Zdravo Sniktaw75,
Upravo sam pregledao vaš slučaj i u potpunosti razumijem vašu zabrinutost zbog otkazanih povlačenja. Možete li navesti da li je vaš račun već u potpunosti verificiran?
Kontaktirat ću kazino i vidjet ćemo šta se može učiniti da vam pomognem u rješavanju vašeg problema.
Dragi Spin247 kazino, pozivam vas da se pridružite ovom razgovoru i učestvujete u rješavanju žalbe igrača. Možete li navesti bilo kakav konkretan razlog zašto je igrač imao problema s podizanjem svojih dobitaka? Možete li interno provjeriti da li ste primili sve potrebne dokumente za verifikaciju identiteta ili su neki nedostajali?
Nadam se da ćemo se uskoro čuti.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Hi Sniktaw75,
I've just reviewed your case and fully understand your concerns about the canceled withdrawals. Can you please specify if your account has already been fully verified?
I will contact the casino and we'll see what can be done to help you with your issue.
Dear Spin247 Casino, I'd like to invite you to join this conversation and participate in the resolution of the player's complaint. Could you please provide any specific reason for why the player has been experiencing problems with the withdrawals of his winnings? Could you please check internally if you have received all the required documents for the identity verification or if there've been any missing ones?
I hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
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