Kada uplata ne prođe, dobijam automatizovanu poruku e-pošte u kojoj piše ovo:
„Važno! Odeljenje za finansije je odbilo isplatu od 725 CAD.
Vaš zahtev je istekao. Ponovo pošaljite zahtev za povlačenje preko Interac-a. Neće biti problema, a plaćanje će biti prihvaćeno.
Izvinjavamo se zbog neprijatnosti. "
Nakon što su krenuli u ćaskanje uživo, stalno mi govore: „Molim vas da uzmete u obzir da naše KIC odeljenje radi od ponedeljka do petka od 09:00 do 18:00 GMT+3 vremenske zone i ponekad prihvatanje zahteva zaista zavisi od obima posla."
Dakle, problem je u tome što interac zahtevi za povlačenje imaju određeni tajmer pre nego što isteknu. SVA MOJA POVLAČANjA su tražena tokom radnog vremena finansijskog odeljenja, samo nisu dovoljno brza da ih obradi.
Još dva povlačenja su otkazana/istekla otkako sam otvorio ovu žalbu...
When a payment doesn't go through, I get an automated email saying this :
"Important! The Finance Department denied the withdrawal payment of 725 CAD.
Your request has expired. Please resubmit your withdrawal request through Interac. There will be no issues, and the payment will be accepted.
We apologize for the inconvenience. "
After going on livechat, they keep telling me : "Please take into consideration that our KYC Department is working from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 18:00 GMT+3 timezone and sometimes the acceptance of requests really depends on the workload."
So the issue is that interac withdraw requests have a certain timer before they expire. ALL OF MY WITHDRAWS have been requested during working hours of the financial department, they are just not fast enough to process them.
Two more withdraws have been canceled/expired since I opened this complaint...
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