Draga Marme,
Mogu da razumem da ste možda očekivali drugačiji ishod u ovom slučaju, i kao što sam više puta pomenuo, potpuno razumem vaše razočaranje tempom vaše isplate; međutim, izgleda da namerno previđate činjenicu da kazino ima ograničenje povlačenja od 500 EUR po transakciji, kao što je navedeno u njihovim Uslovima i odredbama, koje ste prihvatili kada ste kreirali svoj nalog. Iako bih takođe želeo da ovo ograničenje bude mnogo veće, i mogu da saosećam sa vama da bi kazino mogao brže da obradi sva vaša povlačenja, to je jasno pomenuto u njihovim uslovima i odredbama, a kazino tim je obrađivao vaša povlačenja onoliko brzo koliko su im trenutni resursi dozvoljavali.
Još jednom moram da istaknem da niste bili sami u tome; mnogi drugi klijenti su takođe čekali svoje isplate, od kojih su svi jednako željni da dobiju svoja sredstva brzo kao i vi.
Iako razumem da je situacija bila daleko od idealne, moram da istaknem da je proces bio u toku i da ste redovno primali uplate.
Štaviše, pošto ste odlučili da igrate dalje, a sredstva su prilično izgubljena tokom vašeg nastavka igre, u ovom trenutku ne možemo mnogo da uradimo. Strpljenje je od suštinskog značaja u ovim okolnostima, a kada sredstva nestanu, naše mogućnosti da ponudimo bilo kakvu dalju pomoć su u osnovi blizu nule. Iako svakako imate pravo na svoju perspektivu, ne možemo zatvoriti ovaj slučaj kao nerešen. Gubitak preostalih sredstava bio je direktan rezultat odluka donetih tokom vaše igre, a ti izbori su bili u potpunosti vaši.
S obzirom na ovu situaciju, sada ću nastaviti sa zatvaranjem vašeg slučaja. Iskreno žalimo što ne možemo da pružimo dalju pomoć.
Slobodno se ne slažete sa našom procenom i možete kontaktirati organ za licenciranje kazina ako smatrate da je kazino postupio nepropisno. Međutim, ne možemo dalje da pomognemo po ovom pitanju. Ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti, ne oklevajte da nam se obratite. Trudićemo se da pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Casino Guru
Dear Marme,
I can understand that you might have anticipated a different outcome in this case, and as I have mentioned multiple times, I completely understand your disappointment with the pace of your payout; however, you seem to intentionally overlook the fact that the casino has a withdrawal limit of 500 EUR per transaction, as outlined in their Terms and Conditions, which you accepted when you created your account. While I would also like to see this limit be much higher, and I can empathise with you that the casino could process all your withdrawals more quickly, it is clearly mentioned in their terms and conditions, and the casino team was processing your withdrawals as swiftly as their current resources permitted them.
I once again must point out that you were not alone in this; many other customers were also awaiting their payouts, all of whom are just as eager to receive their funds promptly as you.
While I understand that the situation was far from ideal, I must point out that the process was ongoing and you were receiving payments on a regular basis.
Moreover, since you decided to play further and the funds were fairly lost during your continued play, there isn’t much we can do at this point. Patience is essential in these circumstances, and once the funds are gone, our options to offer any further help are basically close to zero. While you are certainly entitled to your perspective, we cannot close this case as unresolved. The loss of the remaining funds was a direct result of decisions made during your gameplay, and those choices were entirely yours.
Given this situation, I will now proceed to close your case. We sincerely regret that we cannot provide further assistance.
You are welcome to disagree with our assessment and may contact the casino licensing authority if you feel the casino has acted improperly. However, we cannot assist further with this matter. If you encounter any issues with this or any other casino in the future, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We will try our best to help.
Best regards,
Casino Guru
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