Igrač iz Nemačke se žalio na dugotrajan i komplikovan proces verifikacije. Nekoliko dana nakon što smo kontaktirali kazino, igrač je potvrdio uspešan povraćaj svog depozita, koji je bio veći od spornog iznosa žalbe. Stoga žalbu smatramo rešenom.
The player from Germany was complaining about the lengthy and complicated verification process. A few days after we contacted the casino, the player confirmed a successful refund of his deposit, which was higher than the disputed amount of the complaint. Therefore, we consider the complaint resolved.
Igrač iz Nemačke se žalio na dugotrajan i komplikovan proces verifikacije. Nekoliko dana nakon što smo kontaktirali kazino, igrač je potvrdio uspešan povraćaj svog depozita, koji je bio veći od spornog iznosa žalbe. Stoga žalbu smatramo rešenom.
Spin Fever Casino se apsolutno ne preporučuje.
Napravio sam depozit od ~€75, igrao nekoliko slotova i uložio svoj depozit više od 3 puta. Dakle, sada imam stanje od ~€69 koje sam želeo da isplatim. Znao sam da će prvi zahtev za povlačenje biti odbijen jer sam morao da prođem kroz KIC proces, sa kojim nemam apsolutno nikakav problem.
Tako da sam postavio sve potrebne dokumente na sajt, od kojih su neki prihvaćeni, na primer, dokaz o depozitu je klasifikovan kao „nije potreban".
Nakon što su moja dokumenta prihvaćena, podneo sam drugi zahtev za povlačenje. Ovo je takođe odbijeno: fotografija moje lične karte treba da bude snimljena na drugoj pozadini. Ja sam to uradio.
Zahtev za povlačenje broj tri: odbijen. Potreban je još jedan selfi na kojem držim ličnu kartu u ruci. Je urađeno.
Zahtev za povlačenje broj četiri: odbijen. Moja ruka, rame i lakat moraju biti vidljivi na selfiju. Je urađeno.
Zahtev za povlačenje broj pet: odbijen. Žele da napravim još jedan selfi sa sobom, ličnom kartom i komadom papira na kome piše „Zdravo Spinfever kazino + današnji datum". I ovo je rešeno.
Zahtev za povlačenje broj šest: odbijen. Rečeno mi je da napravim još jedan selfi sebe, svoju ličnu kartu i parče papira na kojem piše „Zdravo Spinfever kazino + današnji datum", sve ispred moje kuće. Pored toga, treba da bude prepoznatljiv kućni broj koji sam dao u svom profilu. Ovo još nisam uradio jer sam ljut.
Ovo je čisto odugovlačenje i maltretiranje kupca, prosto smešno.
Spin Fever Casino is absolutely not recommended.
I made a deposit of ~€75, played some slots with it and wagered my deposit more than 3 times. So now I have a balance of ~€69 which I wanted to pay out. I knew the first withdrawal request would be rejected because I had to go through the KYC process, which I have absolutely no problem with.
So I uploaded all the required documents to the site, some of which were accepted, for example the proof of deposit was classified as "not required".
After my documents were accepted, I made the second withdrawal request. This was also rejected: the photo of my identity card should be taken on a different background. I did this.
Withdrawal request number three: Declined. Another selfie is required in which I hold my ID card in my hand. Has been done.
Withdrawal request number four: Declined. My hand, shoulder and elbow must be visible on the selfie. Has been done.
Withdrawal request number five: Declined. They want me to take another selfie with myself, my ID and a piece of paper that says "Hello Spinfever Casino + today's date". This too has been settled.
Withdrawal request number six: Declined. I'm told to take another selfie of myself, my ID, and a piece of paper that says "Hello Spinfever Casino + today's date," all in front of my house. In addition, the house number should be recognizable which I have given in my profile. I haven't done this yet because I'm pissed off.
This is pure stalling and bullying the customer, just ridiculous.
Das Spin Fever Casino ist absolut nicht zu empfehlen.
Ich tätigte eine Einzahlung über ~75€, damit spielte ich einige Slots und setzte meine Einzahlung mehr als 3 mal um. Ich bin nun also bei einem Guthaben von ~69€ die ich auszahlen wollte. Ich wusste die erste Auszahlungsanfrage würde abgelehnt weil ich den KYC Prozess durchlaufen musste, womit ich absolut kein Problem habe.
Ich habe auf der Seite also alle erforderlichen Dokumente hochgeladen wovon einige akzeptiert wurden, der Einzahlungsnachweis wurde beispielsweise als "nicht erforderlich" eingestuft.
Nachdem meine Dokumente akzeptiert waren, stellte ich die zweite Auszahlungsanfrage. Auch diese wurde abgelehnt: Das Foto meines Personalausweises solle doch auf einem anderen Hintergrund gemacht werden. Dies habe ich gemacht.
Auszahlungsanfrage Nummer drei: Abgelehnt. Es wird ein weiteres Selfie benötigt bei dem ich meinen Personalausweis in der Hand halte. Wurde erledigt.
Auszahlungsanfrage Nummer vier: Abgelehnt. Auf dem Selfie muss meine Hand, Schulter sowie Ellenbogen sichtbar sein. Wurde erledigt.
Auszahlungsanfrage Nummer fünf: Abgelehnt. Ich soll ein weiteres Selfie machen worauf ich selbst, mein Personalausweis sowie ein Stück Papier mit der Aufschrift "Hello Spinfever Casino + heutiges Datum" zu sehen ist. Auch dies wurde erledigt.
Auszahlungsanfrage Nummer sechs: Abgelehnt. Ich soll ein weiteres Selfie machen worauf ich selbst, mein Personalausweis sowie ein Stück Papier mit der Aufschrift "Hello Spinfever Casino + heutiges Datum" zu sehen ist, das ganze vor meinem Haus. Zuzüglich soll die Hausnummer erkennbar sein welche ich in meinem Profil angegeben habe. Dies habe ich nun noch nicht gemacht weil ich stink sauer bin.
Dies ist reines hinhalten und schikanieren des Kunden, einfach lächerlich.
Dragi marceljasper91,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem.
Imajte na umu da je KIC veoma važan i suštinski proces, tokom kojeg kazino osigurava da se novac pošalje pravom vlasniku. Kako nemaju luksuz da fizički vide sve igrače i provere njihove identifikacione i dokumente, to je jedini način na koji kockarske ustanove mogu da završe procedure verifikacije. Nijedan od ozbiljnih i licenciranih kazina ne shvata KIC olako i može potrajati nekoliko radnih dana da se ovaj detaljan proces završi.
Možete li da nam kažete da li ste akumulirali svoje dobitke sa ili bez aktivnog bonusa? Da li ste ranije dobijali dobitke od ovog kazina?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear marceljasper91,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of being able to physically see all of the players and check their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments are able to complete the verification procedures. None of the serious and licensed casinos takes KYC lightly and it might take a few working days to complete this thorough process.
Could you please advise if you accumulated your winnings with or without an active bonus? Have you received any winnings from this casino in the past?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Zdravo Petronela i hvala na odgovoru,
Nikada ranije nisam igrao u ovom kazinu niti sam tražio bonuse na depozit.
Takođe u potpunosti razumem KIC proces, ovo nije tačka spora koja me nervira. Međutim, kazino je već dobio svu neophodnu dokumentaciju kako bi se uverio da su lični podaci tačni i da sam ja zakonski vlasnik. Ovo ne uključuje samo (nekoliko) selfija, već i dokumente kao što su dokaz o uplati i faktura za moju internet vezu.
Po mom mišljenju, kazino ovde samo pokušava da kupi vreme dok mušterija ne odustane. U ovom slučaju, u skladu sa uslovima usluge ovog kazina, mesečna naknada bi se skidala sa računa igrača.
Kazino je već dobio 3 selfija u raznim dezenima, sada bi trebalo da sledi još jedan gde stojim ispred svoje kuće kako bi kazino mogao da vidi moj kućni broj koji sam sačuvao u profilu? Adresa se već nalazi na nekoliko dokumenata koje je kazino dobio na verifikaciju, a moj kućni broj je tu nebrojeno puta u gradu, tako da može biti i bilo koji drugi kućni broj koji fotografišem tamo u pozadini - po mom mišljenju, to apsolutno ima nema veze sa tim da uradi "KIC" proceduru.
Hello Petronela and thanks for the reply,
I have never played at this casino before nor have I claimed any deposit bonuses.
I also fully understand the KYC process, this is not the point of contention that annoys me. However, the casino has already received all the necessary documentation to ensure that the personal information provided is correct and that I am the legal owner. This not only includes (several) selfies, but also documents such as proof of payment and an invoice for my internet connection.
In my opinion, the casino here is just trying to buy time until the customer gives up. In this case, according to the terms of service of this casino, a monthly fee would be deducted from the player's account.
The casino has already received 3 selfies in various designs, now another one should follow where I am standing in front of my house so that the casino can see my house number which I have stored in the profile? The address is already on several documents that the casino has received for verification, and my house number is there countless times in town, so it could also be any other house number that I photograph there in the background - in my opinion, that has absolutely nothing to do with it to do a "KYC" procedure.
Hallo Petronela und vielen Dank für die Antwort,
ich habe vorher noch nie in diesem Casino gespielt, und ich habe auch keinerlei Einzahlungsboni in Anspruch genommen.
Ich habe auch vollstes Verständnis für das KYC Verfahren, dies ist gar nicht der Streitpunkt der mich ärgert. Allerdings hat das Casino bereits alle erforderlichen Unterlagen erhalten um sicherzustellen dass die gemachten persönlichen Angaben stimmen und dass ich der rechtmäßige Eigentümer bin. Hierunter zählen ja nicht nur (mehrere) selfies, sondern auch auch Unterlagen wie beispielsweise ein Einzahlungsnachweis sowie eine Rechnung über meinen Internetanschluss.
Meiner Meinung nach versucht das Casino hier nur Zeit zu schinden bis der Kunde aufgibt. In diesem Fall würde nämlich nach den Terms of Service von diesem Casino eine monatliche Gebühr vom Guthabenkonto des Spielers abgezogen.
Das Casino hat bereits 3 selfies bekommen in verschiedensten Ausführungen, nun soll ein weiteres folgen wo ich vor meinem Haus stehe damit das Casino meine Hausnummer sieht welche ich im Profil hinterlegt habe ? Die Adresse steht bereits auf mehreren Dokumenten welche das Casino zur Verifikation erhalten hat, darüber hinaus gibt es meine Hausnummer unzählige male im Ort, es könnte somit auch jede andere Hausnummer sein die ich dort im Hintergrund fotographiere - das hat meiner Meinung nach absolut nichts mehr mit einem "KYC" Verfahren zu tun.
Hvala vam puno, marceljasper91, što ste dali sve potrebne informacije. Vašu žalbu ću sada preneti kolegi Branislavu ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, marceljasper91, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Branislav (branislav.b@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Dodatak: Jutros sam postavio selfi na zahtev. Sve što vidite na njemu sam ja, moja ruka, lakat i rame, moja lična karta, poruka na kojoj piše "Zdravo Spinfever + današnji datum" - sve ispred moje kuće, u pozadini se vidi kućni broj.
Kada sam pitao, pisalo je da „menadžer" mora da potvrdi selfi i da ponovo pitam kasnije. Tako da sam oko 2 sata kasnije pitao za status potvrde. Zamolili su me da sačekam još malo jer "menadžer" još nije mogao da potvrdi selfi.
Zatim sam uradio neke privatne stvari i hteo ponovo da pitam o statusu potvrde, što nije funkcionisalo jer je moj nalog u Spinfever kazinu bio zabranjen. Pitao sam kazino podršku i oni su samo rekli "Trenutno je vaš nalog zatvoren odlukom administracije. Naš tim će vas uskoro kontaktirati putem e-pošte, ljubazno vas zamoliti da sačekate, molim vas."
Addendum: This morning I uploaded the selfie as requested. All you can see on it is myself, my arm, elbow and shoulder, my ID card, a note that says "Hello Spinfever + today's date" - all in front of my house, the house number can be seen in the background.
When I asked, it said that the "manager" had to confirm the selfie and that I should ask again later. So about 2 hours later I asked about the status of the confirmation. I was asked to wait a little longer as the "manager" couldn't confirm the selfie yet.
I then did some private things and wanted to ask again about the status of the confirmation, which didn't work because my account at Spinfever Casino was banned. I asked the casino support and they just said "Currently your account has been closed by Administration's decision. Our team will contact you soon via email, kindly ask you to wait for it, please."
Nachtrag: Heute Morgen habe ich das Selfie wie gefordert hochgeladen. Darauf zu sehen bin nur ich selbst, mein Arm, Ellenbogen sowie Schulter, mein Personalausweis, ein Zettel auf dem steht "Hallo Spinfever + heutiges Datum" - das ganze vor meinem Haus, die Hausnummer ist im Hintergrund zu erkennen.
Auf Nachfrage meinerseits hieß es dass der "Manager" das Selfie bestätigen muss, ich solle später erneut nachfragen. Rund 2 Stunden später fragte ich also nach dem Status der Bestätigung. Ich wurde darum gebeten noch ein wenig länger zu warten da der "Manager" das Selfie noch nicht bestätigen konnte.
Ich erledigte dann einige private Dinge und wollte nun erneut nach dem Status der Bestätigung fragen, was jedoch nicht ging da mein Account bei dem Spinfever Casino gebannt wurde. Ich fragte beim Casino Support nach, dort hieß es nur "Currently your account has been closed per Administrations's decision. Our Team will contact you soon via email, kindly ask you to wait for it, please."
Zdravo, marceljasper91,
Žao mi je što čujem za vaše neprijatno iskustvo i izvinjavam se zbog kašnjenja. Kontaktiraću kazino i potrudiću se da rešim problem što je pre moguće. Još samo jedna napomena o vašim prethodnim tvrdnjama o fotografiji snimljenoj ispred vaše kuće – ako je i vaša kuća (na primer) u Google mapama, kazino je lako da je uporedi sa priloženom fotografijom, tako da fotografija ne može biti snimljen ispred nasumične kuće.
Sada bih želeo da pozovem predstavnika Spin Fever kazina da se pridruži ovom razgovoru i učestvuje u rešavanju ove žalbe.
Dragi timu kazina Spin Fever,
Možete li nam dati detaljnije objašnjenje situacije igrača? Zašto je nalog zabranjen? Da li mu je neka od dobitaka zaplenjena? Koje korake igrač treba da preduzme da deblokira nalog i povuče? Ako govorimo o kršenju Uslova i odredbi kazina, da li je kazino u stanju da potkrepi svoju odluku relevantnim dokazima?
Podatke je moguće podeliti direktno ovde, uz vaš odgovor, ili slanjem na moju e-mail adresu ( branislav.b@casino.guru ).
Hvala vam unapred na pružanju informacija.
Hello, marceljasper91,
I am sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience, and I apologize for the delay. I will contact the casino and try my best to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Just one more note about your previous claims about the photo taken in front of your house - if your house is also (for example) in Google Maps, it is easy for the casino to compare it with the photo provided, so the photo cannot be taken in front of a random house.
Now I would like to invite Spin Fever Casino's representative to join this conversation and participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dear Spin Fever Casino Team,
Could you please provide us with an explanation of the player's situation in more detail? Why has the account been banned? Have any of his winnings been confiscated? What steps should the player take to unblock the account and withdraw? If we are talking about a breach of the casino's Terms and Conditions, is the casino able to substantiate its decision with relevant evidence?
It is possible to share the data directly here, with your reply, or by sending them to my email address (branislav.b@casino.guru).
Thank you in advance for providing the information.
Zdravo Branislave,
Hvala vam puno na informacijama o Gugl mapama i kućnom broju, ovo mi je ranije bilo nepoznato u ovom obliku - ali ima savršenog smisla.
Postoji ažuriranje statusa od SpinFevera, čak i ako ovo još nije rešenje: sada sam dobio e-poštu koju sam trebao da dobijem od tima. Razlog za blokiranje naloga nije pomenut u ovoj e-poruci, ali mi je napisano da treba da mi se vrati depozit. Ovo bi zahtevalo kripto valutu i ID novčanika. Ovu informaciju sam odmah poslao podršci, od tada više nema reakcije. Prošlo je 5 dana.
Hello Branislav,
Thank you very much for the information about Google Maps and the house number, this was previously unknown to me in this form - but it makes perfect sense.
There is a status update from SpinFever, even if this is not the solution yet: I have now received the email I was supposed to receive from the team. The reason for the account blocking was not mentioned in this email, but it was written to me that I should have my deposit refunded. This would require the crypto currency and a wallet ID. I sent this information to the support immediately, since then there has been no further reaction. It's been 5 days now.
Hallo Branislav,
vielen Dank für den Hinweis bezüglich Google Maps und der Hausnummer, dies war mir bislang in der Form unbekannt - macht jedoch durchaus Sinn.
Ein Status Update seitens SpinFever gibt es, auch wenn dies noch nicht die Lösung ist: Die Email die ich vom Team erhalten sollte habe ich inzwischen erhalten. In dieser Email wurde zwar nicht der Grund für die Kontosperrung genannt, aber es wurde mir geschrieben dass ich meinen deposit erstattet bekommen soll. Hierfür würde die Crypto Währung sowie eine Wallet-ID benötigt. Diese Informationen habe ich dem Support unverzüglich zukommen lassen, seitdem gab es keine Reaktion mehr. Das ist nun 5 Tage her.
Hvala na ispravci. Međutim, bilo bi teško pretpostaviti u čemu je problem. Dakle, sačekajmo odgovor kazina. Iskreno se nadam da će nas neko kontaktirati i dati nam objašnjenje.
Thank you for the update. However, it would be difficult to guess what is the problem. So, let's wait for the casino's response. I sincerely hope someone will contact us and provide us with an explanation.
Ažuriranje 2: Upravo sam dobio obaveštenje iz svog novčanika da je povraćaj sredstava od SpinFevera stigao. Dakle, SpinFever je barem održao svoju reč u vezi sa povraćajem depozita.
Možda će se neko ipak javiti zašto je moj nalog zatvoren.
Update 2: I just got a notification from my wallet that the refund from SpinFever has arrived. So SpinFever has at least kept its word regarding the refund of the deposit.
Maybe someone will still come up with a statement as to why my account was closed.
Update 2: Ich habe soeben eine Benachrichtigung meiner Wallet bekommen dass der refund von SpinFever eingegangen ist. Somit hat SpinFever zumindest sein Wort bezüglich der Erstattung des deposits gehalten.
Vielleicht meldet sich ja dennoch jemand zur Stellungnahme weshalb mein Account geschlossen wurde.
Dragi marceljasper91,
Bio sam u kontaktu sa predstavnikom kazina i dobio sam iste informacije o povraćaju vašeg depozita.
Možete li potvrditi da govorimo o depozitu od 75 € i da su ova sredstva uplaćena u vaš novčanik?
Nažalost, nisam dobio nikakve dodatne detalje u vezi sa zatvaranjem računa. Međutim, kazina imaju pravo da zatvore račune igrača u bilo kom trenutku, a mi to prihvatamo ako im uplate preostali iznos.
U ovom slučaju, ako je sporni iznos 69 €, a vi ste već primili svojih 75 €, na žalost, sve bi trebalo da bude u redu i bojim se da tu više ništa ne možemo da uradimo.
Da li ste u međuvremenu dobili neko objašnjenje od kazina? Mogu li smatrati da je problem rešen?
Dear marceljasper91,
I was in contact with the casino representative and received the same information about your deposit refund.
Can you please confirm we are talking about the deposit of €75, and that these funds were credited to your wallet?
Unfortunately, I have not received any further details regarding the account closure. However, casinos have the right to close players' accounts at any time, and we accept it if they pay the remaining balance to them.
In this case, if the disputed amount is €69 and you already received your €75, unfortunately, everything should be alright, and I am afraid there is nothing more we can do about it.
Did you receive any explanation from the casino in the meantime? Can I please consider the issue resolved?
Nažalost, nisam dobio nikakvo objašnjenje od kazina. Ali mogu potvrditi da mi je vraćen depozit od 75 €.
U ovom trenutku, puno hvala na podršci i pomoći!
Unfortunately, I have not received any explanation from the casino. But I can confirm that I got refunded the deposit of 75€.
At this point, many thanks for the support and help!
Ich habe leider keinerlei Erklärung von dem Casino erhalten. Aber ich kann bestätigen dass ich die Einzahlung über 75 € erstattet bekommen habe.
An dieser Stelle vielen Dank für die Unterstützung sowie die Hilfe !
U redu, marceljasper91. Hvala vam na potvrdi i korišćenju centra za rešavanje žalbi Casino Guru. Veoma mi je drago što ste dobili svoja sredstva, to je bilo najvažnije. Pošto je glavni problem uspešno rešen, sada ću vašu žalbu označiti kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu. Iako se iskreno nadam da se to neće dogoditi, ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate u budućnosti ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Hvala i predstavniku kazina na njegovoj pomoći i saradnji van ove teme.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Branislav, Casino.guru
Alright, marceljasper91. Thank you for confirmation and for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution centre. I am very glad you have received your funds, that was the most important thing. As the main issue has been successfully resolved, I will now mark your complaint as 'resolved' in our system. Although I sincerely hope it will not happen, please do not hesitate to contact us in the future if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.
Thanks also to the casino representative for his help and cooperation outside of this thread.
Best regards,
Branislav, Casino.guru
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
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