Dragi tim,
Igram BlackJack u Speedybetu od aprila 2020. Veliki sam kockar. Moji dosadašnji depoziti iznose oko 600.000 €. Moja povlačenja iznose oko 530.000 €.
U junu 2020. godine postojao je postupak verifikacije. Morao sam predati izvode iz banke i sve ostale stvari (izvor prihoda). Dok se ovaj proces odvijao, Speedybet mi je blokirao račun i zadržao sve transakcije na čekanju, što je u redu i razumljivo.
Dao sam sve potrebne dokumente, moji računi su deblokirani i moja povlačenja su obrađena. Moji dobici variraju od 2.000 € do 11.500 € (najviši). Obrađuju se vrlo brzo (isti dan) normalno.
U oktobru 2020. dobio sam poruku da Speedybet mora ponovo izvršiti provjeru. Ovoga puta su to nazvali Souce of Wealth, što je opet u redu, jer znam da postoje određeni regulatorni zahtjevi.
Dao sam sve potrebne dokumente, ali ovaj put je vrijeme odziva bilo puno sporije. Dobio sam ažuriranja za nedelju dana, tražeći sve više i više dokumenata. Dao sam, a onda su nedelju dana kasnije zatražili još (pojašnjenje). To se dogodilo nekoliko puta.
Napokon su zatražili neke završne dokumente za pojašnjenje nekih transakcija na mom računu. To se odnosilo na kredite koje dajem nekim prijateljima. Ja sam profesionalni kockar. Zarađujem veliki novac, trošim velik novac i tako tu i tamo pomažem nekim prijateljima dajući im neke kredite.
Speedybet je želio pojašnjenje u vezi s tim zajmovima. Rekao sam im da sam pružatelj usluga. Ne posuđujem novac kao što vidite u mojim bankovnim izvodima. To nije bilo dovoljno, željeli su vidjeti potpisane ugovore o zajmu, koji nisu postojali. Ovi zajmovi su bili na usmenoj osnovi. Vjerujem tim ljudima jer su mi prijatelji. Takođe su otplate bile vidljive na mojim bankovnim izvodima.
Speedybet mi je rekao da neće procesuirati moj slučaj ako ne podnesem potpisane ugovore o zajmu i zatražili su da ih sada stvorim sa strankama.
Još jednom u redu, kontaktirao sam svoje prijatelje, objasnio situaciju i zamolio ih da potpišu ugovore o zajmu s punim rokovima otplate i poslao ih u Speedybet.
Speedybet je zatražio više informacija u vezi sa strankama koje šalju dokumente, kopije njihovih ličnih dokumenata ili pasoša, koje sam takođe pružio (nisam siguran mogu li to učiniti u vezi sa privatnošću, ali radi kompletnosti koju sam priložio).
Sada se ovaj posljednji korak dogodio prije 10 dana, 24. novembra. Obično mi daju ažuriranja svakih 5 dana ili najviše 7 dana, ali sada ne čujem ništa. Posljednji je korak i morali su samo provjeriti 2 jednostavna ugovora o zajmu.
Stalno im se obraćam putem chata ili e-maila, ali oni mi stalno govore da mi ne mogu dati novosti i da je slučaj još uvijek u nadležnom odjelu. Ne dobivam više informacija od ovoga.
Imam 2 povlačenja na čekanju, jedno od 3.500 € i jedno od 10.125 €.
Nisam siguran da li to rade zbog iznosa. U prošlosti sam imao veća povlačenja od ovog (10.000 € +). I nije baš tako da dobivam više nego što trošim. Mogu razumjeti da žele provjeriti izvor mog bogatstva. Ali sve sam pružio, a oni i dalje nastavljaju da odugovlače i odgađaju.
Nije prihvatljivo da ovaj postupak traje duže od mjesec dana. I da im treba 10 dana da daju bilo kakav suštinski odgovor.
Stvarno sam frustriran, jer oni stalno odgađaju i odgađaju i ne daju mi nikakav odgovor. Jedino što stalno ponavljaju je "budite strpljivi, uskoro ćete dobiti ažuriranje, kontaktirat će vas poštom, žao nam je što ovo ne možemo ubrzati".
Nadam se da možete nešto učiniti s ovim, jer ovo predugo traje.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Dear team,
I am playing BlackJack at Speedybet since April 2020. I am a big gambler. My deposits so far are about € 600.000. My withdrawals are about € 530.000.
In June 2020, there was a verification process. I had to submit my bank statements and all other belongings (source of income). While this process was happening, Speedybet blocked my account and withheld all pending transaction, which is fine and understandable.
I provided all required documents and my accounts was unblocked and my withdrawals were processed. My winnings vary from € 2.000 to € 11.500 (highest). These are processed very quickly (same day) normally.
In October 2020, I got the message that Speedybet has to do a verification again. This time they called it a Souce of Wealth verification, which is fine again, since I know there are certain regulatory requirements.
I provided all the required documents, but this time there responding time was much slower. I received updates in a week, asking for more and more documents. I provided and then a week later they requested more (clarification). This happened a few times.
Finally they asked for some final documents to clarify some transactions in my account. These were regarding loans I provide to some friends. I am a professional gambler. I make big money, I spend big money and so now and then I help some friends out with giving them some loans.
Speedybet wanted clarification regarding these loans. I told them I am the provider. I am not borrowing money as you can see in my bank statements. This was not sufficient, they wanted to see signed loan agreements, which did not exist. These loans were on a verbal basis. I trust these people because they are my friends. Also repayments were visible in my bank statements.
Speedybet told me that they will not process my case if I do not submit signed loan agreements and they asked me to create them now with the parties.
Fine once again, I contacted my friends, explained the situation and asked them to sign the loan agreements with full repayment schedules and sent them to Speedybet.
Speedybet asked for more information regarding the parties who send the documents, copy of their ID's or Passports, which I also provided (not sure if they can do this regarding Privacy, but in the sake of completeness I submitted).
Now this last step happend 10 days ago, 24th November. Normally they give me an update every 5 days or maximum 7 days, but now I am not hearing anything. It is the final step and they just had to check 2 simple loan agreements.
I keep contacting them by chat or e-mail, but they keep telling me that they cannot give me an update and that the case is still with the relevant department. I am not getting more information than this.
I have 2 withdrawals pending, one of € 3.500 and one of € 10.125.
I am not sure if they are doing this because of the amount. I have had bigger withdrawals than this in the past (€ 10.000+). And it is not like that I am winning more than I am spending. I can understand that they want to check the source of my wealth. But I have provided everything and they still keep stalling and delaying.
It not acceptable that this process should take over a month. And that they are taking 10 days to give any substantive answer.
I am really getting frustrated, because they keep delaying and delaying and not giving me any answer. The only thing they keep saying is "be patient, you will get an update soon, you will be contacted by mail, sorry we cannot speed this up".
I hope you can do something about this, because this is taking way too long.
Kind regards,
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