to help you.
• pre 1 godinu
Kazino koji nije u skladu sa uslovima i standardima koje stavlja na raspolaganje klijentima ne može biti u funkciji. Mora postojati ozbiljnost, jer ako se kupci pridržavaju svih pravila koja kazino zahteva, barem bi trebalo da ih primenjuju. Zatražio sam povlačenje 1000 evra, a prema uslovima korišćenja koji su jasno vidljivi na sajtu kazina, jasno piše da će nakon KIC verifikacije finalizovanog finansijskog dela svako naknadno povlačenje biti obrađeno u roku od 24 sata nakon isti . Ovo se nije desilo, poslao sam mejl da podsetim na situaciju i nisam dobio ni odgovor, tako da više nema šta da kažem.
Ako ste igrači koji žele pošten i pouzdan kazino, nemojte igrati u smokeace-u.
  • Nema šta da se istakne da li je kazino bio pošten, ali to nije slučaj.
  • Kazino nije u skladu sa uslovima i pravilima koja su opisana.
Smokace Casino
Dear Bufalo42,

Thank you for sharing your gaming experience at our casino.

Our KYC and support team is always trying to do everything possible to make players enjoy their time at our casino.

Please be advised that withdrawals are processed by the finance department within 24 hours, but withdrawal limits and the period required for this procedure may vary depending on the withdrawal method, the status of the player's account, and other possible factors affecting the withdrawal process.
The Finance Department tries to process all withdrawal requests as quickly as possible and strictly follows the established rules.
Since we value our players, and also strive to get only pleasure from playing in our casino.

In your case, the finance department was unable to process your withdrawal request because you canceled it and unfortunately lost all your funds. We are very sorry about your loss.

We are looking forward to seeing you again! Wishing you good luck!

Please, if you have any questions or difficulties, please contact Live Chat 24/7 or e-mail
We are always happy to help you.
Objašnjenje Indexa Sigurnosti

Index Sigurnosti Smokace Casino objašnjenje

Pogledajte objašnjenje faktora koje uzimamo u obzir pri izračunavanju ocene indeksa sigurnosti Smokace Casino. Indeks sigurnosti glavna je metrika koju koristimo za opisivanje pouzdanosti, pravednosti i kvaliteta svih online kazina u našoj bazi podataka.

Kazino srednje veličine, bazirano na našim istraživanjima i procenama
Smatramo kazino T&Cs korektnim
Nije pronađena nijedna relevantna kazino crna lista
Bez pritužbi igrača ili veoma niska vrednost zadržanih dobitaka u pritužbama igrača u odnosu na veličinu kazina
Razmotrili smo i druge faktore koji su imali neutralan uticaj na Indeks Sigurnosti kazina
Index Sigurnosti ovog kazina je izračunat isključivo na našem istraživanju i podacima koje je sakupio tim koji radi recenzije. Naučite više o metodologiji recenzija kazina

Da li je ovaj kazino uradio nešto nepošteno prema vama?

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