NaslovnaPritužbeSnatch Casino - Isplata dobitaka igrača je odložena.
Snatch Casino - Isplata dobitaka igrača je odložena.
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6.904 €
Snatch Casino
Index sigurnosti:Visok
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Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
Slučaj je zatvoren : 08/01/2025
Slučaj je zatvoren
Naša presuda
Neopravdana žalba
Rezime slučaja
pre 1 meseca
The player from Germany had submitted a withdrawal request less than two weeks prior to contacting us. Winnings had not been obtained by that day. The player had experienced issues with his account being blocked after a significant win, and he had been accused of violating bonus terms, which led to the confiscation of his winnings. Following our intervention, the casino reassessed the situation and provided compensation for the deducted funds. The player confirmed that the issue had been resolved and wished to close the case. The case was later reopened by the player as according to them the funds were lost by someone else while they were at work. The casino provided evidence that the was no foul play taking place and so we were forced to reject the complaint as the player lost all their funds.
Igrač iz Nemačke je podneo zahtev za povlačenje manje od dve nedelje pre nego što nas je kontaktirao. Dobici do tog dana nisu dobijeni. Igrač je imao problema sa blokiranjem naloga nakon značajne pobede, a optužen je za kršenje uslova bonusa, što je dovelo do konfiskacije njegovog dobitka. Nakon naše intervencije, kazino je ponovo procenio situaciju i obezbedio nadoknadu za oduzeta sredstva. Igrač je potvrdio da je problem rešen i želeo je da zatvori slučaj. Slučaj je kasnije ponovo otvorio igrač jer je prema njima novac izgubio neko drugi dok su bili na poslu. Kazino je pružio dokaz da se nije radilo o gruboj igri i tako smo bili primorani da odbijemo žalbu jer je igrač izgubio sva svoja sredstva.
Odabrao sam bonus kada sam napravio depozit i ispravno ga opkladio.
Zatim sam nastavio da igram i došao do sume od 6.904€
Kada sam pokušao da podignem, kazino je sve otkazao iako sam pitao zaposlenog da li je moguće podizanje u koracima od 500€.
odjednom više nisam mogao da se prijavim i onda je ponovo proradilo i pogledao moj nalog sve je nestalo celih 6,904€
Uz bonus, ako uplatite €50, dobićete €250 na kraju ako uspešno završite bonus. Uradio sam ovo i zaradio impresivnih 6,904 evra sa 250 evra.
Srdačan pozdrav
Bedirhan I****
I chose a bonus when making the deposit and wagered it correctly.
I then continued playing and reached the sum of 6,904€
When I tried to withdraw, the casino canceled everything even though I asked an employee whether the withdrawal was possible in 500€ increments.
suddenly I couldn't log in anymore and then it worked again and looked at my account everything was gone the whole 6,904€
With the bonus, if you deposit €50, you will receive €250 at the end if you successfully complete the bonus. I did this and made an impressive €6,904 with the €250.
Best regards
Bedirhan Y****
Ich habe bei der Einzahlung einen Bonus gewählt diesen auch korrekt gewagerd.
daraufhin habe ich weitergespielt und kam dann auf die Summe 6.904€
beim auszahlen hat das Casino alles storniert obwohl ich einen Mitarbeiter gefragt habe ob die Auszahlung möglich ist in jeweils 500€ Schritten.
plötzlich konnte ich mich nicht mehr einloggen und dann ging es wieder und schaue auf mein Account alles war weg die ganzen 6.904€
bei dem Bonus erhält man wenn man 50€ einzahlt am Ende 250€ wenn man denn Bonus erfolgreich beendet hat. Dies tat ich auch und habe dann mit denn 250€ stolze 6.904€ gemacht.
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli prigovor. Žao nam je što čujemo za problem sa isplatom i razumemo vašu zabrinutost. Međutim, imajte na umu da je prilično uobičajeno da povlačenja potraju nekoliko dana ili čak nedelja da se u potpunosti obrađuju. To znači da može proći neko vreme pre nego što se novac pojavi na vašem računu. Ovo kašnjenje može biti uzrokovano nedovršenom KYC verifikacijom ili velikim brojem zahteva za isplate. Zbog toga savetujemo igrače da budu strpljivi, da u potpunosti sarađuju sa kazinom i da sačekaju najmanje 14 dana nakon zahteva za povlačenje pre nego što podnesu prigovor.
Ako je vaš nalog uspešno verifikovan, vaša istorija igara proverena, vaše povlačenje odobreno od strane kazina, a još uvek niste primili svoje dobitke 14 dana od zahteva za povlačenje, mi ćemo intervenisati i dati sve od sebe da vam pomognemo. Hvala unapred na strpljenju i razumevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav, Centar za rešavanje žalbi
PS: Naš prvi odgovor je generisan na osnovu informacija koje ste dali prilikom podnošenja žalbe. Ako je došlo do nesporazuma i problem je drugačiji ili je više od obične kašnjenja plaćanja, budite sigurni – detaljno ćemo pregledati detalje i javiti vam se što je pre moguće. Hvala vam na strpljenju.
Dear Bedo68,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. We are sorry to hear about the issue with your withdrawal and understand your concern. However, please bear in mind that it’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. This delay may be caused by unfinished KYC verification or a high volume of withdrawal requests. That’s why we advise players to be patient, cooperate fully with casino, and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before submitting a complaint.
If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Best regards, Complaints Resolution Center
PS: Our initial response was generated based on the information you provided when submitting your complaint. If there has been any misunderstanding and the issue is different or more than just a delayed payment, please rest assured—we will review the details thoroughly and get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
I prva 3 po 500 € svaki je jednostavno otkazao kazino iako je zaposlenik rekao da mogu da nastavim da igram sa 250 € koje sam dobio i da ne moram da brinem
And the first 3 €500 each were simply cancelled by the casino even though the employee said I could continue playing with the €250 I received and not have to worry
Und die ersten 3 jeweils 500€ wurden einfach storniert vom Casino obwohl der Mitarbeiter meinte ich könne mit denn erhaltenen 250€ weiter spielen und mir keine Sorgen machen müsste
Rečeno mi je da ću nakon što završim bonus dobiti k5 primljenog bonusa, što odgovara: 50k5=250€. Tada mi je rečeno u ćaskanju da mogu da nastavim da igram sa 250€. Uradio sam ovo i onda ponovo i ponovo osvajao na blackjack-u, 1.300 €, 700 €, 300 € i onda 1.000 €, 3.600 € na slatkoj bonanci. Tek kada sam na trenutak sklonio telefon, moj nalog je bio blokiran, a onda je posle 10 minuta ponovo proradio i novac je nestao.
Niko mi ne može reći da je to slučaj. Zašto novac nisu podigli ranije kada sam želeo da podignem prvih 1000€ pre nego što sam napravio veliki profit? To nema nikakvog smisla.
Igrao sam kako treba ali onda se odjednom stvari optužuju i isplata od 1.500€ se jednostavno poništava a onda se preostalih 5.400€ briše, to je glupost.
Pitao sam podršku da li je u redu da nastavim da igram sa 250€ i oni su rekli da, u redu je.
Jer nakon isteka bonusa osvojeni iznos ističe i onda pada na k5, odnosno 250€, i sa tim možete nastaviti da igrate.
Na ovoj slici možete videti i kada je cela stvar otkazana i koliko sam poslednji put imao na računu!
I was told that after I had finished the bonus I would receive x5 of the bonus received, which corresponds to: 50x5=250€. I was then told in the chat that I could carry on playing with the 250€. I did this and then won over and over again at blackjack, 1,300€, 700€, 300€ and then 1,000€, 3,600€ at sweet bonanza. It was only when I put my phone away for a moment that my account was blocked, then after 10 minutes it worked again and the money was gone.
No one can tell me that this is the case. Why didn't they withdraw the money earlier when I wanted to withdraw the first €1000 before I had made a big profit? That doesn't make any sense.
I played correctly but then suddenly things are accused and a payout of €1,500 is simply cancelled and then the remaining €5,400 is deleted, that's nonsense.
I asked support if it was okay to continue playing with the 250€ and they said yes, it was fine.
Because after the bonus ends, the amount won expires and then falls to x5, i.e. €250, and you can continue playing with that.
In this picture you can also see when the whole thing was canceled and how much I last had in my balance!
Es wurde gesagt nachdem ich denn Bonus beendet habe erhalte x5 vom erhalten Bonus entspricht: 50x5=250€ mir wurde dann im Chat gesagt ich könnte mit denn 250€ weiterspielen dies tat ich dann auch gewann dann bei blackjack immer und wieder 1.300€ 700€ 300€ und dann bei sweet bonanza 1000 3.600€ erst als ich dann kurz das Handy weggelegt habe wurde mein Account gesperrt dann nach 10 Minuten ging es wieder und das Geld war weg.
Mann kann mir nicht sagen das es so ist wieso haben die das Geld dann nicht vorher angezogen als ich die ersten 1000€ auszahlen wollte bevor ich denn hohen Gewinn erzielt hatte das macht keinen sinn.
Ich habe korrekt gespielt aber dann aufeinmal werden Sachen vorgeworfen und einfach eine Auszahlung in Höhe von 1.500€ annulliert und dann die restlichen 5.400€ gelöscht das ist Schwachsinn.
Ich habe im Support gefragt ob es okey sei mit denn 250€ weiter zu spielen die meinten drauf hin ja es ist in Ordnung.
denn nach Beendung des bonuses verfällt der gewonnene Betrag und fällt dann auf x5 also 250€ und mit denn könnte man weiter spielen.
Hier im Bild sieht man auch wann das ganze dann annulliert wurde und wie viel ich zuletzt auf der Balance hatte!
Nadam se da ste dobro. Pošto je preporučeni vremenski okvir sada prošao, da li biste mogli da nas obavestite o tome da li je vaš zahtev za isplatu uspešno primljen ili da li je došlo do novih dešavanja u vezi sa vašim slučajem? Hvala vam na izdvojenom vremenu i radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Dear Bedo68,
I hope you are doing well. As the recommended time frame has now passed, could you kindly update us on whether your withdrawal has successfully been received or if there have been any new developments regarding your case? Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your response.
Zdravo, nažalost nisam dobio ništa. Upravo su me optužili da sam prekršio pravila iako sam 100% siguran da to nisam uradio jer znam pravila, maksimalna opklada 5€ i nisam ih prekoračila.
i pitao podršku da li mogu da nastavim da igram sa €250 koje sam dobio nakon što je bonus završio i on je rekao da. Optužen sam da sam prekršio ovo pravilo.
Zašto me optužuju za ovo kada sam hteo da podignem novac? Prethodno sam napravio svoje prvo podizanje od 500 €, ali ništa mi nije oduzeto. Tek nakon što sam osvojio 6.900 € mi je oduzet dobitak. To je sramota.
Hello, unfortunately I didn't receive anything. I was just accused of breaking the rules even though I'm 100% sure that I didn't do that because I know the rules, max bet 5€, and I didn't exceed them.
and asked support if I could continue playing with the €250 that I received after the bonus ended and he said yes. I am accused of having violated this rule.
Why am I being accused of this when I wanted to withdraw the money? I had previously made my first withdrawal of €500 but nothing was taken away. Only after I won €6,900 was my winnings deducted. That's a disgrace.
Hallo leider habe ich nichts erhalten mir wurde nur vorgeworfen das ich gegen die Regeln verstoßen habe obwohl ich mir zu 100% sicher bin das ich das nicht tat denn ich kenne die Regeln Max bet 5€ und diese habe ich nicht überschritten.
und fragte einen Support ob ich mit denn 250€ weiter spielen kann die ich nachdem beenden des Bonus erhalten habe und er meinte ja . Mir wird vorgeworfen gegen diese Regel verstoßen zu haben.
wieso wird mir das vorgeworfen als ich das Geld auszahlen wollte ich hatte davor meine erste Auszahlung in Höhe von 500€ getätigt aber es wurde nichts entzogen erst nachdem ich 6.900€ gewann wurde mir der Gewinn abgezogen eine Frechheit ist das.
Da li bi bilo moguće proslediti tačnu stranicu bonusa (ili njegove uslove) i kompletnu istoriju klađenja, depozita i bonusa na radi daljeg pregleda.
Radujemo se vašem odgovoru.
Dear Bedo68,
Would it be possible to forward the exact bonus page (or it's terms) and the full betting, deposit and bonus history to for further review.
Hvala vam na e-poruci. Međutim, ne sadrži informacije koje sam prethodno tražio. Možete li da pogledate moju prethodnu poruku i pošaljete potrebne detalje na moju adresu e-pošte? Ovo će nam omogućiti da nastavimo sa rešavanjem problema.
Radujemo se vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Bedo68,
Thank you for your email. However, it does not contain the information I previously requested. Could you please refer to my previous message and send the necessary details to my email address? This will allow us to proceed with resolving the matter.
Ako nije dostupan, pokušaćemo da kontaktiramo kazino u vezi sa ovim pitanjem kako bismo dobili više informacija. Sada ću vašu žalbu proslediti kolegi Petru ( ) koji će vam od sada pomagati.
Želim vam puno sreće u rešavanju.
Dear Bedo68,
If it is not accessible, we will try to reach the casino regarding this matter to get more information. I will now forward your complaint to my colleague Peter ( who will be assisting you from now on.
Hvala Bedo68 što nam je pružio sve informacije. Nadam se da ćemo zajedno uspeti da rešimo ovaj problem.
Sada bih želeo da zamolim Snatch Casino za njihovu pomoć u rešavanju ove žalbe. Želeli bismo da znamo zašto je igraču oduzet dobitak i šta možemo da uradimo da pomognemo u rešavanju ovog problema.
Hvala vam!
Hello there,
Thank you Bedo68 for providing us with all the information. I hope we'll be able to resolve this issue together.
I would now like to ask Snatch Casino for their help in resolving this complaint. We would like to know why were the player's winnings confiscated and what can we do to help resolve this issue.
Skrećemo vam pažnju da je dodatni iznos odbijen od iznosa primljenog bonusa „Bonus dobrodošlice 4. depozit" na osnovu važećih uslova i odredbi bonusa, a maksimalno dozvoljeno povlačenje je ispravljeno.
1.4 Svi dobici primljeni tokom klađenja Bonus su ograničeni na maksimalan iznos gotovine od 5 puta odobrenog bonusa. Svaki prekoračeni saldo će biti poništen pre povlačenja novca.
U ovom slučaju, igraču je dodeljen bonus od 50 EUR, što omogućava maksimalno povlačenje od 50 EUR k 5 = 250 EUR. Kao takav, preostali iznos iznad ovog ograničenja je odbijen sa računa.
Hvala vam na strpljenju i razumevanju.
S poštovanjem,
Snatch kazino predstavnik
Dear Bedo68 and Peter,
We would like to bring to your attention that an extra amount was deducted from the amount received of bonus "Welcome Bonus 4th deposit" based on the applicable Bonus Terms and Conditions, and the maximum allowable withdrawal has been corrected.
1.4 All winnings received while wagering Bonus are limited to a maximum cashout amount of 5 times bonus granted. Any exceeded balance will be voided prior to money withdrawal.
In this case, the player was granted a 50 EUR bonus, which allows for a maximum withdrawal of 50 EUR x 5 = 250 EUR. As such, the remaining balance above this limit has been deducted from the account.
Da, znam to, ali zašto mi je službenik podrške govorio da mogu da nastavim da igram da bih osvojio više? Pitao sam tačno da li je to u redu, a on je rekao da jeste.
Prvo sam hteo da podignem 500 evra, trebalo je 24 sata da podignem i onda se ništa nije desilo. Kada sam otkazao povlačenje da bih mogao da nastavim da igram, dobio sam veoma veliku pobedu, a onda kada sam hteo da podignem u koracima od 500 evra, moj nalog je iznenada blokiran i sve je podešeno na 0 evra.
Ne možete tretirati high roller igrača kao što se odnosite prema drugim igračima/kupcima uopšte.
Želeo bih da tražim od vas iskrenu nadoknadu. Želim da mi se isplati polovina novca ili ceo iznos.
Kada sam pročitao sve odredbe i uslove odmah nije bilo ništa sa 1.4, garantujem da 100%, igram u onlajn kazinima već 6-7 godina i znam na šta da pazim, pa vas molim da to raščistimo i idemo svojim putem u dobrim odnosima.
Yes, I know that, but why was a support employee telling me that I could keep playing to win more? I asked exactly if that was OK and he said yes, it was.
First I wanted to withdraw €500, it took 24 hours to withdraw and then nothing happened. When I cancelled the withdrawal so I could carry on playing, I won very big and then when I wanted to withdraw in €500 increments, my account was suddenly blocked and everything was set to €0.
You can't treat a high roller player like you treat other players/customers in general.
I would like to ask for a sincere compensation from you. I want to be paid half of the money or the whole amount.
When I read all the terms and conditions there was immediately nothing with the 1.4, I guarantee that 100%, I have been playing in online casinos for 6-7 years and know what to look out for, so please let's get this cleared up and go our separate ways on good terms.
Ja das weiß ich aber wieso wurde mir von einem Support Mitarbeiter mitgeteilt das ich weiterspielen könne um mehr zu gewinnen. Ich fragte genau ob es in Ordnung wäre und er meinte ja wäre es.
Zuerst wollte ich 500€ auszahlen die Auszahlungs Zeit Betrug 24st dann ist immernoch nichts passiert gewesen, als ich die Auszahlung storniert hatte um weiter zu spielen gewann ich sehr hoch als ich dann jeweils auszahlen wollte immer in 500€ Schritten wird aufeinmal mein Account gesperrt alles auf 0€ gesetzt.
Mann kann keinen high Roller Player so behandeln generell Spieler/Kunden.
ich würde gerne um eine aufrichtige Entschädigung bitten eurer Seits ich will die Hälfte von dem Geld ausgezahlt bekommen oder die ganze Summe.
als ich alle Bedingungen gelesen have stand sofort nichts mit dem 1.4 das garantiere ich zu 100% ich spiele seit 6-7 Jahren online Casino und weiß worauf zu achten ist also bitte lassen sie uns das klären und in guten getrennten Wege gehen.
Dok sam igrao moj nalog je bio blokiran i posle 20 minuta sam ponovo imao pristup i sve je nestalo. Tek nakon što sam osvojio toliko su moji dobici poništeni? To je glupost.
While I was playing my account was blocked and after 20 minutes I had access again and everything was gone. Only after I won so much were my winnings cancelled? That's nonsense.
Während ich gespielt habe wurde mein Account gesperrt und nach 20 min hatte ich wieder Zugriff und alles war weg erst nach dem ich so hoch gewann werden meine Gewinne annulliert ? Das ist Schwachsinn
Poštovani predstavniku Snatch kazina , da li je igrač na bilo koji način obavešten da su uslovi i odredbe bonusa i dalje na snazi nakon što je izvršeno klađenje? Prema našem Kodeksu za pošteno kockanje, preporučujemo kazinoima da obezbede ovaj problem pomoću softvera, što znači da dobici budu ograničeni nakon što se opklada završi, ali ako to nije moguće, bar zahtevamo od kazina da upozore igrače da su uslovi i odredbe bonusa još uvek na snazi sa iskačućim prozorom ili obaveštenjem nakon što je klađenje završeno. Pošto je igrač kazino podrška obavešten da može da nastavi da igra sa sredstvima ne znajući da će dobici biti ograničeni, nadam se da ćemo uspeti da dođemo do kompromisa u ovoj situaciji. Hvala vam unapred na preispitivanju!
Thank you to the both parties for the update.
Dear Snatch Casino representative was the player informed in any way that the bonus terms and conditions are still in effect after the wagering was done? According to our Fair Gambling Codex, we recommend casinos to secure this issue through software means having the winnings be capped after the wagering is finished but if this is not possible we at least require casinos to warn the players that the bonus terms and conditions are still in effect with a pop-up or a notification after the wagering is finished. As the player was informed by the casino support that they can continue playing with the funds not knowing the winnings will be capped I hope we will able to come to a compromise in this situation. Thank you in advance for your reconsideration!
Obaveštavamo vas da smo završili istragu situacije. Cenimo vaše strpljenje i razumevanje tokom ovog procesa.
Nakon detaljnog pregleda situacije sa igračem, ponovo smo procenili našu odluku i preduzeli neophodne radnje. Igrač je dobio nadoknadu za oduzeta sredstva.
Hvala vam na saradnji i razumevanju.
S poštovanjem,
Snatch kazino predstavnik
Dear Bedo68 and Peter,
We would like to inform you that we have completed our investigation into the situation. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this process.
Following a detailed review of the situation with the player, we have reassessed our decision and taken the necessary actions. The player has received compensation for the deducted funds.
Hvala vam na poruci, želeo bih da sačekam dok mi se dobitak ne isplati, a onda na kraju svih isplata možemo zatvoriti slučaj i oceniti ga pozitivnim
Thank you for the message, I would like to wait until I get my winnings paid out and then at the end of all payouts we can close the case and rate it as positive
Vielen Dank für die Nachricht ich würde gerne warten bis ich meine Gewinne ausgezahlt bekomme und daraufhin können wir dann am Ende aller Auszahlungen denn Fall schließen und als positiv bewerten
Dragi Bedo68, hvala vam puno na ažuriranju. Ovu žalbu ćemo držati otvorenom dok ne potvrdite da je povlačenje uspešno. Obaveštavajte me o daljem razvoju događaja.
Dear Bedo68, Thank you very much for the update. We will keep this complaint open until you confirm your withdrawal has been successful. Please keep me informed about any further developments.
Drago nam je da čujemo da je vaš problem rešen. Označićemo žalbu kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu. Cenimo vašu saradnju i potvrdu. Ako ikada naiđete na probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti, slobodno se obratite našem Centru za rešavanje žalbi. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Kao što znate, mi ne naplaćujemo naše usluge, niti primamo napojnice. Međutim, bili bismo vam veoma zahvalni ako biste odvojili trenutak i podelili svoje iskustvo sa našim uslugama na Trustpilot . Iskren pregled, zajedno sa svim predlozima za poboljšanje, bio bi od neprocenjive vrednosti. Vaše povratne informacije mogu pomoći drugima koji možda razmišljaju da nas kontaktiraju za pomoć u vezi sa problemima vezanim za onlajn kazino.
Hvala unapred na izdvojenom vremenu.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Bedo68,
We're glad to hear that your issue has been resolved. We'll go ahead and mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. We appreciate your cooperation and confirmation. If you ever encounter any issues with this or any other casino in the future, please feel free to reach out to our Complaint Resolution Center. We're here to help.
As you know, we do not charge for our services, nor do we accept any gratuities. However, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to share your experience with our services on Trustpilot An honest review, along with any suggestions for improvement, would be invaluable. Your feedback could help others who may be considering contacting us for assistance with online casino-related issues.
Ponovo smo otvorili ovu žalbu na zahtev Bedo68. Dobili smo sledeću poruku:
Zdravo tim Snatchcasino i kazinoguru
Imam veliki problem. Nastavio sam da igram na dan kada sam dobio novac, ali problem je sada što novca nema iako sam želeo da podignem 8,000 €. Ne znam zašto ili da li je neko hakovao moj nalog. Nisam bio prijavljen. Nekako mi je neko ušao na nalog ne znam kako je to jako kritično za mene iako sam hteo da isplatim 8.000€ to me je kobno pogodilo ne znam šta da radim imao sam 1.500€ isplati i 9,000€ je još dostupno i sada je sve nestalo nadam se da će mi oba tima pomoći
Poštovani predstavnike Snatch kazina , da li biste mogli da razjasnite situaciju i da nam kažete šta se desilo sa sredstvima igrača? Hvala unapred!
We've reopened this complaint at the request of Bedo68. We received the following message:
Hello Team Snatchcasino and casinoguru
I have a big problem. I continued playing on the day I received the money but the problem is now that the money is gone even though I wanted to withdraw €8,000. I don't know why or if someone hacked my account. I wasn't logged in. Somehow someone got into my account I don't know how it is very critical for me although I wanted to pay out 8,000€ it hit me fatally I don't know what to do I had 1,500€ to pay out and 9,000€ still available and now everything is gone I hope both teams can help me
Dear Snatch Casino representative, would you be able to clarify the situation and let us know what happened to the player's funds? Thank you in advance!
We’ve reopened this complaint at the request of Bedo68. We received the following message:
Hallo Team Snatchcasino und casinoguru
ich habe ein großes Problem ich hatte an dem Tag wo ich das Geld erhalten habe weiter gespielt aber das Problem ist jetzt das das Geld weg ist obwohl ich 8.000€ auszahlen wollte ich weiß nicht wieso weshalb oder ob jemand mein Account gehackt hatte ich war nicht eingeloggt irgendwie ist jemand in mein Account gekommen ich weiß nicht wie das ist sehr kritisch für mich obwohl ich 8.000€ auszahlen wollte es hat mich fatal getroffen ich weiß nicht was ich machen soll ich hatte 1.500€ auf auszahlen und 9.000€ noch zur Verfügung und jetzt ist alles weg ich hoffe beide Teams können mir weiter helfen
Dear Snatch Casino representative, would you be able to clarify the situation and let us know what happened to the player's funds? Thank you in advance!
Nastavio sam da igram u petak neposredno pre nego što sam morao da radim i bio sam na 9,068 evra i 1,500 evra je trebalo da se povuče.
Bio sam veoma srećan jer bi mi novac promenio sve i pred Božić sam otišao na posao i jutros vidim da je sve nestalo. Ne znam ko je hakovao moj nalog i izgubio sve ili uradio nešto drugo, ali sam bio shrvan jer sam bio veoma srećan. Hteo sam da podignem 1.500 evra, a zatim 9.068 evra.
Takođe sam jutros promenio lozinku jer sam bio/jesam u šoku.
novac je mogao sve da promeni za mene.
Želeo bih da dobijem novac isplaćen direktno iz snatchcasina, a da nije na mom računu jer se bojim da bi neko imao pristup njemu.
Nisam mogao da se prijavim pa sam ga jutros promenio.
Bio sam na poslu u petak od 22:15/22:30 do 3:15/3:30 ujutru i nisam bio na telefonu tako da nisam imao vremena da ga pustim.
Hi team snatch and casinoguru
I continued playing on Friday just before I had to work and was at €9,068 and €1,500 was due for withdrawal.
I was very happy because the money would change everything for me and before Christmas I went to work and this morning I see that everything is gone. I don't know who hacked my account and lost everything or did something else but I was devastated because I was very happy. I wanted to withdraw the €1,500 and then the €9,068.
I also changed my password this morning because I was/am in shock.
the money could have changed everything for me.
I would like to get the money paid out directly from snatchcasino without it being on my balance because I am afraid that someone would have access to it.
I couldn't log in so I changed it this morning.
I was at work on Friday from 10:15/10:30 p.m. until 3:15/3:30 a.m. and wasn't on my phone so I didn't have time to play it.
Hi team snatch and casinoguru
ich hatte am Freitag kurz bevor ich arbeiten musste weiter gespielt und war auf 9.068€ und 1.500€ waren zur Auszahlung gedacht.
Ich war sehr glücklich da das Geld alles verändern würde für mich und noch vor Weihnachten dann war ich arbeiten und sehe heute morgen alles weg ich weiß nicht wer meinen Account gehackt hat und alles verspielt oder sonst was gemacht hat aber ich war am Boden zerstört da ich sehr glücklich war ich wollte die 1.500€ auszahlen und dann die 9.068€.
ich habe heute morgen auch mein Passwort geändert weil ich in Schock war/bin.
das Geld hätte alles für mich verändert können.
Ich würde gerne das Geld direkt von snatchcasino ausgezahlt bekommen ohne das es auf meine Balance ist da ich Angst habe das jemand Zugriff darauf haben würde.
ich konnte mich nicht einloggen deshalb habe ich heute morgen es geändert.
ich war am Freitag ab 22:15/22:30 Uhr arbeiten bis 3:15/3:30 Uhr und war nicht am Handy also keine Zeit gehabt es zu spielen.
Ako bih dobio povraćaj novca, ne bih želeo da ga igram iz poštovanja jer samo želim da podignem svoj novac. Moj nalog je hakovan i danas sam morao da promenim lozinku.
Želeo bih da tim za snatchcasino jednostavno isplati novac direktno, tako da ne moram da brinem da će neko pristupiti mom nalogu i uraditi nešto sa njim. Užasnut sam, ipak je bilo skoro 10.500 evra ukupno...
If I were to receive a cashback, I wouldn't want to play it out of respect because I just want to withdraw my money. My account was hacked and I had to change my password today.
I would like the snatchcasino team to simply pay out the money directly so that I don't have to worry about someone accessing my account and doing something with it. I'm devastated, after all it was almost €10,500 in total...
Falls ich auch einen cashback erhalten sollte möchte ich diesen aus Respekt nicht spielen da ich einfach nur mein Geld zur Auszahlung möchte mein Account war gehackt ich musste mein password heute ändern.
ich würde gerne das dass snatchcasino team das Geld einfach direkt auszahlt das ich keine Angst haben muss das jemand direkt in mein Account gelangt und damit etwas tut. Ich bin am Boden zerstört immerhin waren es knapp 10.500€ insgesamt…
A ovde vidite da sam prestao da igram u 20:37 jer sam se spremao za posao koji je trebalo da počne u 22:15-22:30 i bio sam nedostupan do 3:30
Prijavio sam slučaj kao zatvoren jer sam mislio da će mi novac doći automatski, a onda mi je pristup odbijen. Morao sam da promenim lozinku i odjednom vidim sve na 0€...
Ako dobijem povraćaj novca, ne želim da igram iz poštovanja, već samo tražim svoj novac kao direktnu isplatu, tako da niko ne može ništa da uradi sa mojim nalogom jer niko nije imao pristup njemu...
And here you can see that I stopped playing at 8:37 p.m. because I was getting ready for work which was supposed to start at 10:15-10:30 p.m. and I was unreachable until 3:30 a.m.
I reported the case as closed because I thought the money would come to me automatically and then access was denied. I had to change the password and suddenly I see everything at 0€...
If I receive a cashback, I don't want to play out of respect, but only ask for my money as a direct payout so that no one can do anything with my account because no one actually had access to it...
Und hier sieht man das ich ab 20:37 Uhr nicht mehr gespielt habe weil ich mich fertig gemacht habe für die Arbeit die um 22:15-22:30 Uhr beginnen sollte und war bis 3:30 Uhr nachts nicht mehr zu erreichen.
ich habe denn Fall als abgeschlossen gemeldet da ich dachte das Geld wird automatisch zu mir kommen und dann war der Zugriff verweigert musste das Passwort ändern und Zack sehe ich alles auf 0€…
falls ich einen cashback erhalte möchte ich denn als Respekt nicht spielen sondern nur um mein Geld als direkte Auszahlung bitten das niemanden von meinem Account was machen kann denn keiner hatte eigentlich Zugriff darauf …
Obaveštavamo vas da je igraču izdata puna odšteta za predmetni slučaj. Nakon što je primio sredstva, igrač je pokušao da podigne €1500, u skladu sa našim ograničenjima za povlačenje. Nažalost, igrač nije čekao da se povlačenje obradi i odlučio je da ga otkaže, nakon čega je izgubio sva sredstva. Na zahtev možemo da pružimo detaljnu istoriju ovog procesa.
U vezi sa zatvaranjem naloga, na osnovu naše komunikacije sa igračem, administracija je donela odluku da zatvori nalog u skladu sa tačkom 14.5 naših uslova. Možete ih proveriti ovde:
Hvala vam na razumevanju i slobodno nam se obratite ako su vam potrebne dodatne informacije ili pojašnjenje o ovom pitanju.
S poštovanjem,
Snatch kazino predstavnik
Dear Peter,
I hope this message finds you well.
We would like to inform you that a full compensation has been issued to the player for the case in question. After receiving the funds, the player attempted to withdraw €1500, in line with our withdrawal limits. Unfortunately, the player did not wait for the withdrawal to process and decided to cancel it, subsequently losing all the funds. We can provide a detailed history of this process upon request.
Regarding the closure of the account, based on our communication with the player, the administration has made the decision to close the account in accordance with clause 14.5 of our terms and conditions. You can check them here:
Moj nalog može ostati blokiran, ali molim vas prebacite iznos na moj bankovni račun malo po malo jer sam uvek bio/jesam pošten igrač. Možete ostaviti moj nalog blokiran, ali molim vas automatski mi pošaljite 6.905 € bez preduzimanja bilo čega.
My account can remain blocked but please transfer the amount to my bank account bit by bit because I was/am always an honest player. You can leave my account blocked but please automatically send me the 6,905€ without doing anything.
Mein Account kann gesperrt bleiben aber bitte überweisen sie mir Stück für Stück selber denn Betrag auf mein Bankkonto weil ich immer ein ehrlicher Spieler war/bin sie können mein Account gesperrt lassen aber bitte senden sie automatisch mir die 6.905€ zu ohne etwas
Hvala vam na ažuriranju predstavnika Snatch kazina. Da li bi bilo moguće da mi pružite istoriju klađenja igrača i ako je moguće bilo kakve informacije za prijavu kao što su IP ili lokacija? Sve informacije možete proslediti na moju e-poštu. ( ) Hvala unapred na saradnji!
Thank you for the update Snatch Casino representative. Would it be possible to provide me with player's betting history and if possible any login information like IP or location? You can forward any information to my email. ( Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Poslao sam tražene informacije na vašu e-poštu. Ukoliko su vam potrebni dodatni detalji ili imate dodatnih pitanja, ne oklevajte da nam se obratite.
S poštovanjem,
Snatch kazino predstavnik
Dear Peter,
I hope this message finds you well.
I have sent the requested information to your email. Should you need any additional details or have further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Poštovani predstavnike Snatch kazina , nažalost nisam dobio nikakvu informaciju na svoju e-poštu. Da li bi bilo moguće ponovo poslati informacije na moju e-poštu? ( ) Hvala unapred na saradnji!
Dear Snatch Casino representative, unfortunately I have not received any information to my email. Would it be possible to resend the information to my email? ( Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Hvala vam što ste mi dali informacije predstavniku Snatch kazina .
Poštovani Bedo68 , kazino mi je dostavio traženi dokaz koji ne pokazuje neobične radnje. Sredstva su iskorišćena za igranje i smanjena su na nulu u normalnom igranju uveče, što se ne uklapa u vašu priču da se ovo dogodilo dok ste bili na poslu, kao što je ranije pomenuto u žalbi. Ako imate bilo koji drugi dokaz koji bi pomogao u istrazi, možemo ponovo da ga razmotrimo, međutim trenutno se čini da ste smanjili svoj novac na nulu, kao što je pomenuto u kazinu. Javite mi kako želite da postupite!
Thank you for providing me with the information Snatch Casino representative.
Dear Bedo68, the casino has provided me with the requested evidence which shows no actions out of the ordinary. The funds were used to play and were played down to zero in normal gameplay in the evening, which doesn't fit with your narrative that this happened while you were at work, as mentioned previously in the complaint. If you have any other evidence that would help in the investigation we can reconsider however currently it seems like you played your money down to zero as mentioned by the casino. Let me know how you would like to proceed!
Ne znam kako da pokažem dokaze. Tada sam još bio na poslu i nemam priliku da gledam u telefon dok sam na poslu, samo u pauzi, ali ta pauza traje sat vremena i nikad neću uspeti da izgubim sve.
Svi moji zaposleni i moj šef znaju da sam bio tamo. Sam nikada ne bih prokockao 10.500 evra jer bi taj iznos promenio sve i promenio moju životnu situaciju...
Hello Peter I hope you are well,
I don't know how I'm supposed to show the evidence. I was still at work at the time and I don't have a chance to look at my phone while I'm at work, only during my break, but that break lasts an hour and I'll never manage to lose everything.
All of my employees and my boss know that I was there. I would never gamble away €10,500 on my own because that amount would change everything and change my life situation...
Hallo Peter ich hoffe dir geht es gut,
ich weiß nicht wie ich die Beweise zeigen soll ich war zu dem Zeitpunkt dann noch arbeiten und während der Arbeit habe ich keine Chance aufs Handy zu schauen nur in der Pause aber diese Pause dauert 1 Stunde und da schaffe ich es niemals alles zu verspielen.
Alle meiner Mitarbeiter mein Chef wissen das ich da war. Ich würde niemals aus eigener Hand 10.500€ verspielen denn diese Summe würde alles verändern und die lebenssituation ändern…
Više bih voleo da moj nalog ostane blokiran i da snatchcasino sam prebacuje novac, pa mogu da vide da li uopšte pokušavam da igram bilo šta ako mi ne veruju
I would prefer that my account remains blocked and snatchcasino transfers the money on its own, then they can see whether I even try to play anything if they don't believe me
Mir wäre es lieber das mein Account gesperrt bleibt und snatchcasino das Geld von alleine überweist dann kann man sehen ob ich überhaupt was versuche zu spielen wenn man mir nicht glaubt
Da sam sve sam prokockao i bio tako glup, prokockao bih 168.000€ u mom drugom slučaju sa slootzom, ali je i tu napravljena greška i sada sedim sa svojim advokatom zbog drugog kazina.
tako da nikada ne bih prokockao vraćeni novac jer je 10.500€ mnogo za mene
If I had gambled away everything myself and was so stupid, I would have gambled away the €168,000 in my other case with slootz, but a mistake was made there too and now I'm sitting with my lawyer because of the other casino.
so I would never gamble away the refunded money because the 10,500€ is a lot for me
Würde ich alles selber verspielt haben und so blöd wäre hätte ich bei meinem anderen Fall mit slootz die 168.000€ auch verspielt aber da wurde auch ein Fehler begangen und jetzt sitzte ich mit meinem Anwalt wegen dem anderen Casino.
also ich würde niemals das zurück erstattene Geld verspielen weil die 10.500€ sehr viel für mich sind
Peter, šaljem ti e-mail sa fotografijom na kojoj se vidi moje ime i radila sam tog dana. Pitao sam kolegu da li može da mi pošalje plan. Proverite svoju e-poštu.
Peter, I am sending you an email with a photo showing my name and I was working that day. I asked a colleague if he could send me the plan. Please check your email.
Peter ich sende dir auch jetzt eine E-Mail mit einem Foto wo mein Name zu sehen ist das ich an dem Tag arbeiten war habe einen Arbeitskollegen gefragt ob er mir denn Plan senden kann bitte schau in deiner email nach
Poštovani Bedo68 , nakon pregleda vremena koje ste naveli, vremenski okvir kada su ova sredstva igrana je van vašeg radnog vremena. Žao mi je, ali ne mogu više pomoći u ovoj situaciji. Iz tog razloga, ova žalba će sada biti odbijena. Hvala vam na razumevanju, žao mi je što ovom prilikom nismo mogli više pomoći. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom
srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Bedo68, after reviewing the times you provided the timeframe when these funds were played is outside of your work hours. I am sorry but I can't be of more help in this situation. Due to that reason, this complaint will now be rejected. Thank you for your understanding, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future
Kind regards,
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